That's why I said once that by binding one's neck with a tie doesn't make you an 'educated person' in real sense. Mr. Alam, please have some basic Reading Comprehension classes before you try to interpret this message that you've just posted.
Or let me help you with it a little if it is so undecipherable for you . The message says, in a nutshell, that there has been communication btw Pakistan and China about the visit, however, the dates were not finalized yet and this is exactly what our 'sensible and truthful' part of media has been reporting. Chinese Ministry also affirmed that as the date of the visit was not finalized, the cancellation of the visit was out of question.
So, in simple words, for a simpleton like you, the visit was never cancelled as it wasn't finalized yet.
From the 'Wise Darbari' Ehsan Iqbal, to the 'Thick-Skull' daughter Maryam Nawaz, to the 'Literally Illiterate' Mr. Khubaib Alam, everybody was bewailing for the cancellation of this visit, blaming IK and TUQ for this cancellation.
Here I quote Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson:
"It is worth pointing out that we have never released any information about President Xi's visit to Pakistan officially. So, there is no basis to say we are about to cancel anything."
The link:
(with thanks to mubshirrao)