Chief Minister KPK Pervez Khattak Inaugurated Hydrl Power Stations In Swat.Report By BBC

TIMERGARA, Aug 29: Provincial Senior Minister Sirajul Haq announced on Thursday that work on two hydel power stations with combined generation capacity of 181 megawatts would soon be started in Dir as the federal government had approved the projects on the request of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
Speaking at a public gathering at Samar Bagh, Lower Dir, he said that the two hydel power stations would be established at Sharmai and Koto in Lower Dir. He said that Rs35.5 billion would be spent on the construction of Sharmai hydel power station, which would produce 150 megawatts of electricity.
He said that another Rs8.31 billion would be spent on the Koto hydropower station that would produce 31 megawatt of electricity.
The minister said that people of Malakand division had been facing acute shortage of electricity and completion of these projects would end power crisis in the region.
“People here will get cheap and uninterrupted electricity after completion of these projects,” Mr Haq told the gathering. He said that it was a longstanding demand of the people of Malakand.
The senior minister said that the approval of both the projects was given by the central government during a recent meeting of the Central Development Working Party (CDWP) in Islamabad.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
جلنے کی بو آرہی ہے
آپ برنول لگائیں
TIMERGARA, Aug 29: Provincial Senior Minister Sirajul Haq announced on Thursday that work on two hydel power stations with combined generation capacity of 181 megawatts would soon be started in Dir as the federal government had approved the projects on the request of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
Speaking at a public gathering at Samar Bagh, Lower Dir, he said that the two hydel power stations would be established at Sharmai and Koto in Lower Dir. He said that Rs35.5 billion would be spent on the construction of Sharmai hydel power station, which would produce 150 megawatts of electricity.
He said that another Rs8.31 billion would be spent on the Koto hydropower station that would produce 31 megawatt of electricity.
The minister said that people of Malakand division had been facing acute shortage of electricity and completion of these projects would end power crisis in the region.
“People here will get cheap and uninterrupted electricity after completion of these projects,” Mr Haq told the gathering. He said that it was a longstanding demand of the people of Malakand.
The senior minister said that the approval of both the projects was given by the central government during a recent meeting of the Central Development Working Party (CDWP) in Islamabad.


Minister (2k+ posts)
TIMERGARA, Aug 29: Provincial Senior Minister Sirajul Haq announced on Thursday that work on two hydel power stations with combined generation capacity of 181 megawatts would soon be started in Dir as the federal government had approved the projects on the request of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
Speaking at a public gathering at Samar Bagh, Lower Dir, he said that the two hydel power stations would be established at Sharmai and Koto in Lower Dir. He said that Rs35.5 billion would be spent on the construction of Sharmai hydel power station, which would produce 150 megawatts of electricity.
He said that another Rs8.31 billion would be spent on the Koto hydropower station that would produce 31 megawatt of electricity.
The minister said that people of Malakand division had been facing acute shortage of electricity and completion of these projects would end power crisis in the region.
People here will get cheap and uninterrupted electricity after completion of these projects, Mr Haq told the gathering. He said that it was a longstanding demand of the people of Malakand.
The senior minister said that the approval of both the projects was given by the central government during a recent meeting of the Central Development Working Party (CDWP) in Islamabad.

This is why federal govt is called federal government ,and your highlighting this point shows you want to tell us that PTI can't do it w/o PMLN as it must approve it.It has to approve its a formality and nothing more than that.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
But Nawaz Shareef and Zardari already took our Money.
جس نے بھرتی کیا ہے اسی سے پیسے مانگیں
ایک طرف سی ٹی بی ٹی ٹیکسوں اور پیٹرول سے عوام کو لوٹ رہے ہیں اور دوسری طرف اب پٹواریوں کو بھی اسی کام پر لگا دیا ہے

He told me to go and ask money from PTI losers:biggthumpup:
Zakatia have stolen alot as well ;)
But Nawaz Shareef and Zardari already took our Money.
جس نے بھرتی کیا ہے اسی سے پیسے مانگیں
ایک طرف سی ٹی بی ٹی ٹیکسوں اور پیٹرول سے عوام کو لوٹ رہے ہیں اور دوسری طرف اب پٹواریوں کو بھی اسی کام پر لگا دیا ہے


Voter (50+ posts)
For God sake PMLN voters dont be dumb like your leaders, you people are so narrow minded that you think ur leadership inherited Pakistan it belongs to all and any project that can bring relief to Pakistanis shall be favoured irrespective who ever initiates it.


Voter (50+ posts)
By the way few PMLN workers are terming federal govt which is unfortunately being run by NS and company as some autocratic rule by a King Nawaz and I wana tell them "oh badshaho jago ab wo waqt nhi jab Nawaz Ameer-ul-momeneen hua krty ty" face it or leave it and strickly no gimmickry
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