Condition of university graduation to take part in elections? What is your say on that?

Condition of university graduation to take part in elections? What is your say on that?

  • Yes, You must have a degree in this day and age

    Votes: 70 81.4%
  • No, It is discriminatory. Anyone should be allowed to participate

    Votes: 16 18.6%

  • Total voters

saeed khan

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

As you all know that government finished the condition of university graduation to take part in elections, saying that it is against the human rights.
I have a question, is it not against our rights and our country rights that all illiterates and Jahil people are imposed on us and are leading our country?
Prime minister of any country is like a pilot of an aero plane whereas citizens of that country are passenger and because of pilot's mistake ..............
All the ministers are pilots of their departments and their mistakes can be ................
What do you think ?


Minister (2k+ posts)

As you all know that government finished the condition of university graduation to take part in elections, saying that it is against the human rights.
I have a question, is it not against our rights and our country rights that all illiterates and Jahil people are imposed on us and are leading our country?
Prime minister of any country is like a pilot of an aero plane whereas citizens of that country are passenger and because of pilot's mistake ..............
All the ministers are pilots of their departments and their mistakes can be ................
What do you think ?
What degree Prophet Muhammad(pbuh)had? What degree Sultan Bahoo, Bhullay shah and guru Nanak had? Everyone with degree or without degree should be allowed to run for office and let the people choose. If this process went on for little while, we woun't have these idiots in higher offices.


Minister (2k+ posts)
What degree Prophet Muhammad(pbuh)had? What degree Sultan Bahoo, Bhullay shah and guru Nanak had? Everyone with degree or without degree should be allowed to run for office and let the people choose. If this process went on for little while, we woun't have these idiots in higher offices.

I think the times have changed. The examples you have given above are the special people of GOD. Are our politicians special people of GOD? For god's sakes wake up. This kind of backward thinking has destroyed us.


Minister (2k+ posts)
You don't have to have a degree to be a great leader. I have a degree in bio chemistry, how is that going to help me in politics or make me a great leader? And we know that how retarded our education system is, still you believe that someone going through that process will get blessed with quality of leadership. In pakistan we do BA after 12th grade. It takes us 2 year to get that degree. And if I have a BA degree it means now I can be a leader of my nation...give me a break.
Leadership is an inborn quality. You are born with it or with out it. Everyone of us have some inborn qualities. Those qualities live with in us in rough condition. When we are growing up we realize or someone make us realize that if you work on your this specific quality you can master it. Working on your inborn quality polishes it and makes you immaculate it. No matter how hard I try to be a painter, I can't immaculate the art like someone who is born with it. And that is the difference which will make him a legend painter and I an ordinary painter.
This is how leadership works. You have to have it in you. Ya, I agree to this concept that you must have knowledge of your job. For instance, If I want to be foreign secretary of Pakistan, I should know what foreign policy is. I should know how to execute it. Your Babar awan has a wall full of law degrees on it but where is law in the country? Even Barbarism is ashamed of what's happening in Pakistan.
And if you want to to put conditions on participation in elections then why not those be his character, his contribution to the country, his criminal history, his financial record and his morality. Why would it be a piece of paper?
I will grant all the degrees in the world to Zardari and you make him a leader, I will forfeit my argument !
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Night_Hawk - Blogger
I agree with Saeed khan
When you are sitting in the Parliament to make decisions for the country;
1: If you are not literate you will not be able to make the educated decisions.
2: You are making laws or making amendment to the constitution (if not well educated how you will be able to even understand the law)
3: Feudal lord (not educated) will think that all these people are my "servants" .

Night_Hawk - Blogger
Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) had the best education by Allah. It is my humble request to all members that We should be very careful in discussions to not to bring Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) for any comparison.
Allah SWT revealed Quran to Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) far more superior education then any mankind.


Staff member
An educational degree gives you knowledge not wisdom. In Musharaff government all members were graduate. What did they do good for the country? Majority of Pakistanis does not go to colleges, but if someone is honest and people are ready to elect him than he should not be stopped because he is not a degree holder.

Renowned Scholar Ashfaq Ahmed used to say, "Pakistan ko itna nuksan unparh na nahi ponchaya jitna parhay likhay ne pohan chaya hy".


MPA (400+ posts)
I think this not only election canidate shold be educated but voters as well because voters are the cause of this disaster. They shold be at least matriculate to know whom they are giving vote and for what pupose otherwise any educated leader also can use those innocent who really don't have awarness of real democracy.

saeed khan

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
An educational degree gives you knowledge not wisdom. In Musharaff government all members were graduate. What did they do good for the country? Majority of Pakistanis does not go to colleges, but if someone is honest and people are ready to elect him than he should not be stopped because he is not a degree holder.

Renowned Scholar Ashfaq Ahmed used to say, "Pakistan ko itna nuksan unparh na nahi ponchaya jitna parhay likhay ne pohan chaya hy".

Dear Commander

Ishfaq Ahmed Sahib did not say Pakistan ko itna nuksan "unparh MNA" na nahi ponchaya jitna "parhay likhay MNA" ne pohan chaya.


I think that when people in a country with more 60% literacy say that you need a graduate degree to be in the parliament then they are talking about government and access to government by an "educated aristocracy"........I dont think that this is the answer.

From a number of posts I get the impression that my countrymen believe that these uneducated leaders or so called leaders have been imposed on us..........I disagree with them....

They have not been imposed on us we elected them, so we are reaping what we sowed. Ans here I believe the important question is that of all our educated Pakistanis how many really voted

And any educated person who did not vote is equally responsible for the bad situation our country is in along with these corrupt leaders...............

Education is important and in fact vital, our religion also says that, but if we have an assembly of post gradutaes and as someone said only PhDs then we will end up alienating more than 60% of our population...................and believe me power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely...........there should always be a check.


MPA (400+ posts)
there will be many fake universty degree future.....................jailey degree khaphay khapay khaphay

Rana Tahir Mahmood

Senator (1k+ posts)
An educational degree gives you knowledge not wisdom. In Musharaff government all members were graduate. What did they do good for the country? Majority of Pakistanis does not go to colleges, but if someone is honest and people are ready to elect him than he should not be stopped because he is not a degree holder.

Renowned Scholar Ashfaq Ahmed used to say, "Pakistan ko itna nuksan unparh na nahi ponchaya jitna parhay likhay ne pohan chaya hy".

It is misleading to understand that in Musharraf government all Parliamentarians were degree holders. What we can see the result of fake degrees now a day is created by that system and was worst in his regime but criteria in his tenure was loyalty to Musharraf himself no matter what qualification he had. Degrees were acceptable even fake if someone is supporting Musharraf.


Councller (250+ posts)
I think Pakistan`s political system needs only technocrats............ if it will keep going like this then nothing gonna change even with these fake degree holders........ those feudal lords who holds actual degree, we know how do they get it.....
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