Air India pilot insists for particular woman co-pilot, keeps 110 passengers waiting for over two hou

Air India pilot insists for particular woman co-pilot, keeps 110 passengers waiting for over two hours

  1. 110 passengers aboard an Air India aircraft were forced to sit on the plane for two and half hours
  2. The commander quit Air India last week and is serving a six-month notice period
  3. The commander insisted roster section on Tuesday to schedule the woman flight officer along with him on flight AI 263/264 for Wednesday


File photo used only for the purpose of representation.NEW DELHI: As many as 110 passengers aboard an Air India aircraft were forced to sit on the plane for two and half hours on Wednesday after its commander insisted for a "particular woman" co-pilot to operate the flight.

The incident happened at Air India's flight to Male from Chennai via Thirunanthapuram, sources said.

In between, the commander also complained of high blood pressure and was treated for the same, they said.

Interestingly, the commander quit Air India last week and is serving a six-month notice period, the sources said.

According to the sources, the commander insisted roster section on Tuesday to schedule the woman flight officer along with him on flight AI 263/264 for Wednesday.

"Roster section, however, informed him that his demand can't be met as she was already scheduled for a Delhi flight," a source said.

Later the commander called up roster section and threatened to report sick, if the particular woman pilot was not assigned the duty with him.

"When the roster section did not oblige, he reported sick on Tuesday. But this morning when he turned up to operate the flight he again insisted for the same co-pilot, forcing the airline to arrange his favourite co-pilot," one of the sources alleged.Top Comment

I think it was a good decision to delay the flight. Passengers should be punished for flying Air India.Clarence Fernandes

But in the process, the flight was delayed as it departed at 9.13am against its schedule time of 7am, the sources said.

Airline spokesperson was not available for comments.
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Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
I usually do not comment of such posts but to me it seems that India has an iisue of epic proportion when it comes to rape or sexual desires of the men. I think this is all Bollywood which is promoting such culture but then again you reap what you sow.
you are 200% correct my friend. AND the bigger issue is that when the Indian man is shown such news, instead of condemning it and moving on to make things better, they start comparing to it to Pakistan. I mean for god sake, what has Pakistan got to do with India being the rape capital ??:biggthumpup:

Try explaining this phenomenon !

I usually do not comment of such posts but to me it seems that India has an iisue of epic proportion when it comes to rape or sexual desires of the men. I think this is all Bollywood which is promoting such culture but then again you reap what you sow.


As usual hatred from Indians about Pakistan for no reason ! ...why are you so intollerant ??[hilar][hilar]

there is no reason why laal topi was beaten by 1000 chabuks on his laal tashrif , this is very bad on the part of iranis .[hilar][hilar][hilar][hilar]
Hey why do you defecate in the OPen ?? - Why dont you build a toilet at home ?? [hilar][hilar][hilar] ...stop r@ping women and do something constructive [hilar][hilar][hilar][hilar]

there is no reason why laal topi was beaten by 1000 chabuks on his laal tashrif , this is very bad on the part of iranis .


Hey why do you defecate in the OPen ?? - Why dont you build a toilet at home ?? [hilar][hilar][hilar] ...stop r@ping women and do something constructive [hilar][hilar][hilar][hilar]

hey laal topi shagird why do you sodomise your pakistani children?



dirty and world renowned r@pists should first learn to clean up there act and then how to use a TOILET go some street corner is waiting for you [hilar][hilar][hilar]

this is shameful mr dalit mohammad urf modern.fakir , your child hood was destroyed by this habit of pakistani maulvis .

Muslims Demand For Pedophilia To Be Legalized

by Ted on March 13, 2014 in General
By Theodore Shoebat
The top religious authorities of Pakistan, called The Council of Islamic Ideology, have deemed the prohibition of child marriage, which is really pedophilia, as contrary to Islam.
They attacked Pakistan’s Prohibition of Child Marriages Act as something that goes against Islam.
Tahir Ashrafi, a member of the council, protested with these disturbing words:
There is no specific age limit for marriage in Sharia … Sharia says an individual can marry when he or she reaches puberty and puberty cannot be defined by age …Family members can marry a child if they think he or she has reached puberty.
Tahir also believed that Pakistan’s law that requires a wife to consent before her husband takes another wife, is un-Islamic:
Islam allows to marry four women so there is no question of asking the consent of first wife if a man wants to marry a second time
Christian women are being tortured every day, sexually, physically, and psychology, under Muslim hands. We at Rescue Christians have so far rescued over a thousand Christians from Islamic tyranny in Pakistan. The rescue missions will increase if you continue to give. Please donate to continue the rescue mission in Pakistan.
Islam leads to the permission of pedophilia, just as the homosexual agenda, once given full indulgence, will lead to the legalization of pederasty.
In Afghanistan, pedophilia of boys and girls is very common. Here is a picture of an Afghan who pimps young boys for a living, joyously explaining what evils are done to the helpless victims:

You can watch the interview of this heathen in this documentary:
Christians are living under these evil and sinister people, and countless Christian girls are being kidnapped and raped by Muslims. We at Rescue Christians have heard the most harrowing of stories of Christians being tormented and raped by these evil satanists. We rescued a Christian teenage girl named Tania Rubecca, who was kidnapped by Muslims, tied to a tree, lacerated with blades, burned with cigarettes, and savagely raped.
We will continue to rescue girls like Tania as long as we continue to receive your help.Please donate to save Christian lives in Pakistan.
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you are 200% correct my friend. AND the bigger issue is that when the Indian man is shown such news, instead of condemning it and moving on to make things better, they start comparing to it to Pakistan. I mean for god sake, what has Pakistan got to do with India being the rape capital ??:biggthumpup:

Try explaining this phenomenon !

i have full sympathy for your traumatised child hood in the hands of your maulvi who abused you in madarsa .

The urban-rural ratio of the child abuse cases was 33 to 67 per cent in the country.—AFP/File

At least 142 of the victims were murdered after being sexually assaulted, last year.—AFP/File

The urban-rural ratio of the child abuse cases was 33 to 67 per cent in the country.—AFP/File

At least 142 of the victims were murdered after being sexually assaulted, last year.—AFP/File

KARACHI: A report on children’s rights in the country released on Tuesday presented some dismal facts about their condition in every aspect ranging from education and health to labour, abduction, sexual assault and murder.
Titled The State of Pakistan’s Children – 2014, the report prepared by the Society for the Protection of the Rights of the Child (Sparc) was formally launched by its representatives Kashif Bajeer and Zahid Thebo at a hotel.
The report found that nearly 70,000 cases of violence against children were reported last year though the number of unreported incidents was estimated to be higher. Quoting figures from an independent report, Sahil’s Cruel Numbers Report 2014, Sparc stated that 1,786 cases of sexual assault against children — 1,172 committed against girls and the remaining 614 involving boys — were reported from January to June last year. The total number of such cases was 3,508 last year, indicating an increase of 17 per cent from the previous year.
Also read: Pakistan fails to meet MDGs on child rights
The Sparc report said there were 1,225 cases of rape/ sodomy, including gang-rape and gang sodomy, and 258 cases of attempted rape/sodomy, gang-rape and gang sodomy. At least 142 of the victims were murdered after being sexually assaulted, it added. A close examination of the issue revealed that eight per cent victims of sexual abuse aged between six and 10 years, 26pc were in the age group of 11-15, while 11pc were between 16 and 18 years. Among the victims were also a few babies aged up to one year.
About various forms of sexual abuse, the report said 755 victims were abused after abduction, 313 were raped, 147 were sodomized, 100 were gang-raped, 94 survived attempted rapes, 63 were gang sodomized, and 53 were victims of child marriages.
While the urban-rural ratio of the cases was 33 to 67 per cent in the country, the majority of cases of child abuse (2,054) were reported in Punjab, followed by 875 cases in Sindh, 297 in Balochistan, 152 in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 90 in Islamabad, 38 in Azad Jammu and Kashmir, one case each in Gilgit-Baltistan and the federally administered tribal agencies.
According to the report, abduction cases increased by 7pc from 1,706 in 2013 to 1,831 in 2014, indicating a daily average of five abductions last year.
Referring to the Acid Survivors Foundation, the Sparc report said that 40 victims of acid attacks in the country last year were children. Among them, 11 were boys and 29 were girls, it said.
Pointing out that the legal age for marriage has been fixed above 18 years for both boys and girls according to the Sindh Child Marriage Restraint Bill, 2014 that prescribes two years imprisonment and a fine of Rs50,000 for the violators, the Sparc report found that seven per cent girls in the country were married before the age of 15, while 24pc were married before they were 18. Pregnancies by child-brides put them at high risk of birth complications as well as endangering their own health, it added.The report said of the 25 million Pakistani children, aged 5-9, one fourth were out of school and nearly 13 million of them belong to Punjab. Pakistan ranks second in the world with most out-of-school children.
It said the U5MR (Under 5 Mortality Rate) in Pakistan was 86 per 1,000 births in the year 2013, but it was far from the target of 52 deaths per 1,000 births under the millennium development goals.
By the end of 2014, there were a total of 1,456 juvenile offenders confined in detention centres in the four provinces – a vast majority of them were under trial. Punjab had the highest number (757), followed by KPK (301), Sindh (291), and Balochistan (107).
Referring to the ILO figures, it said some 12.5 million children were involved in some form of labour activity in Pakistan. Unicef estimated 10 million child labourers in 2012. With the large number of out-of-school children and the families working as bonded labour, there were many children playing an active role in the workforce, the report found. Of them, 264,000 children were estimated to be domestic workers, working in unprotected and unregulated environments. The report gave no figure for last year vis--vis torture on domestic workers, while in 2013 there were 21 cases of torture of child domestic workers reported out of whom eight died.
Published in Dawn, April 29th, 2015
On a mobile phone? Get the Dawn Mobile App: Apple Store | Google Play

dirty r@pists should worry about Devdasi with children which runs in their temples before publishing fake news stop r@ping and use a toilet [hilar][hilar]

this is shameful mr dalit mohammad urf modern.fakir , your child hood was destroyed by this habit of pakistani maulvis .

Christians are living under these evil and sinister people, and countless Christian girls are being kidnapped and raped by Muslims. We at Rescue Christians have heard the most harrowing of stories of Christians being tormented and raped by these evil satanists. We rescued a Christian teenage girl named Tania Rubecca, who was kidnapped by Muslims, tied to a tree, lacerated with blades, burned with cigarettes, and savagely raped.
We will continue to rescue girls like Tania as long as we continue to receive your help.Please donate to save Christian lives in Pakistan.
Child sexual abuse an 'epidemic,' in India: Delhi high court says

PTI | Oct 1, 2015, 08.08 PM IST


(Representative image: TOI)

NEW DELHI:Terming child sexual abuse as an "epidemic", Delhi high court has said that not only parents, but even trial courts dealing with such cases, should create an atmosphere where the victims can depose truthfully against "sexual perpetrators".

"Children who have suffered sexual abuse at the hands of the sexual perpetrators do not only suffer from physical pain but are also subjected to mental and emotional trauma. The results of child sex abuse are severe and far reaching," justice P S Teji said.

READ ALSO: 30% of kids face sexual abuse in some form

"Child sexual abuse is one of the most pervasive social problems faced by our society. Its impact is profound because of the sheer frequency with which it occurs and because of the trauma brought to the lives of the children who have experienced this crime. Child sexual abuse is an epidemic," the court observed.

The judge's observations came as he dismissed a plea of an accused who sought quashing of an FIR lodged against him by a 12-year-old boy whom he had allegedly sexually abused three years ago.

READ ALSO: Child abuse on the rise, more cases being reported

Refusing to quash the FIR, the court said "apparently, the petitioner (accused) is using all possible weapons to pressurize and to win over the victim i.e. the minor, to tamper with the evidence and to hamper the trial."

Observing that often the child victims and witnesses were compelled by circumstances not to bring true facts before the court, the judge said the trial court should "ensure the examination of the child witness by giving due protection to him and bringing the child out of the pressure".

READ ALSO: Eight cases of child abuse every day but conviction rate at an abysmal 2.4%

"The parents of such victims have even a greater role to play in helping and aiding the child in overcoming the trauma", it said

According to the minor's complaint, he was lured by the accused on the pretext of giving him a job of cleaning vehicles for which he would be paid Rs 4,000 per month.

i have full sympathy for your traumatised child hood in the hands of your maulvi who abused you in madarsa .


The urban-rural ratio of the child abuse cases was 33 to 67 per cent in the country.—AFP/File

At least 142 of the victims were murdered after being sexually assaulted, last year.—AFP/File

The urban-rural ratio of the child abuse cases was 33 to 67 per cent in the country.—AFP/File

At least 142 of the victims were murdered after being sexually assaulted, last year.—AFP/File

KARACHI: A report on children’s rights in the country released on Tuesday presented some dismal facts about their condition in every aspect ranging from education and health to labour, abduction, sexual assault and murder.
Titled The State of Pakistan’s Children – 2014, the report prepared by the Society for the Protection of the Rights of the Child (Sparc) was formally launched by its representatives Kashif Bajeer and Zahid Thebo at a hotel.
The report found that nearly 70,000 cases of violence against children were reported last year though the number of unreported incidents was estimated to be higher. Quoting figures from an independent report, Sahil’s Cruel Numbers Report 2014, Sparc stated that 1,786 cases of sexual assault against children — 1,172 committed against girls and the remaining 614 involving boys — were reported from January to June last year. The total number of such cases was 3,508 last year, indicating an increase of 17 per cent from the previous year.
Also read: Pakistan fails to meet MDGs on child rights
The Sparc report said there were 1,225 cases of rape/ sodomy, including gang-rape and gang sodomy, and 258 cases of attempted rape/sodomy, gang-rape and gang sodomy. At least 142 of the victims were murdered after being sexually assaulted, it added. A close examination of the issue revealed that eight per cent victims of sexual abuse aged between six and 10 years, 26pc were in the age group of 11-15, while 11pc were between 16 and 18 years. Among the victims were also a few babies aged up to one year.
About various forms of sexual abuse, the report said 755 victims were abused after abduction, 313 were raped, 147 were sodomized, 100 were gang-raped, 94 survived attempted rapes, 63 were gang sodomized, and 53 were victims of child marriages.
While the urban-rural ratio of the cases was 33 to 67 per cent in the country, the majority of cases of child abuse (2,054) were reported in Punjab, followed by 875 cases in Sindh, 297 in Balochistan, 152 in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 90 in Islamabad, 38 in Azad Jammu and Kashmir, one case each in Gilgit-Baltistan and the federally administered tribal agencies.
According to the report, abduction cases increased by 7pc from 1,706 in 2013 to 1,831 in 2014, indicating a daily average of five abductions last year.
Referring to the Acid Survivors Foundation, the Sparc report said that 40 victims of acid attacks in the country last year were children. Among them, 11 were boys and 29 were girls, it said.
Pointing out that the legal age for marriage has been fixed above 18 years for both boys and girls according to the Sindh Child Marriage Restraint Bill, 2014 that prescribes two years imprisonment and a fine of Rs50,000 for the violators, the Sparc report found that seven per cent girls in the country were married before the age of 15, while 24pc were married before they were 18. Pregnancies by child-brides put them at high risk of birth complications as well as endangering their own health, it added.The report said of the 25 million Pakistani children, aged 5-9, one fourth were out of school and nearly 13 million of them belong to Punjab. Pakistan ranks second in the world with most out-of-school children.
It said the U5MR (Under 5 Mortality Rate) in Pakistan was 86 per 1,000 births in the year 2013, but it was far from the target of 52 deaths per 1,000 births under the millennium development goals.
By the end of 2014, there were a total of 1,456 juvenile offenders confined in detention centres in the four provinces – a vast majority of them were under trial. Punjab had the highest number (757), followed by KPK (301), Sindh (291), and Balochistan (107).
Referring to the ILO figures, it said some 12.5 million children were involved in some form of labour activity in Pakistan. Unicef estimated 10 million child labourers in 2012. With the large number of out-of-school children and the families working as bonded labour, there were many children playing an active role in the workforce, the report found. Of them, 264,000 children were estimated to be domestic workers, working in unprotected and unregulated environments. The report gave no figure for last year vis--vis torture on domestic workers, while in 2013 there were 21 cases of torture of child domestic workers reported out of whom eight died.
Published in Dawn, April 29th, 2015
On a mobile phone? Get the Dawn Mobile App: Apple Store | Google Play

Four Indian youths Gang rape a Cow for a month, make her pregnant

Published Date: 21 Sep, 2014 (9:05 PM)

[TD="colspan: 2"]Kaup: 18-Month-old Calf Allegedly Raped by Four youth - Arrested[/TD]

[TD="colspan: 2"]

[TD="colspan: 2"]By MR, Team Mangalorean

Kaup: Animals don't rape, Humans do! And here is one such incident of an innocent young animal being raped by sex starved foursome youth, which could be termed as one of the disgusted act one could think of. We all have heard of number of rape cases and murder of young girls. Human desires are unlimited, when some men see a beautiful girl, they will stare at her and pass lewd comments. There are some men unable to control their sexual desires stoop to very low levels. Here is a heart wrenching incident that took place at Padoor Labour Colony Majoor, where four young men to fulfil their sexual desire allegedly raped a 18-month-old calf.
According to Narayan Kulal, his 18-month-old calf was raped by four youth on September 21. Kulal said that he had tied the calf in his compound. After sometime the calf was missing from the compound. Kulal along with the locals started to search for his calf in the nearby forest. He was surprised to see the calf in the forest and that it was bleeding. At the same time one youth was found with liquor bottles, coming out from the forest. The locals took the youth into custody and while enquiring he revealed the truth. Other locals were alerted about the incident and three more youth who were also involved in the heinous crime were also taken to custody.
The police were informed about crime. Immediately Shirva Police Inspector Ashok P and team arrived at the spot, before the situation started to get out of control and all the four accused were taken to custody. The Deputy Director of Veterinary Department, Srikanth Fadke and veterinary Doctor Arun Hedge conducted the medical test of the calf. Doctors suspect that the youth had attempted to rape the calf.
Locals and the members of Janajagrati Vedike gathered at the spot and urged the concerned authorities to move the Padoor Crude Oil Labour colony from there.

i have full sympathy for your traumatised child hood in the hands of your maulvi who abused you in madarsa .

At least 142 of the victims were murdered after being sexually assaulted, last year.—AFP/File

KARACHI: A report on children’s rights in the country released on Tuesday presented some dismal facts about their condition in every aspect ranging from education and health to labour, abduction, sexual assault and murder.
Titled The State of Pakistan’s Children – 2014, the report prepared by the Society for the Protection of the Rights of the Child (Sparc) was formally launched by its representatives Kashif Bajeer and Zahid Thebo at a hotel.
The report found that nearly 70,000 cases of violence against children were reported last year though the number of unreported incidents was estimated to be higher. Quoting figures from an independent report, Sahil’s Cruel Numbers Report 2014, Sparc stated that 1,786 cases of sexual assault against children — 1,172 committed against girls and the remaining 614 involving boys — were reported from January to June last year. The total number of such cases was 3,508 last year, indicating an increase of 17 per cent from the previous year.
Also read: Pakistan fails to meet MDGs on child rights
The Sparc report said there were 1,225 cases of rape/ sodomy, including gang-rape and gang sodomy, and 258 cases of attempted rape/sodomy, gang-rape and gang sodomy. At least 142 of the victims were murdered after being sexually assaulted, it added. A close examination of the issue revealed that eight per cent victims of sexual abuse aged between six and 10 years, 26pc were in the age group of 11-15, while 11pc were between 16 and 18 years. Among the victims were also a few babies aged up to one year.
About various forms of sexual abuse, the report said 755 victims were abused after abduction, 313 were raped, 147 were sodomized, 100 were gang-raped, 94 survived attempted rapes, 63 were gang sodomized, and 53 were victims of child marriages.
While the urban-rural ratio of the cases was 33 to 67 per cent in the country, the majority of cases of child abuse (2,054) were reported in Punjab, followed by 875 cases in Sindh, 297 in Balochistan, 152 in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 90 in Islamabad, 38 in Azad Jammu and Kashmir, one case each in Gilgit-Baltistan and the federally administered tribal agencies.
According to the report, abduction cases increased by 7pc from 1,706 in 2013 to 1,831 in 2014, indicating a daily average of five abductions last year.
Referring to the Acid Survivors Foundation, the Sparc report said that 40 victims of acid attacks in the country last year were children. Among them, 11 were boys and 29 were girls, it said.
Pointing out that the legal age for marriage has been fixed above 18 years for both boys and girls according to the Sindh Child Marriage Restraint Bill, 2014 that prescribes two years imprisonment and a fine of Rs50,000 for the violators, the Sparc report found that seven per cent girls in the country were married before the age of 15, while 24pc were married before they were 18. Pregnancies by child-brides put them at high risk of birth complications as well as endangering their own health, it added.The report said of the 25 million Pakistani children, aged 5-9, one fourth were out of school and nearly 13 million of them belong to Punjab. Pakistan ranks second in the world with most out-of-school children.
It said the U5MR (Under 5 Mortality Rate) in Pakistan was 86 per 1,000 births in the year 2013, but it was far from the target of 52 deaths per 1,000 births under the millennium development goals.
By the end of 2014, there were a total of 1,456 juvenile offenders confined in detention centres in the four provinces – a vast majority of them were under trial. Punjab had the highest number (757), followed by KPK (301), Sindh (291), and Balochistan (107).
Referring to the ILO figures, it said some 12.5 million children were involved in some form of labour activity in Pakistan. Unicef estimated 10 million child labourers in 2012. With the large number of out-of-school children and the families working as bonded labour, there were many children playing an active role in the workforce, the report found. Of them, 264,000 children were estimated to be domestic workers, working in unprotected and unregulated environments. The report gave no figure for last year vis--vis torture on domestic workers, while in 2013 there were 21 cases of torture of child domestic workers reported out of whom eight died.
Published in Dawn, April 29th, 2015
On a mobile phone? Get the Dawn Mobile App: Apple Store | Google Play

[h=1]Sexual abuse of children 'rampant' in India[/h][h=2]Human Rights Watch report says abuse "disturbingly common", especially in schools and state-run child care facilities.[/h]07 Feb 2013 12:51 GMT | Asia, India

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The Indian government has failed to curb the rampant sexual abuse of children, especially in schools and state-run child care facilities, a rights group said.
Human Rights Watch (HRW), in its report released on Thursday, cited the recent fatalgang-rape of a young woman on a New Delhi bus in December, an attack that shook the conscience of the nation and forced people to introspect on the way women are treated in India.
The outcry forced the government to rush through new laws to protect women.
[TABLE="width: 33, align: right"]
[TD]Confronting India's culture of rape [Al Jazeera][/TD]
A government panel appointed after the attack to examine the country's treatment of women also shone a light on the high incidence of child sexual abuse and the failure of the government to ensure the implementation of child protection laws.
Child rights activists say the government needs to implement the panel's recommendations on preventing child sexual abuse as well.
The new report from HRW said such abuse is disturbingly common, government responses are falling short in protecting children and in treating victims.
The report urges the government to ensure rigorous implementation of child protection laws and strict monitoring of child care facilities.
It calls for an end to traumatic medical examinations and insensitive treatment by police and other authorities, which subject victims to further distress.
There are no clear statistics on the number of child abuse cases in India, primarily because of the low reporting of such crimes.
India's ministry of women and child said in 2007 that around 70 percent of abused children never reported the matter to anyone.
'Vulnerability of children'
Despite the low reporting levels, the ministry then said 53.2 percent, or one out of two, children in India, reported having faced one or more forms of sexual abuse.
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[TD]"When the caretaker himself is the abuser, the situation is especially traumatic because then the child has nowhere to go"
- Anuja Gupta, RAHI

This statistic is even worse for state-run or -funded homes, activists said.
"The vulnerability of children to sexual abuse is very high, and it becomes worse because there is nobody monitoring these children's homes," said Anuja Gupta of the Recovering and Healing from Incest, or RAHI, Foundation in New Delhi.
She said in many child care facilities, the abuse was committed by the people in charge of taking care of the child.
"When the caretaker himself is the abuser, the situation is especially traumatic because then the child has nowhere to go," Gupta said.
Human Rights Watch said the inspections of state-run child facilities were inadequate, with many facilities not registered with the government as mandated by the law.
"Shockingly the very institutions that should protect vulnerable children can place them at risk of horrific child sexual abuse," said Meenakshi Ganguly, HRW's South Asia director.
While the government in 2012 passed a comprehensive law to protect children from sexual offences, its efforts to implement the law remained poor or nonexistent, activists say.
While child abuse is a problem elsewhere, in India it is further aggravated by poorly trained police officers who refuse to register complaints or encourage the victims to seek a settlement.
Convictions are rare and cases can languish in the country's sluggish criminal and judicial process for years, if not decades.

i have full sympathy for your traumatised child hood in the hands of your maulvi who abused you in madarsa .

keep on r@ping your now well known around the world [hilar][hilar][hilar]

93 women are being raped in India every day, NCRB data show

Christin Mathew Philip,TNN | Jul 1, 2014, 12.39 PM IST


93 women are being raped in India every day, NCRB data show

CHENNAI: If one goes by the latest statistics of National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), every day 93 women are being raped in the country.

According to NCRB data, there is a gradual increase in the number of rapes reported in India - from 24,923 in 2012 to 33,707 in 2013.

Despite of several protests after Nirbhaya incident in New Delhi, the national capital continuous to be the unsafe city in the country. The number of rapes in Delhi has almost doubled from 585 in 2012 to 1,441 in 2013. Delhi is followed by Mumbai (391), Jaipur (192) and Pune (171) among the top unsafe cities in the country.

It is also revealed that Madhya Pradesh has recorded the maximum rapes in 2013 among all other states with 4,335. In April this year, a 14-year-old dalit girl was allegedly gang-raped by five people on a moving bus in Madhya Pradesh.

In another incident in Madhya Pradesh in June this year, a tribal woman was also allegedly gang-raped by ten persons, including her husband after a land dispute.

It is followed by Rajasthan (3285), Maharashtra (3063) and Uttar Pradesh (3050).

A total 923 rape cases were reported in Tamil Nadu, which means 3 per day.

The most horrifying fact is that majority of the offenders are known to the victims. NCRB statistics shows that 31,807 (94%) were familiar to the accused, which includes neighbours (10782), other known persons (18171), relatives (2315) and parents (539).

It is also revealed that most victims are aged between 18 and 30 years (15,556) and 14 and 18 years (8,877). Activists argue that legal system is slow to prosecute rape cases, but officials say the number of rape cases have increased because of the awareness on the part of the victims, who come forward to lodge complaints

i have full sympathy for your traumatised child hood in the hands of your maulvi who abused you in madarsa .

d by the Society for the Protection of the Rights of the Child (Sparc) was formally launched by its representatives Kashif Bajeer and Zahid Thebo at a hotel.
The report found that nearly 70,000 cases of violence against children were reported last year though the number of unreported incidents was estimated to be higher. Quoting figures from an independent report, Sahil’s Cruel Numbers Report 2014, Sparc stated that 1,786 cases of sexual assault against children — 1,172 committed against girls and the remaining 614 involving boys — were reported from January to June last year. The total number of such cases was 3,508 last year, indicating an increase of 17 per cent from the previous year.
Also read: Pakistan fails to meet MDGs on child rights
The Sparc report said there were 1,225 cases of rape/ sodomy, including gang-rape and gang sodomy, and 258 cases of attempted rape/sodomy, gang-rape and gang sodomy. At least 142 of the victims were murdered after being sexually assaulted, it added. A close examination of the issue revealed that eight per cent victims of sexual abuse aged between six and 10 years, 26pc were in the age group of 11-15, while 11pc were between 16 and 18 years. Among the victims were also a few babies aged up to one year.
About various forms of sexual abuse, the report said 755 victims were abused after abduction, 313 were raped, 147 were sodomized, 100 were gang-raped, 94 survived attempted rapes, 63 were gang sodomized, and 53 were victims of child marriages.
While the urban-rural ratio of the cases was 33 to 67 per cent in the country, the majority of cases of child abuse (2,054) were reported in Punjab, followed by 875 cases in Sindh, 297 in Balochistan, 152 in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 90 in Islamabad, 38 in Azad Jammu and Kashmir, one case each in Gilgit-Baltistan and the federally administered tribal agencies.
According to the report, abduction cases increased by 7pc from 1,706 in 2013 to 1,831 in 2014, indicating a daily average of five abductions last year.
Referring to the Acid Survivors Foundation, the Sparc report said that 40 victims of acid attacks in the country last year were children. Among them, 11 were boys and 29 were girls, it said.
Pointing out that the legal age for marriage has been fixed above 18 years for both boys and girls according to the Sindh Child Marriage Restraint Bill, 2014 that prescribes two years imprisonment and a fine of Rs50,000 for the violators, the Sparc report found that seven per cent girls in the country were married before the age of 15, while 24pc were married before they were 18. Pregnancies by child-brides put them at high risk of birth complications as well as endangering their own health, it added.The report said of the 25 million Pakistani children, aged 5-9, one fourth were out of school and nearly 13 million of them belong to Punjab. Pakistan ranks second in the world with most out-of-school children.
It said the U5MR (Under 5 Mortality Rate) in Pakistan was 86 per 1,000 births in the year 2013, but it was far from the target of 52 deaths per 1,000 births under the millennium development goals.
By the end of 2014, there were a total of 1,456 juvenile offenders confined in detention centres in the four provinces – a vast majority of them were under trial. Punjab had the highest number (757), followed by KPK (301), Sindh (291), and Balochistan (107).
Referring to the ILO figures, it said some 12.5 million children were involved in some form of labour activity in Pakistan. Unicef estimated 10 million child labourers in 2012. With the large number of out-of-school children and the families working as bonded labour, there were many children playing an active role in the workforce, the report found. Of them, 264,000 children were estimated to be domestic workers, working in unprotected and unregulated environments. The report gave no figure for last year vis--vis torture on domestic workers, while in 2013 there were 21 cases of torture of child domestic workers reported out of whom eight died.
Published in Dawn, April 29th, 2015
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