SV (50k+ posts) بابائے فورم Aug 10, 2013 #1 [TUNEDOTPK]315531[/TUNEDOTPK] Featured Thumbs https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/526305_209458349213351_815051455_n.jpg
Phantu MPA (400+ posts) Aug 10, 2013 #2 Absar, Talat, Safi, which idiot has time to listen these CHAWALs on Eid day?
O ochoudhry Citizen Aug 10, 2013 #3 Why waste our time listening to these so called intellectuals?! Can't stand any one of them..
P pakistanstube Minister (2k+ posts) Aug 10, 2013 #4 Good Program Mine best is Talet : and worst are Mubashar Lookman and Hasan Nisar both are very negative all the time. They lie without any fear of respect, may be they dont have one.
Good Program Mine best is Talet : and worst are Mubashar Lookman and Hasan Nisar both are very negative all the time. They lie without any fear of respect, may be they dont have one.
A anwarali35 Voter (50+ posts) Aug 10, 2013 #6 You are pathetic Talat Hussain grow up why did you call Shk BRasheed bonga, go and look in the mirror Talat. C u n t :angry_smile:
You are pathetic Talat Hussain grow up why did you call Shk BRasheed bonga, go and look in the mirror Talat. C u n t :angry_smile: