Congress checks President (Withdrawl From Afghanistan)


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
May 27, 2011. 138 votes two years ago. 162 votes last year. 204 votes yesterday. Congress is slowly waking up from its decade-long slumber and realizing that the country has been at war in Afghanistan for ten years without a clear exit strategy. Proposals requiring the Obama administration to present a plan for ending U.S. military involvement in the conflict have been introduced for the last three years to a chorus of yawns outside of traditional anti-war circles. But the McGovern-Jones “Afghanistan Exit and Accountability Act” surprised everyone when it came within 12 votes of passing in a floor vote on Thursday.
What kept Congress from hitting the snooze button again? The death of Osama bin Laden certainly had a rousing effect. As did the realization that support for $120 billion a year nation-building adventures may not convey the appropriate image of fiscal responsibility to constituents enduring budget cuts back home. And polls showing that voters’ security concerns have more to do with debt and long-term unemployment than the Taliban may have helped sharpen legislators’ focus.
But if Congress required that extra something to shake them awake going into the vote they needed look no further than the news coming out of Afghanistan that day. As the representatives headed to the floor, outlets reported the deaths of eight more U.S. troops in Kandahar.

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Senator (1k+ posts)
The major export of US is WAR related products such as Missile, tanks, rocket, Helicopters, marine and others which they want to sell to whole world.
They love WAR inorder to proof that their weapons are powerful enough to kill the enemies and Rest of the world buy from them.
They will keep themselve in WAR all the time or TIME to TIME for their economical survival. Their economy is depend on this.

Every few year, you will see US in action


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
You are right in some sense but Afghan war is sinking US economy and also damaging NATO countiry's economy too. The fact is that individuals and companies are making mony but US as a country is going down day by day this is why now even Europeans strted hating Americans and Americans are realizing sooner ar later they have to get out of Afghanistan but before that they are trying to make some bases there and Afghans clearly said "NO"to that this is the main problem for Americans but they will have to pull out of there to save US otherwise this war will suck US as it sucked USSR.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
They will leave but dont forget.......they are leaving a mess for Pakistan. And it is not over yet.........

Have to agree with that. They will, rather they want to leave a mess in Pakistan because it shifts the focus off from their unsuccessful missions.

Also agree with faqira786, War is a money making business for the US. Take a look at history. From the day they entered world war II, US have been in war at some place in the world almost every year. Typical of a madly imperialistic nation, exporting war, death and hunger under the guise of peace bringing. This hardly includes the conflicts they create by arming violent, anarchic groups around the world. War is a business for them and they continue it till 'Rome falls'.


MPA (400+ posts)
Afghanistan is a grave yard of kingdoms, historically it is mistry that no one who ever attack ,naver be able to leave Afghanistan as alive nation including Alexander of Greek, History never change and it is not going to change now.