CM Shahbaz inaugurates 2nd phase of coal power project in Sahiwal

fawad ali

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
COAL COAL COAL. We have so much hydel potential in KPK. Why don't we use that?? COAL pollution is responsible for the recent floods in Pakistan.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
My only question is how they will deliver coal to plant?

Special train service

You could argue that then should be closer to Thar
After amendment in constitution, it is provinces who produce electricity for their needs
and line losses from sindh to Sahiwal would nullify cost of coal transportation to some extent ..


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
coal power is cheap if locally produced coal is used (also disaster for environment ). But we should transform our energy production to Hydal. Most of our energy is dependent on oil. OPEC can increase oil prices any time without giving any reasons and most of poor Pakistanis will not be able to pay energy bill. Therefore will have to bow down to ker-nul-shaitan for oll.

Regards, Tauseef


Senator (1k+ posts)

Special train service

You could argue that then should be closer to Thar
After amendment in constitution, it is provinces who produce electricity for their needs
and line losses from sindh to Sahiwal would nullify cost of coal transportation to some extent ..

Hmm this means they will buy more rail engines and bogies? How construction work of railway track is going on?

Yes after amendment now provinces can generate electricity but for big projects you still need help from Federal government for sureties.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
world has declared coal power plant as dangerous and this chor show baaz is investing in this

Health Impacts of Coal
Coal presents a serious threat to the safety of a community; threatening both water bodies (including drinking water) and air quality.

Health Impacts & Coal Mining: There are several types of coal mining and they are all unsafe for workers and communities. Underground mine workers often suffer from ‘black lung’ or pneumoconiosis. Workers get black lung disease from breathing in coal dust– it results in shortness of breath, and puts individuals at risk for emphysema, bronchitis, and fibrosis. Surprisingly, black lung is now on the rise among coal miners. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) reported that in 2005-2006, 9 percent of miners with 25 or more years of mining experience tested positive for black lung. That is in contrast to only 4 percent in the late 1990s. Black lung is incurable, increasing in severity, and is now hitting younger miners as well as more experienced miners.

Beyond posing threats to workers’ safety, pollution from coal-mining is linked to chronic illness among residents in coal mining communities. Data collected in a 2008 study by the WVU Institute for Health Policy Research shows that people living in coal mining communities:

  • Have a 70 percent increased risk for developing kidney disease.
  • Have a 64 percent increased risk for developing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) such as emphysema.
  • Are 30 percent more likely to report high blood pressure (hypertension).

The same study concluded that mortality rates are higher in coal-mining communities than in other areas of the country or region and that there are 313 deaths in West Virginia from coal-mining pollution every year. The study accounted for restricted access to healthcare, higher than average smoking rates, and lower than average income levels.

Mountaintop removal (MTR) mining, the mining practice of removing the tops of mountains to access (often) small seams of coal hundreds of feet below the surface, often contaminates water bodies. When mountains in Appalachia are literally blasted apart with ammonium nitrate (ANFO), the “overburden” rocks, soil, and debris above the coal seam, are pushed into valleys, burying, and often contaminating streams and other water bodies. Rock previously deep underground naturally contains toxic metals; when exposed and then dumped into water bodies, these metals can seep into streams, kill aquatic life, and contaminate drinking water sources.

Movies such as Coal Country illustrate visibly contaminated tap water in Appalachia communities such as Rawl, WV.

Health Impacts & Coal Plants: There’s no shortage of data to show that individuals living near a coal plant are at higher risk for health problems than those who do not live near a plant. In Delaware, years after residents requested a study, the Delaware Division of Public Health confirmed a cancer cluster in the six zipcode area surrounding NRG Energy Inc.’s Indian River coal plant. The study showed a cancer rate 17 percent higher than the national average.

In Chicago, where two aging coal plants sit in the majority-Latino neighborhood of Little Village, residents have reported respiratory problems for years. The Fisk and Crawford plants in Chicago have not upgraded their pollution control equipment, and instead have been exempted from federal pollution control standards under the Clean Air Act. Now the Clean Air Task Force attributes close to350 deaths annually to the two outdated plants.

And near Longview Texas, the Martin Lake coal plant is responsible for 13 percent of all industrial air pollution in the state,contributing to Dallas-Fort Worth’s high ozone levels and non-attainment status.

Similar health problems plague every community downwind of a smokestack. Given that coal plants contribute 67 percent of sulfur dioxide (SO2), 23 percent of nitrogen oxides (NOx), and 34 percent of all mercury emissions in the nation, it is not surprising to notice increased rates of asthma, cardiovascular disease, and pre-mature and low birth-weight births in these communities. Emissions tests at coal plants have revealed 67 different air toxics. Fifty five of these toxics are neurotoxins or developmental toxins. Twenty-four are known, probable, or possible carcinogens. The Clean Air Task Force’s updated “The Toll From Coal report (2010) estimates that particulate pollution from existing coal plants would cause 13,200 deaths in 2010. The analysis found that the fleet of coal plants would also emit pollution resulting in more than 20,000 heart attacks, 9,700 hospitalizations, and more than 200,000 asthma attacks.

These coal-plant related health risks are unequally distributed across the population. In the United States, coal’s health risks affect African Americans more severely than whites, largely because a large portion of African Americans live close to coal plants and coal waste dumps. Sixty-eight percent of African Americans live within 30 miles of a coal plant, as opposed to 56 percent of whites and though African Americans comprise 13 percent of the (US) population, they account for 17 percent of the population living within 5 miles of a power plant waste sites. Asthma attacks triggered by exposure to above-average pollution levels send African Americans to the emergency room at three times the rate of whites. Hospitalizations and deaths from asthma are also higher among African Americans, likely exacerbated by restricted access to healthcare that could offer individuals preventative care. Children, the elderly, those with respiratory disease(s), and meat eaters (particularly seafood) are most vulnerable to the health risks coal burning poses.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
گنجے پٹواریوں کو بیوقوف بنانے کا کوئی بھی موقع ہاتھ سے جانے نہیں دیتے۔ ابھی لاھور کے منصوبہ پر شور مچایا تھا کہ دوسری ڈگڈگی بجانی شروع کردی۔


مُلک کا سرمایہ ایسے ڈوبتا ہے جب کرپٹ جانوروں کو مُلک کا حُکمران بنادیا جاتا ہے۔۔ اب کوئی حرام خور صحافی یا بکاؤ میڈیا نہیں بولے گا نا ہی کوئی جج سوموٹو لے گا کہ ایسے ڈرامہ پراجیکٹس سے خزانے کا کتنا نُقصان اور مُلک و قوم کا وقت ضائع ہوتا ہے، عوام اپنے حق کے لیئے اُٹھے تو کہتے ہیں دھرنوں سے ترقی رُک گئی۔۔۔ بے غیرت میڈیا ۔


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Hmm this means they will buy more rail engines and bogies? How construction work of railway track is going on?

Yes after amendment now provinces can generate electricity but for big projects you still need help from Federal government for sureties.

Very Clever .... you see they need to re-open Ittefaq which closed 15 years ago ..

Yes, dams like KB and others can only come with Federal funds ..


Senator (1k+ posts)

Very Clever .... you see they need to re-open Ittefaq which closed 15 years ago ..

Yes, dams like KB and others can only come with Federal funds ..

I am not talking about funds. Guarantees ki baat ki hai

Aap ko kya lagta hai is Coal project per Federal nay koi guarantee nahi di ho gi?


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)

Thank you for posting this chart
Now please tell me from where Pakistan is going to import?

obviously from china who gave zionist nawaz money on high interest so that they can put people of Pakistan on riba and do haram transactions in Islamic country


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I am not talking about funds. Guarantees ki baat ki hai

Aap ko kya lagta hai is Coal project per Federal nay koi guarantee nahi di ho gi?

To be honest I am not sure if Federal Govt did or not
But This is part of Pak China Investment in which Punjab got less than its fair share
so if your point was that Fedral Govt gave guarantee, this answers it ...
