A lot of Pakistani politicans are without morals and ethics.


MPA (400+ posts)
Pakistan's politicians and their leaders are devoid of moral and ethics and would do anything salacious, malicious, mendacious, perfidious, ignominious, licentious, devious and treacherous to achieve their degrading, immoral and unethical objectives. It is such a misfortune and a tragedy that the majority of Pakistans politicians entered politics for illegal money grabbing, illegal money laundering, illegal land grabbing and stuffing their mouths, bellies and wallets with as many dollars, pounds, euros and rupees in the shortest and fastest time.

I will appeal to Chief Justice Ifthikhar Chaudary not only to prosecute the NRO beneficiaries but also every corrupt and greedy bureaucrat working or retired in the high office in the country.

These politicians and their leaders do not realize how much damage they are doing and have done to Pakistan's image and honour abroad because of their unbridled indulgence in corruption and greed. Enough is enough and it is the final time to stop and eradicate this shameless evil of corruption from Pakistan's soil.

Have you seen these politicians appearing on TV channels doing nothing but quarrelling, shouting and abusing each other and their political parties; and glorifying their past or deceased leaders but not discussing their manifestos or their financial, fiscal, economic and domestic policies? It is because they have no policy to discuss in their bags. If they had any policy: they would have by now sorted out outrageous power cuts for 14-16 hours a day; they would have sorted out sugar shortages; they would have sorted out basic food shortages that the poor face in the country every day; they would have reduced unstoppable inflation; they would have done something to improve jobless total in the country; they would have adopted economic policies to improve Pakistans economy to stop its dependence on US foreign aid and begging for money. But, instead, the only thing that they are good at is eulogising their corrupt and inept present and past political leaders and hanging their pictures on the walls or putting them on their side tables on the first photo opportunity. They disgust me.

As Allama Iqbal said:

"Sabaq phir parh Sadaaqat ka, Adaalat ka, Shuja'at ka,
Liya jayega tujh se kaam dunya ki Imaamat ka."

"Hazaaroun saal Nargis apni be-noori peh rowti hai
Bari mushkil sey hota hai chaman mein deedawar paida!"

"Maghrib ki waadiyon men goonji azan hamaari,

Thamta natha kisi se sayle-rawaan hamaara."


MPA (400+ posts)