Allah hafiz everyone


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I am saying goodbye to discussing/reading politics because it has been nothing but depression. It has also changed my character profoundly when just a year ago, i couldn't even imagine hurting someone else's feelings, now it scares me how cynical and insulting i had become and intolerant of other's opinions.

So i would like to formally apologise to everyone who i have argued with or might have hurt unknowingly, please accept my apologies. I sincerely apologise from the core of my heart.

I also forgive anyone who has hurt my sentiments even the ones who attacked my faith because it was out of ignorance except just one person whose "baddua" made me cry (even as a grown man), i will still try to but remembering it makes me sad to this day.

The rest of you, i don't even feel an ounce of resentment towards you and i have forgiven you even if you can't find it in yourself to forgive me because it were all just superficial insults based on difference of opinions, to me at least.

I might post some Islamic videos rarely that i like to share because this is a huge platform and i like to earn some good ?

Well then, Allah Hafiz and everyone have a blessed Ramadan. Let's all love each other because at the end of the day, we're all Muslims ?


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I am saying goodbye to discussing/reading politics because it has been nothing but depression. It has also changed my character profoundly when just a year ago, i couldn't even imagine hurting someone else's feelings, now it scares me how cynical and insulting i had become and intolerant of other's opinions.

So i would like to formally apologise to everyone who i have argued with or might have hurt unknowingly, please accept my apologies. I sincerely apologise from the core of my heart.

I also forgive anyone who has hurt my sentiments even the ones who attacked my faith because it was out of ignorance except just one person whose "baddua" made me cry (even as a grown man), i will still try to but remembering it makes me sad to this day.

The rest of you, i don't even feel an ounce of resentment towards you and i have forgiven you even if you can't find it in yourself to forgive me because it were all just superficial insults based on difference of opinions, to me at least.

I might post some Islamic videos rarely that i like to share because this is a huge platform and i like to earn some good ?

Well then, Allah Hafiz and everyone have a blessed Ramadan. Let's all love each other because at the end of the day, we're all Muslims ?

اِنَّ مَعَ الْعُسْرِ يُسْرًا
Most certainly, there is ease with hardship
Al-Quran 94:6


Minister (2k+ posts)
I am saying goodbye to discussing/reading politics because it has been nothing but depression. It has also changed my character profoundly when just a year ago, i couldn't even imagine hurting someone else's feelings, now it scares me how cynical and insulting i had become and intolerant of other's opinions.

So i would like to formally apologise to everyone who i have argued with or might have hurt unknowingly, please accept my apologies. I sincerely apologise from the core of my heart.

I also forgive anyone who has hurt my sentiments even the ones who attacked my faith because it was out of ignorance except just one person whose "baddua" made me cry (even as a grown man), i will still try to but remembering it makes me sad to this day.

The rest of you, i don't even feel an ounce of resentment towards you and i have forgiven you even if you can't find it in yourself to forgive me because it were all just superficial insults based on difference of opinions, to me at least.

I might post some Islamic videos rarely that i like to share because this is a huge platform and i like to earn some good ?

Well then, Allah Hafiz and everyone have a blessed Ramadan. Let's all love each other because at the end of the day, we're all Muslims ?
I pray for your courage of leaving this web of shaitan. Invest this precious time to earn some good deeds for hereafter. MashaAllah very good decision. If i have ever say anything please forgive for the sake of Allah.
insha'Allah. I'll be leaving this forum as it has become an obstacle in Zikar and other mamolat.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I don't think you should leave.
I hope you change your mind. I will be mostly away too till Eid from this forum in these days as Shab-e-qadar nights are starting and we should devote our time to praying to Allah. I would love to see you back on Eid.


Senator (1k+ posts)
I am saying goodbye to discussing/reading politics because it has been nothing but depression. It has also changed my character profoundly when just a year ago, i couldn't even imagine hurting someone else's feelings, now it scares me how cynical and insulting i had become and intolerant of other's opinions.

So i would like to formally apologise to everyone who i have argued with or might have hurt unknowingly, please accept my apologies. I sincerely apologise from the core of my heart.

I also forgive anyone who has hurt my sentiments even the ones who attacked my faith because it was out of ignorance except just one person whose "baddua" made me cry (even as a grown man), i will still try to but remembering it makes me sad to this day.

The rest of you, i don't even feel an ounce of resentment towards you and i have forgiven you even if you can't find it in yourself to forgive me because it were all just superficial insults based on difference of opinions, to me at least.

I might post some Islamic videos rarely that i like to share because this is a huge platform and i like to earn some good ?

Well then, Allah Hafiz and everyone have a blessed Ramadan. Let's all love each other because at the end of the day, we're all Muslims ?
Bro I appreciate your kindness. I do understand things do get you and sometimes you say things that are not part of your character and sometime you do lose your track as well. All understandable, But bro I will differ big time as to your choice of walking away by announcing it. If you don't want to participate you did not have to share it bro. Time changes so does the perspective and purpose. Few things are not meant to be shared with every one. By doing so you are projecting your own kindness on to some of the people who don't deserve it at all.
All on this forum are not Muslims And it's not just a matter of difference of opinion but in fact there are many out right enemies of Islam and Pakistan on this forum.
Your sincerity will not humble these masked PTI trols but it will give them a sort of feeling of fulfilment. Keep in mind bro the real problem is not the evil of evil people but the silence of good people. Power must stay in the hand of shareef naik saleh people. Think about it If the Power in the hand of person of good character what do you Think what is he going to promote? Obviously the good.
And if the Power is left in the hands of evil people? You know the result.
Being kind being firm being strong being humble being a fighter being a person that stands up for the truth all has to be done within this life.
You are a wonderful brother and if you remember we had differences in our opinions but that does not matter Akhi. I have differences with my blood brother as well. But it does not change the fact that I love you for the sake of Allah.
A brother up in the comment section posted a profound ayah
Most certainly, there is ease with hardship
Al-Quran 94:6
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Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
As a good Pakistani we all must discourage him thinking positive.
But as a good human being we must encourage him.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
الله اس مشکل کو آسان کرے جواس راستے سے واپس جانے کا سبب بن رہی ہے جو سیاسی ختلاف پر تمھیں لوگوں کا ذاتی دشمن بنا رہی تھی اور نیک ارادوں پر کاربند رہنے میں استقامت دے اور مدد کرے


MPA (400+ posts)
صاف سی بات ہے کے قطری فراری کے میڈیا سیل کے لوگ یہاں مختلف ناموں سے وقت بے وقت نمودار ہوتے رہتے ہیں اور انکا چلن ایک جیسا ہی ہوتا ہے، پہلے ایک اکاونٹ سے بک بک ہوتی ہے اور کچھ عرصے کے بعد دوسرا نمودار ہوتا ہے، دونوں کچھ عرصے ساتھ چلتے ہیں اور پھر پہلا معافیاں مانگ کر غائب ہوجاتا ہے.

جیسے اب اسکے اکاؤنٹ کے دوران " الرضا " کے نام سے دوسرا اکٹیو ہوا ہے اور میں سوچ رہا تھا کے جلد ہی ایک بند ہوجاے گا اور ووھی ہوا.

آپ انکے اکاؤنٹ آئ ڈی پر غور کیا کریں، کس طریقہ کے نام یہ چنتے ہیں، کسی زمانے میں یہاں " پرفیکٹ سٹرینجر " ہوتا تھا، پھر " مقدس " آگئی اور اس طریقے کے ٹوپی ڈرامے کب سے چل رہے ہیں.

چل دفع ہو اور اپنی کسی دوسری آئ دوبارہ سامنے آ، تیری تشریف پھر ایسی ہی لال ہوگی.


Senator (1k+ posts)
I pray for your courage of leaving this web of shaitan. Invest this precious time to earn some good deeds for hereafter. MashaAllah very good decision. If i have ever say anything please forgive for the sake of Allah.
insha'Allah. I'll be leaving this forum as it has become an obstacle in Zikar and other mamolat.
I agree with you bro that if it becomes an addiction then one should walk away.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I am saying goodbye to discussing/reading politics because it has been nothing but depression. It has also changed my character profoundly when just a year ago, i couldn't even imagine hurting someone else's feelings, now it scares me how cynical and insulting i had become and intolerant of other's opinions.

So i would like to formally apologise to everyone who i have argued with or might have hurt unknowingly, please accept my apologies. I sincerely apologise from the core of my heart.

I also forgive anyone who has hurt my sentiments even the ones who attacked my faith because it was out of ignorance except just one person whose "baddua" made me cry (even as a grown man), i will still try to but remembering it makes me sad to this day.

The rest of you, i don't even feel an ounce of resentment towards you and i have forgiven you even if you can't find it in yourself to forgive me because it were all just superficial insults based on difference of opinions, to me at least.

I might post some Islamic videos rarely that i like to share because this is a huge platform and i like to earn some good ?

Well then, Allah Hafiz and everyone have a blessed Ramadan. Let's all love each other because at the end of the day, we're all Muslims ?
Good one Mardood reduced from forum,
But bhaibarood mardood is still here ..
