Allama Iqbal a Confused & Misleading Thinker: Accusations of Modern Liberals

Bret Hawk

Senator (1k+ posts)

The opponents of Pakistani state, which surely has Islamic ideology as its basis since the day one of its creation in 1947, always use to misinform and distort the guidelines of M.A. Jinnah in the past and present. The element of surprise for me however is this that no doubt Mr Jinnah should be given the required importance and space to this great statesman but was he the only formidable force behind that push for Muslims independence in British India?

None of these haters and opponents of Pakistan’s Islamic identity ever give any iota of importance to that influential personality of Indian subcontinent who became a strong source of inspiration for Mr Jinnah himself in their misleading debates over the futuristic goals and line of actions of this troubled unfortunate state of South Asia. That gigantic personality is none other than Dr Allama Muhammad Iqbal who was a luminous visionary and spiritual master for the entire Muslim elite of the then enslaved Indian Muslim community of subcontinent.

In rather mysterious circumstances Iqbal has been gradually phased out from the national curriculum of Pakistani schools and Universities to such extent that even if a tiny point of reference is present in the current syllabus of (compulsory) Pakistan studies and Pakistani ideology then it only conveys the trivial philosophical points of Allama sahab. Allama’s main themes of Islamic renaissance, national integrity, respect and Muslim communal honour (Positive ego) are virtually non existent in the current Pakistani academic, electronic & print media, strategic and other incumbent state institutions.

Even if someone dare to mention the name of Dr Iqbal in such important forums then usually the “Liberal Fascist Brigade” of Pakistan normally feels irritant and sick to their guts to the extent of abjectly downplaying the major contributions of this man of letters who was not only that imaginative & intellectual force behind the creation of not only one of the two ideological states of last century but also which was the major instigating factor behind the Islamic revolution of Iranian state, as admitted by their powerful clerical and intellectual circles in later years.

Normally the haters of Islam and every divinely inspired & organised major faith of this world use to raise following salient points to tarnish the image of the great Iqbal in order to make his credibility dubious in the eyes of those few ideologues in Pakistan who look at Iqbal with utmost reverence and respect;

Iqbal never solicited the view of independent and sovereign Islamic state for the Muslims of Indian subcontinent in clear terms in fact he always talked about the maximum autonomy of the north western (Modern day’s constituent provinces of Pakistan) Muslim dominated region of combined India.

Iqbal had a confused state of mind and there are many contradictions in his own thoughts and views. Especially with regards to the political, democratic and social set up of an incumbent Islamic state.

Iqbal’s primary thesis of “Personal Khudi” (Positive Selfhood / ego) was basically inspired from the views of the liberal fascist and atheist thinkers of the west such as Friedrich Nietzsche and Henri Bergson etc.

Since Iqbal’s central theme of philosophy always hinges on the development of strong egotistic personality of an individual (Powerful individuality) therefore he subtly adopted the western ideology of an independent & careless individual who should always remain in a state of conflict with its surroundings and authority.

Iqbal was always remained actively against the nefarious effects of theocracy and radicalised clergy of Islam therefore he can’t be termed as an out and out blocked minded Muslim fundamentalist thinker rather he was very much aligned towards the liberal stream of thought of Islam.

Iqbal advocated the need of the practise of Ijtihad (In depth legal reasoning to derive independent reasoning free from the shackles of past legal practices) in current times and was always effectively remained Non-Muqalid in his lifespan (Not blindly following any existent specific Legal school of thought of Islam) and therefore the modern Muslims of Pakistan should follow suit of their respected national thinker and should remain indifferent when it comes to the matters of Taqlid in Islamic jurisprudence.

Iqbal never wanted Pakistan to become a “Nation State” rather he was more interested to create a modern ideological Muslim state of the subcontinent under the supervision of the then British colonialists and therefore it’s a grave misconception nowadays to consider him as a “National Poet / Ideologue” of Pakistan.

Hope to see the responses of the admirers and fans of Allama Iqbal, the spiritual father of Pakistan according to my own humble opinion, on this board related to the above mentioned scant accusative points of the liberal fascists of current day’s Pakistan.
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Councller (250+ posts)
It is indeed unfortunate yet I am not surprised at the the irrelevancy of Iqbal's thought in the present times. Because had the nation/state of Pakistan given Iqbal his due , the national discourse, the character and state of mind of a Pakistani citizen would have been very different from what is today. The 'tashakhus' or personality that Iqbal wanted to give to a citizen of this model state was going to be vastly different from the personality the muslaman of India had 'mutated' into after 300 years of slavery and social political dominance. Dr. Iqbal envisioned a character who is bent upon developing his Self - the personality - by maximizing his or her god given potential . A true momin who chooses to believe with his own intellect , rather than being born into a belief system , as in he light of Allah's eternal guidance in the Quran. These are such strong concepts that they can change the mindset of an entire nation , let alone an individual.

Although the society at large failed to mold itself with Iqbal's vision , it was still able to produce individuals who have sought to develop their self with self less acts and learned to understand and propagate the concepts of Khudi and Self Determination. I find it Allah's miracle that these individuals although in such few in numbers , have such a conviction in their belief and in themselves that their Khudi has elevated them to a level that they transcend the issues of the common man and are able to see the bigger picture much more clearly. I believe Imran Khan is one such individual - although I do not want to indulge myself in a political debate. I do believe that Iqbal is still alive amongst the first generation of Pakistanis , more so in the scholarly circles then those who should deliver for the society in pragmatic means . The individuals who envision Iqbal's Islam as Deen - a way of life - but not merely a religion , have a very sound understanding of their purpose in Life ; they are fueled by the idea of a constant state of struggle , inwardly and outwardly , and they are on a path to Actualize their Self.

Dr. Iqbal's idea for a separate social welfare state was born out of his thesis of a new character for a Muslim. The Mullah and the clergy (not all) , but the mindset , represents slavery of tradition and rituals ,and these concepts are totally alien to Islam as reflected in Iqbals thought. Iqbal's time in Germany is of great significance , which was then the cradle of scientific and philosophical thought. Not many people know that Dr. Iqbal was one of the very few individuals in the subcontinent with grasps on emerging scientific concepts developing his era. He understood Einstein's theory of relativity and the relationship of Space and time , and Neils Bohor's work on the atomic model. These were indeed discoveries of Allahs laws by man and Allama Iqbal too realized that man cannot escape and live outside the permanent Laws provided by Allah - all his such attempts will fail him.

He was and will remain the greatest human minds of the 20th century.


Even the terrorists will dislike Iqbal after this

.The Poet of the East, Allama Muhammad Iqbal (Rahimuhullah) said:

Milad un Nabi (salallaho alaihi wasalam) is amongst the sacred days for Muslims. According to my understanding it is very crucial for nourishment and treatment of human minds and hearts, Hence it is necessary for Muslims to keep in their sight the Aswa ur Rasul (salallaho alaihi wasalam). In the following three ways they can keep their emotions intact.

[FONT=verdana,geneva]1. The first way is of sending Darood and Salaam which is part and parcel of Muslim's life, they try to find every possible time to send Darood. I have come to know about Arab world that if 2 people get into a fight in market then the third says loudly: Allah humma Sali Ala Sayyidna wa Barik Wassalim, hearing this the fight stops immediately, this is the power which Darood holds therefore it is necessary to embed the thought in heart of the person on whom Darood is sent (i.e. Prophet Salallaho alaihi wasalam)

2. The second way deals with Gatherings i.e. Muslims should gather in great number and one person out of them (i.e. leader) who is fully versed regarding the Life and works of Pride to the worlds (i.e. Prophet Salallaho alaihi wasalam) should mention them in detail so that the devotion to follow the way of Prophet (saw) awakens in hearts of Muslims, for this purpose we have also gathered today.

3. The third way is although difficult but still it to be mentioned is very important. It is that Prophet (salallaho alaihi wasalam) is remembered in such a way that our hearts (and ways) become Mazhar (signs) of different aspects of Nabuwah i.e. the feeling which was there about 1300 years ago due to literal presence of Prophet (salallaho alaihi wasalam), the same feeling arises in our hearts too. [Asaar e Iqbal, Pages. 306-307]



Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
We havn't produced anyone of Mr Iqbal's intellectual ability who can question western thought so remain in limbo as to who we are. His work is so diverse that often it may come across as being contradictory that comes with being a genius!. Certainly, one Zaid Hamid will have plenty to say about this topic....:)

Baba jee

Councller (250+ posts)
Not everyone can understand Allama Iqbal. 80+ years after his death, People start understanding his message to Muslims.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
joo samajh na aay ya jiskoo samajh na sakoo,uss par yaa uskay kaam per aitraz kar kay uskoo mutnazea bana doo.

yeh hee hamaree aadat aoor rawashh hay.

khud koo
badal naheen saktay,mazhab say dooree hamm koo kahan lay aaey hay.

shayad kal koo maan baap koo bhee pehchananay say inkaree hoo jaaain?


Minister (2k+ posts)
Who cares about these stupid liberals?
1st Jinnah , now Iqbal?
Liberals think him confused because he talks about uniting the Muslim Ummah?

U dont call Darwin confused even though his whole evolution theory is now considered as fluke and crap.
U dont call Stephen Hawking confused even though he talkis about a concept ruling out alll other fundamental theories.

The easiest way for dumb and stupid people to gain importance is to criticize a immensely important person , thats what these liberals are doing.


Senator (1k+ posts)
a bunch of idiot liberals who r not intrested in understanding Iqbal, rather Allah has not rewarded them enough opposing Iqbal they r not doing any favor to humanity. Iqbal is rcognised by number of world nations and respected more by them than us. opposition is only for YEH TO CHALTEE HAY TUJHE OONCHA URANE K LIYE.

Saladin A

Minister (2k+ posts)
“Ger tu me kuhwaie Musalam zeestan
Neest mukmin juz’ ba Quran zeestan”

“ Ki Mohammed (SAW) se wafa tu Haumm tere hainN
Ye jahan cheez ha kia, luh wa qalam tere hainN.”

“ Shooq meri lae meinn ha, shooq meri nae meinn ha
Nagame Allaho Ho, mere raag wa pae meinn ha.”
"Deene kafir, fakir wa tadbeer jehad
deene mullah, fi sabeel Allah fasad."

“ Sharq Haq ra deedde wa aalam na deedde
Garb der aalam khareed az Haq rameed.”
"Har laheza ha momin ki nai shan nai aan
guftar mein, kardaar mein Allah ki buhran
ye razz kisi ko nahi maloom key momin
qari nazar atta ha haqeeqat mein ha Quran"

"Baqi na rahee teri woh aiena zameeri
aye kushta sultani wa mullai wa peree"

"Mera tareeq ameeri nahi faqeeri ha
Khudi na baech, gareebi mein namm paeda ker"

“Tu Musalman ha, jahan paeda kiya ha teri laeya
na ka tou paeda huwa ha farang ki ghulami ke laeya.”
"Rise and change your destiny
nor, others dictate your destiny

“ Eik hi saff mein kharte ho gaye Mahmood wa Ayaz
na koyi bandda raha, na koyi bandda nawaz
bandda wa sahib wa muhtaj wa gani eik howaye
tari sarkar mein pounache tou sub eik houwaye”

Khudi ra az wajoode Haqq wajoodi
Khudi ra az namoode Haqq namoodi

"Bezooq namood zindigi maut
tameere khudi mein ha Khudai
Rayee zoor khudi se parbat
parbat zauoof khudi se arayee"

"Baqi na rahee teri woh aiena zameeri
aye kushta sultani wa mullai wa peree"

"mera tareeq ameeri nahi faqeeri ha
Khudi na baech, gareebi mein namm paeda ker"

" Fayida kia, sooch, akhar tu bih daan'a ha Asad
doost naadan ki, ji ka zian ho jiya ga."

"Zindigi aamad baraye bandigi
Baybandigi shermandigi.” (Saadi)

Allama Iqbal is one of the greatest Muslim philosophers and a poet who inspired and still inspires hundreds of millions Muslims all over the world. He was a true Muslim and will be etrnally admired and loved by good Muslims.
Any one who accuses him of a 'confused personality' should have their brain scrutinized for lack of brain cells of their aberration or for their prejudiced and perturbed boot-licking westernized liberal minds. I remember watching a TV programmed hosted by Dr Shahid Massod who questioned the integrity of Dr Allama Iqbal’s contribution and rule in the creation of Pakistan, and demonstrated total ignorance in the defence of his case.

I have quoted Allama shaib’s brief poetry for the people of understanding and Islamic knowledge to know the fact that he was a devout Muslim and preached glory of the Glorious Quran and love for our beloved Prophet Mohammed (SAW). Every patriotic and loyal Pakistani should admire Allama’s works and appreciate his inspirational Islamic as well as metaphysical and temporal poetry

Saladin A

Minister (2k+ posts)
These modern secular liberals, atheists and munkirs get embarrassed even if you mention the names of Allah (SUT) or of our beloved Prophet Mohammed (SAW) and quote Quranic reference in a discussion. They believe that God has no relevance and should not have any say in the running of their personal lives and in the affairs of a state. And, man is free to do anything that pleases his/her self and entitled to enjoy at the fullest indulging in immoral and decadent way of living as in the western societies.

In the West, there is no such thing or concept as sin, immorality, vice, illicit sex, debauchery and lewd way of living as long as it satisfied human animal’s instincts. In the modern Western societies, women live a life of sluts, whores and sex machines and men are sex mad robots who produce illegitimate children called bastards and young girls as young as 8-10 have open sex; and 40% of the children born are illegitimate these days. Every child child born out of a wedlock, which is rare and few needs to have a paternity laboratory test to prove its legal father.

Islam demands that a woman should remain a reasonable being as everyone else. It does not expect her to become either an angel or a demon. If non-Muslims wish to compare or contrast her position with other civilizations or legal systems, one should look into all facts and not merely isolated practices as wearing a burqa or not having a driving license etc. In fact, with regard to certain aspects of morality, Islam is more rigid and more puritan than other systems and non-Muslim societies. Since Islam attaches particular importance to morality, it suppresses promiscuity by every means.

