Bhutto Special Aur Do Baj Gayee Dunya Tv

sarbakaf - Blogger
Looks and sounds nice
but things to remember from this so called pro bhutto documentary

1- It was power lust of bhutto that resulted in division of pakistan, as he refused to sit with mujeeb and result was east pakistan.

2 Bhutto did not wanted to give power to mujeeb and did not even care about security and safety of pakistan when there was civil war situation against pakistan in east pakistan.

3 Bhutto made mistake to elect zia , no one forced him to do it , he did it coz he wanted army to be on his side.

4 Bhutto rigged elections of 1977

5 Refused rigging and refused to share power.

6 Benazir says he was smoking before death , she is just trying to paint her dad very brave even though its not factual.

7 Now after 25 years of our mismanagement, lawless ness , incapability to deal with situations we are blaming zia for all thats happening in country . What have our political parties done to rectify mistakes of zia , they simply fueled all those issues of sectarianism, language , caste...etc.

8 By producing programmes like this government it self is showing that see how good bhutto was and how bad we are , or are they trying to tell people that if PPP is not in govt , then be ready for another division of pakistan ?


Minister (2k+ posts)
May be bhutto was an outsopken leader, he could have drive the sentiments of his listeners. BUt my disgreement withi him is not what he have done with our present Pakistan. He is definately responsible for breaking Pakistan in two because of his rigidness and to not to accept the right of the Mujib ur rehman and people of east pakistan.
