Citizen X
(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Again changing goal posts, we are talking if corruption is a crime in Pakistani law or not.Tell me a credible punishment of anyone other than Nawaz Sharif!
And I will also addressing the stupid point you are actually trying to make by trying to be over smart and move the discussion into the direction you have been burning to all day long, because you think you can "win" that discussion. Unfortunately Gujjar saab that won't be the case.
Supposing for the sake of argument, lets say no one has even been fined, jailed, dismissed or received any other form of punishment for corruption, does it then means its OK for Nawaz Sharif to do corruption ? Does it give him a right to do corruption ? And also then don't you think we should start from somewhere ? And starting from the top is always the right thing to do as it has a trickle down effect,
So it started with the two most popular leaders of Pakistan, Nawaz Sharif and Imran Khan. Imran Khan was able to prove he was not involved in any corruption and was able to provide an extensive money trail and account for all his assets. On the other hand Nawaz Sharif wasn't even though he was given every chance and ample time humanly possible to prove his innocence and he failed, hence found guilty of corruption and jailed accordingly. Now what could be more fair than that.
And once this train of accountability leaves the station whose wheels have been jammed by the status quo parties which kept making deals or quashing cases once in power, its wheels have finally now started to move and it will spare no one, as you can see many references and cases have also been filed and people like Sharjeel Memon are now in jail in Sindh so that would answer the other question I know you would have posed, why then Nawaz Sharif only why not others !