After concrete evidence, India ambassador should be kicked out of Pakistan


Minister (2k+ posts)
World will not and has not listened to Pakistan, Indian are their darling, we should kick out Indian ambassador, then the world will pay attention, we got kulbhoshan, APC happened, pus Indians were spreading terrorism in Pakistan from Afghanistan under American watch.
Don’t expect anything from the world, government should take action.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
FATF or UN are purely political entities.. and they have nothing to do with reality..

They only do what Big Powers ask them to do..

This is the very unfortunate for the whole world

Oppostion Is Mafia

Minister (2k+ posts)
World will not and has not listened to Pakistan, Indian are their darling, we should kick out Indian ambassador, then the world will pay attention, we got kulbhoshan, APC happened, pus Indians were spreading terrorism in Pakistan from Afghanistan under American watch.
Don’t expect anything from the world, government should take action.
Its not that easy. First thing Pakistan must do is reform, Judicary, police, election commision, Nab, accountability, get big criminals like Zardari, Sharif, Fazlu in jail or hanged, reform media, reform education system, hospitals, increase export, increase tax collection, control inflation, that will make Pakistan strong and independent automatically you will get 60% fixed this way. Usa wants india becuse they big and better not because they love them. Pakiatn needs to get better and stronger before you kick any one out. More importent is get big Pmln and ppp criminals in Jails.
