Capital Talk - Aug 24th 2010 - Firdos Ashiq Awan, Haider Abbas Rizvi, Ehsan Iqbal






MPA (400+ posts)
Dr Firdous baghairat aurat sharam karo!! u r a big fat useless peace of s**t!! "dono side ki story" cant u see what we all saw on the cameras? do u still have anything else left to see u fat b***t!!!!
sorry for cursing guys but i really really hate this woman!!!!


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
yar ye Haider Abbas Razvi itna zoooor lagaa k ku boltaaa ha............. bahi araam sa sakoon sa baaat karo looo itna zooor lagana ki kia zarort ha............
what ever but Altaf statement is just STUPID.............


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
awaam flood sa pershaan ha and MQM is talking about Revolution............en logon ko ye baaat abi yaaad ani thi, its not time for political point scoring and look at MQM what they are doing............araay bahi Karachi ko tu handel karoooo puray country ki baaat baad ma karnaaa........
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Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Why PML-N has pain in the ass if MQM and PTI have the same demand???

Daal main kuch kala lagta hay

I do believe that you an educated person and have some sence to analyse the statement which Altaf had made, do u really think army has this role to come and do politics???? just think on it, its correct that this govt is not doing any good........but i do believe in political change but not by army just bring shame to us all over world when we hear that we are ruled by a dictator and/or army personal............leader lead the nation by standing with the nation in there land......i dont accept a person as a leader who is citizen of another country and living in another country who have not apeared before public in actuall for a long time..........if there a revolution pop up tomorrow who will be leading it???????? Banzeer was also threten to be killed but she did go to pk.........Nawaz shareef also went back.............just woundring why Altaf feel so undafe..........who is agaist him, if he believe in Army then why he is afraid of any body in pk........1st they put blame that agencies were doing this and they are going to same army who have those agencies..........just cant get the logic what they want...........whay thet dont go to Supreem court if they have want to held some one a comen person also have to go to army for his/her justice?????? do we need only one organization to run the country?????give some time to political system Inshallah time will make our politecins more mature.........God help pak........


پہلی بار ایم کیو ایم والے عام لوگوں کے دل کی بات کر رھے ھیں اور فوج کو دعوت دے رھے ھیں کہ وہ جاگیرداروں اور وڈیروں کو عوام کے ساتھ مل کر سر عام لٹکا دیں اور انکی یہ بات قابل فہم اور قابل تقلید ھے
ھم عوام اپنی فوج سے درخواست کرتے ھیں کہ وہ اب زلالت کے گہرے کنویں سے نکلیں اور اپنی قوم کا ساتھ دیں


Masha allahMasha allahہلی بار ایم کیو ایم والے عام لوگوں کے دل کی بات کر رھے ھیں اور فوج کو دعوت دے رھے ھیں کہ وہ جاگیرداروں اور وڈیروں کو عوام کے ساتھ مل کر سر عام لٹکا دیں اور انکی یہ بات قابل فہم اور قابل تقلید ھے
ھم عوام اپنی فوج سے درخواست کرتے ھیں کہ وہ اب زلالت کے گہرے کنویں سے نکلیں اور اپنی قوم کا ساتھ دیں
