Dr. Ishrat-ul-Ebad leaves for London - Ishrat ul ebad Run Away to his Zoinist Masters


MPA (400+ posts)

Seems that he has really resigned and now har run away as he has to face criminal cases now and has no immunity any more.HE HAD LANDED HERE WHEN HE WAS NOMINATED AS GOVERNOR.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
I object , i strongly condemn the words such as Zionists, Dog , Criminal , Qatil bieng used in this thread..If there is someone like Admin or Moderator controlling this forum , i would like to draw your attention to the issue..if the concern authorities continue neglecting the silliness of the UNETHICAL USERS , it would give an impression as if Siasat.pk is inclined towards the other political groups...i suggest the Admin to take notice in order to maintain the healthy enviornment..!!!


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Best Governor in the history of Pakistan. We will never forget your services for Sindh and Karachi- You are rocks ! God bless you - MQM Zindabad.

Fido82, you should ask from the family of those whose murder cases are registered against this criminal.

Great man isn't he? His wife for a year did not know that he became a Governor and kept collecting 2000+ a month in Income Support and Housing Benefits from hard earned tax I and other citizens of the UK paid in the system.

As soon as his lucrative job is gone, he has run back to London to collect more Income Support and Housing Benefits from UK tax payers. Those in the UK should all take upon ourselves to inform and protest to the Government of the UK for awarding him benefits again if he applies. He is loaded with illegally obtained money, billions of rupees.

Few months ago, I spoke to some one and I was informed of his "bhatta" collection. First hand knowledge from a man who is working in some lucrative position (meaning bribery filled position) in a government department. He said he delivers half of his Haram income every month straight to the Governor House. That amount was in 100K plus.

This is just one man, imagine how many were paying to him and MQM. MQM is a rotten party of killers and criminals, he is no different.


Senator (1k+ posts)
متحدہ پر قائم مقدمے اتنے ہے مضبوط ہیں جتنے آفاق احمد,عامر خان پر تھے. جھوٹے مقدموں کا رونا رونے والون ، تمہارے ہے لگا ے ہوۓ الزامات کے تحت سینکڑوں مہاجروں کا قاتل (عامر خان) آج کس بنیاد پر معاف ہوا؟
ارے بھائی خدا کے لئے بھر نکلو اور اپنے ان مضبوط مقدمات کی پیروی کرو تاکے یہ قصّہ ختم ہو ان مقدمات کی مضبوطی کا دعوا تو کرتے ہو پر پیروی نہیں کرتے اب کس کا ڈر ہی عدلیہ آزاد ہی. عدلیہ کا سربراہ آپ کی مرضی کا ہے. نکلو بھر اور لگاؤ شوکت خانم کا چندے کا پیسہ متہدا کے خلاف مقدمات لڑنے پر. عامر خان کی جہاں تک بات ہے اللہ کے فرمان کا مفہوم ہے کے معاف کرنے والا تم میں سب سے افضل ہے اور عامرخان کو ان شہدا کے لواحقین نے معاف کیا ہے جنکے مقدمات میں عامر خان کا نام تھا اب اگر آپ سمجھتے ہو کے یہ ٹھیک نہیں ہے تو پھر بات وہیں آ جاتی ہے لواحقین کے معاف کر دینے کے بعد آپ پیروی کر لو مقدمات کی آپ کی تو جماعت کا نام ہی تحریک انصاف ہے. آپ کی اور آپکی جماعت کا مقصد بھی انصاف دینا ہے تو میرے بھائی شروع کرو کیا انتظار کر رہے ہو.
اب یہ نہ کہنا کے حکومت میں آ کر یہ کام کریں گے. وہ شیخ چلی کا خواب ہے کبھی پورا نہیں ہو گا



New Member
Re: Ishrat ul ebad Run Away to his Zoinist Masters

Dr ishratul ebad - was the best governor pakistan ever had or ever could have. Ishrat ul ebad did not run away but is in dubai currently and will go to london to hold meetings in london whether he remains governor or nor (as resigantion is not yet accepted), to ensure the peaceful environment HE created recently by talking to all ethnic groups in karachi, is maintained. Maybe this is the reason why a national critical newspaper 'qaumi akhbar' says salam ishrat ul ebad after he recieves the 22 civilian hostages he got released recently. This is the reason why a critical mufti called Mufti naeem and mufti munib all are requesting him to come back publicly (if you have been following the story after making false allegations to search for the truth you would know). This is why the busines communty in karachi is sobbing for his return. This is why the news channels and famous anchors like najam sethi regret the governor leaving. This is why david miliban former british foreign minister labelled ishrat a 'firefighter' for his role in maintaing peace. So please get your facts straight. I think he deserves rest for the next couple of months for his 9 years efforts and tremendous hard work.


New Member
I am absolutely saddened for the ridiculous comments some people have published. I have no political affliation at all and for your information I have visited Karachi many times. Initially I live in faisal town of Lahore but having visited Karachi, I was astonished by the developments that have been happening there. Just to let you know, all the credits go to this one person all of you have been blabbering about, 'dr ishrat ul ebad khan'. Over the 9 years, this man have worked day and night and have sacrificed his peace, so that he could spread harmony just for the the awam. I generally respect this man for his personality, ideology and capability. I have learnt, this man did not returned back to london but is still in Dubai, so all of you who are talking nonsense need to get your facts rectified. It is ashamable. You all should respect this man and I should mention that only person who has the personality to become the President of Pakistan is him. Please guys, I appeal to you not to talk dirty language and control your tongue, remember Allah is watching and its not any of us who will give the answers to Allah, but it is you, and get your facts right and speak later. Think before you talk. I have written this long message because I feel it was my farz, it is my nature to rectify things that are not true, especially for people like ishrat ul ebad khan. Indeed, with my heart I say, Jiye Ishrat Ul Ebad.


New Member
When was the last time you came to Pakistan, as you live in the UK. If you had been here in Pakistan and visited Karachi, you would see the reality of how this governor has changed the city and conveyed a sense of peace and harmony.

As you talk about the Income Support and Housing Benefits, what I see as this scandal was nullified. The government of UK had indeed apologised for the false allegation so do please get your facts right.

And can I know who that someone was, I strongly believe it might have been someone of your relative. Did you not see the Somali Case, if he was one of those person, he would never had any interest in getting those people bac. Due to his keenness and affection, he successfully had brought the trapped people back, if you want genuine feedback have the strenght to ask them. Also, Dr Ishrat Ul Ebad Khan was the one of the only genuine person who had supported the flood victims last year end of August. He managed to provide these victims with clothes, shelter, food and medicines, and I can say this is the fact because I went to provide aid for the flood victims in Sindh, as I am a doctor. Places I went was Thatta, Sukkur, Seven Sharif and many more. Most of the people there were gratifying for his help and if had visited, you would have understood.

I like to substantiate I have no political affliation and I respect him with all my heart.