Denmark Just Produced 140% Of Its Electricity .


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Denmark Just Produced 140% Of Its Electricity Needs Via Wind Power

On Thursday, high winds allowed Denmark to meet all of its electricity needs, with plenty to spare for neighboring countries.


On a particularly windy day (last Thursday), the country of Denmark was able to meet its domestic electricity demand and even export power to Norway, Germany, and Sweden thanks to its wind farms. AsThe Guardian reports, Denmark found itself producing 116% of its national electricity needs from wind turbines, and by 3 AM the next morning (Friday), when electricity demand dropped, the figure had risen to 140%.

80% of the power surplus was shared equally between Germany and Norway, which can store it in hydropower systems for later use. Lucky Sweden received the remaining fifth of excess power.

Said Oliver Joy, a spokesman for trade body the European Wind Energy Association:

It shows that a world powered 100% by renewable energy is no fantasy. Wind energy and renewables can be a solution to decarbonization and also security of supply at times of high demand.

As you can see below, figures from the Danish transmission systems operator,, which provides a minute-by-minute account of renewable power in the nation grid, showed that Denmarks wind farms werent even operating at their full 4.8GW capacity.

According to the chief commercial officer of the Ecofys energy consultancy, Kees van der Leun, a surge in wind farm installations could allow Denmark to produce half of its electricity from renewable sources by 2020 thats only five years away.

Not everyone is likely to be happy about this news, however. As The Guardian shares, the British wind industry is likely to view the Danish achievement with envy. This is no doubt because David Camerons government announced a withdrawal of support for onshore wind farms from next year, and planning obstacles for onshore wind builds.

If we want to see this happening on a European scale, it is essential that we upgrade the continents aging grid infrastructure, ensure that countries open up borders, increase interconnection and trade electricity on a single market,said Joy of the European Wind Energy Association.

Around three-quarters of Denmarks wind capacity presently comes from onshore wind farms, which have strong government backing. One thing is for sure, the country is definitely putting the rest of the world to shame with these figures.
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
واہ کیا خوب کمال ھے، رشک آتا ھے ایسی قوم کے لیڈروں پر جنھونےایسے فیصلے سہی وقت پر کئے جس کا پھل وہ صدیوں تک کھاتے رھیں گے۔


Councller (250+ posts)
Denmark is an absolute rock star, I wish Pakistan could learn a thing or two from this small nation that know how to get the job done. Denmark provides a great quality of life to its citizen, a kind of life majority of poor people in Pakistan do not even know is possible to have in this world.

Kids in Denmark (and other Scandinavian countries) enjoy tension free, top quality life for the most part, while kids in Pakistan smoke Samad Bond and beg on the corners or become victim of child labor. The number of kids who are out of School (and the quality of Gov run School is complete rubbish to be honest) in Punjab alone is mind bogglingly high. What would be the future when these kids would grow up with no education or technical skills to speak of?

Long live Denmark, you are the kind of country your people should feel patriotic about.


MPA (400+ posts)
Renewable energy is the future and only sustainable source of energy but I wish we could realize it before we completely f****dup the future.

In India government is trying to achieve additional 2 lakh mega watt by 2022 using renewable sources.


Minister (2k+ posts)
واہ کیا خوب کمال ھے، رشک آتا ھے ایسی قوم کے لیڈروں پر جنھونےایسے فیصلے سہی وقت پر کئے جس کا پھل وہ صدیوں تک کھاتے رھیں گے۔

پہلے تو ہم بھی کھا رہے ہیں

جیسے میٹرو
اسکی سبسڈی ترکی کو جاتی رہے گی

جیب میں کھانے کے پیسے نہیں ہیں اور آرڈر کیا ہے چکن فرائی


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
This reminds me of a quote by Denmark government minister. When legendary admiral of the superpower great britian blockaded the port of copenhagen in an attempt to bombard the city, he was surpirsed by the extreme bravery of the small dutch navy of fighting back and blocking the bombardment with people at the harbours if Copenhagen cheering for their men.
Admiral Nelson then sent a letter to Copenhagen threatening to kill all brave Dutch sailors they had captured until now if they do not do a ceasefire.
A Dutch Minister then sent reply to Neslon "If your guns are not better pointed then your pens then you will make little impression on Copenhagen."
