No more heroes in legacies
No more heroes in fantasies

Supermen are flying way above our visions

Spider men are climbing buildings way beyond our missions

Tarzans are left in jungles, lonely

Romeos are in movies only

No one left, to lift who suffer

No one left, to catch who murder

Sons dying, just on demand for their rights

Mothers crying on the bodies of their lights

Fathers dragging the burdens of their lives

Sisters begging, just to earn some glimpse of their lives

Only tears to console tears

Desperation, over desperation layers

Capitalists are ruling the world

Capital is the rule of world

Terrorism and Anti-terrorism for resources

Crusading and Jihad for resources

Need, not only for survival, lust is working

Heed, not only for revival, lust is working

Cosmetic activities, to get a social status

Then jerks to the society, to retain the status

No more shows to cure pains

No more showers of blessing rains

Entertainment, is to see live fighter jets

Bleeding bodies and suicide attacks

Love & Care has lost its taste

Chirping birds have lost their nests

Now, best advice is, Do not advice,

Just have fun with one electronic device

Where gone the social mentors?

Where gone the social inventors?

Where are we going? We dont know.

What are we sowing? We dont know.

Come out of this cage

Come out of this cave

Bring reforms. It is your duty and right

Stand firm. Please, dont give up the fight

You are the real rulers of this world

Intruding first raw and delight of this world

Pierce the curtains of these piercing rules

Be the legends and make new rules

Be the heroes and rule the hearts

Become the helping hands and loving thoughts

Put your pen and change the story

Die on truth with lasting glory

Written by: SYED HUSSAIN