Aaj Kamran Khan Ke Sath - 27th May 2011


Minister (2k+ posts)
Thanks Kamran Khan,welcome madam Hilory Clinton to pakistan. US brought this govt for its own convenience because it was corrupt and easy to squeeze them for their "do more" rhetoric and they did but on the expense of pakistani people.I know you and john kerry have lots of sympathy for pakistan which we appreciate but at the same time we would like to say at least give a stern lesson to this govt who thinks corruption is a "God's Blessing" ,enjoy it even pakistanis are committing suisides for not having anything to eat.I know its not your problem to do this job but your country installed this devlish govt which is "AZAB-I-ELAHI" and the whole nation is paying the price.Your nice and sympathetic words are good to tune our ears but pak needs more than your words.pak economy is wrecked just because of war on terror .pak debts have gone sky high,pak damage in this war is close to $70 billion whereas pak got only $20 billion.Madam hilory ,pak is a poor country, even its coming generation wont be able to pay that debt.Our very humble request to the US president and international community is to write off our debts so pak who paid so much price in this war can have sigh of relief .Pakistan saved the whole world from alqaeda by giving sacrifices of its own people .Is the international community gonna realise our sacrifices ? second ,its very encouraging that pak and US will go for the joint operation which will restore the confidence and trust between the two.Third,if US give drones to pak, it will help a lot to shoot the terrorists and avoid the collateral damage.fourth,pak army and ISI have to work with US, keep the trust which US dont have.ISI have to eliminate the TTP,alqaeda and banned organisations in the national interest.Good relations and dialogues with India and afghanistan are very importan.Strategic dilogues between pak and US will enhance the co-operation and trust so both countries should go for it.Majority of pakistanis are suspicious of US because of reservations it have wrongly or rightly because of our nukes ? I hope and wish a better future between the Pak ,US and the world community,ameen.
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