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Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Five principles of Ethics in Advertising

Ethics in advertisement: Five Key Principles. Part 2/2

Due to exponential growth and development of news channels and new technologies, the advertising industry in flourishing with leaps and bounds. However, an important ethical question looms about the transparency and morality of the practices of advertising industry. Therefore, today, in continuation to my previous blog on Advertising ethics in Pakistan, I am writing this article to identify five key principles of advertising.

Five Key Principles:

1. Truth
The advertising principles of American business argue that "advertising should tell the truth, and shall reveal significant facts, the omission of which will mislead the public". Research suggest the consumers highly appreciate truthful and honest advertisements. Keeping in view the unethical practices that I mentioned in my earlier blog, their is a dire need of practicing the highest standards of ethics in advertisements in Pakistan.

2. Ethical standards of personnel involved in making advertisements.

The second principle that advertising agencies, public relations and marketing communication experts must posses highest standards of personal ethics. It is the responsibility of individuals involved in these process to understand the importance of ethics, truthfulness and honesty in advertisements. They must be trained on these skills which will enable them to differentiate the good from the bad.

3. Substantiation
A somewhat related principle to the first one is the substantiation. It is very important that whatever an advertisement claims must be verifiable. A prior tests of these claims with evidence base data will further substantiate their claims.

4. Differentiation between the news and advertisements.
I have noticed in so many leading national newspapers that paid advertisements are being presented like they news. Therefore, one cannot differentiate between the actual news and the advertisement. For example, a few days ago, I witnessed a full pledged two or more pager paid interview of the owner of a leading school chain in Pakistan which was presented like a big new. Actually, it was paid advertisement.

5. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Ethical advertisements must fulfill their CSR by avoiding harm to general public and society. They must refrain from appealing to "base" human emotions such as fear, greed or lust. They must also operate while respecting the natural world and avoid such behaviors which may damage the environment.
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