Can Pakistan survive without US aid? BY MURTAZA HAIDER

AsifAmeer - Blogger
Spread the word.. Again, I am not a Pakistan citizen. My grandparents rest there. Thats all. I visit that place maybe once a decade. But it crushes my soul to see the Pakistani Public in despair every time I switch to a Pakistani news channel. And the lies and level of retardation the media shows simply stuns me.

I would suggest find your regional MNA and MPA. Get with them and speak to them about these issues. I do the same here in the US. I write to our Congressmen, I call them. I give them money during election time and attend their townhall meetings. Isolation is not a policy, its a failure of a policy.

Let us not use passion to stoke the fires of hatred, let us dwell on the new Pakistan opened by savvy media, of coarse all media is not as savvy as we like it to be, but mostly it has opened up secrets of these war lords who were doing all this secretly from inception of Pakistan, that is why our great Leader Qaid said at the time that i have bad coins in my pocket, he worked with what he had, but after his death these nincompoops took over by their manipulation and by threatening those who were true Pakistanis.

Now we are here at this juncture, Pakistan can be free only if people like yourself help Pakistan by being savvy about how to go about intelligently, first thing is to send your deductive writings to the P.M and all the concerned departments about which u had written your report.

If there is anything I can help with than send me a massage, and i be glad to help.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Spread the word.. Again, I am not a Pakistan citizen. My grandparents rest there. Thats all. I visit that place maybe once a decade. But it crushes my soul to see the Pakistani Public in despair every time I switch to a Pakistani news channel. And the lies and level of retardation the media shows simply stuns me.

I would suggest find your regional MNA and MPA. Get with them and speak to them about these issues. I do the same here in the US. I write to our Congressmen, I call them. I give them money during election time and attend their townhall meetings. Isolation is not a policy, its a failure of a policy.

As u live in U.S. so I live in Canada, but to help in the economic, political and civic way your ancestral home would not burden anyone, so my friend stand up and be counted to fix your roots so that your children will be proud of you for what u did and what to do.

Write me a private massage on my profile and let us help Pakistan to learn to live in new era of this world.