Cantonment elections 2021 and PTI politics , How did the PMLN win?


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
People do remember that this is Cantt elections, which are supposed to be more literate and pro PTI. Rest we can imagine what would happen in general elections.

Citizen X

President (40k+ posts)
Lol , bro you are hilarious but more than that you are delusional. People are fed up already of this regime which is only making their lives miserable. Extreme inflation and ever increasing umployment rate is pushing more people under the poverty line and here we are bragging about gaining two majority when in reality PTI will be lucky to get 40 seats. More and more people are ditching PTI each day and those include a lot of celebrities as well. PPP and PTI will fight for distant second best in the next elections.
Delusional and us, while you are jumping up and down over some inconsequential cantonment board seats in central Punjab while being whitewashed in rest of Pakistan! ? ? ?

You can do as much dramatics of "extreme inflation" "pushing more people under the poverty line" etc etc blah blah but fact remains there is no alternative to IK and PTI at the moment. If I was a "naaraz PTI voter" as you claim many are becoming. Who will I vote for? That convicted criminal fugitive Ganju hiding in UK or charged with corruption Showbaz or convicted criminal out on bail Nani, or shall I vote for Diesel permit or Billo? I would rather burn my ballot then vote for any of these.

ALSO in all this Bhangra pao'ing of yours cleverly hide the fact PTI still won more seats so you STILL LOST these elections ! And most independents will join PTI in the coming days widening the gap even more as most of them are PTI candidates who didn't get tickets.

So you can use this so called imaginary win of yours to give yourself temporary relief as the last 5 years have been very hard for you and the coming 7 years are going to be even more harder for ganj supporters. You need as many of these as possible. lol

Citizen X

President (40k+ posts)
People do remember that this is Cantt elections, which are supposed to be more literate and pro PTI. Rest we can imagine what would happen in general elections.
Also don't forget PTI has won these elections with votes in every province in Pakistan. Jew News reports 63 seats vs pmlun's 59. Also don't forget most independents are PTI candidates who didn't get tickets so as routine most will join PTI in the coming days widening the gap further.

So yeah when Khan launches a full fledged election campaign and with overseas voters and EVM's pmlun and ppp will be decimated.


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
مودی کے پالتو سور فضل الشیطان نطفہ حرام خنزیر النسل اسلام فروش منافق کی تو اللہ نے کسی کتے والی کردی یہٗ فراڈیا لعنتی بے غیرت پاکستان کی فوج پر بھونکنے والا کتا جتنا بھونکتا تھا اللہ نے اس کرپٹ لوگوں کے اس دلے کو اسکی اوقات دکھا دی جتنا یہ نطفہ حرام کرپشن کو پروموٹ کر رہا تھا وہ ساری کرپٹ لوگو ں کی دلا گیری اس نطفہ حرام کے پچھواڑے میں گھس گئی


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Also don't forget PTI has won these elections with votes in every province in Pakistan. Jew News reports 63 seats vs pmlun's 59. Also don't forget most independents are PTI candidates who didn't get tickets so as routine most will join PTI in the coming days widening the gap further.

So yeah when Khan launches a full fledged election campaign and with overseas voters and EVM's pmlun and ppp will be decimated.
Mark my words, there would be no EVM in next elections


Minister (2k+ posts)
If what Pervaiz Elahi said about Buzdar is true, then surely next election in Punjab, PTI will become PPP

Citizen X

President (40k+ posts)
Mark my words, there would be no EVM in next elections
Time will tell, but they can't stop us overseas Pakistanis from voting this time. They have run out and used up all excuses. Overseas vote itself is enough to secure a PTI win.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Time will tell, but they can't stop us overseas Pakistanis from voting this time. They have run out and used up all excuses. Overseas vote itself is enough to secure a PTI win.

and why do you think that all our votes would be fairly handled? We all know very well that who calls the shots in Pakistan, its politics and elections.

Citizen X

President (40k+ posts)
and why do you think that all our votes would be fairly handled? We all know very well that who calls the shots in Pakistan, its politics and elections.