کورونا وائرس کی مریضہ لاہور کے جناح ہسپتال سے فرار


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
اسکو ڈھونڈھ کر علاج کے بعد قید کی سزا دو اور دوسروں کو عبرت ہونی چاہیے اس جا ہل عورت کی سزا سے


Minister (2k+ posts)
Normal people run to hospitals to get treatment and hope to get well....these people RUN from hospitals to escape treatment....she probably wants to get treated from the tibb e nabwi's fake hadeeths...Go girl.....infect your family and all the people in your locality....when she dies...her family members will claim "Allah ki marzi thi" Freaking fatalists


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Normal people run to hospitals to get treatment and hope to get well....these people RUN from hospitals to escape treatment....she probably wants to get treated from the tibb e nabwi's fake hadeeths...Go girl.....infect your family and all the people in your locality....when she dies...her family members will claim "Allah ki marzi thi" Freaking fatalists

true .
