as expected if it is true? Pti should accept it gracefully, because now pti is on an advantage, why? Whole country knows and also witnessed massive rigging! From here on all symphty is with pti, and they are in win win situation, but one condition remain to be tackled, that will be all out assualt on pti from noon league on their highly paid media, also exact favour has to be paid back by 3 big media houses to noon, get redy pti, major assualt is on it's way or already started. These 3 judges were inducted by ch. Iftikhar in their positions and they did save their retirement plans, they will live a good life hereafter(retirement), it is a closed chepter. Well done pti, don't feel that you lost, you have won over millions of hearts and minds, and it is a moral victory, other way around the corrupt mafia has to live with it....