TTP is a Mercenary group and are Khawarijs aka dogs of hell.
Now adays Napak Army and TTP men are brothers in hand.
Both are murderers, smugglers and rapists.
Both lives on Haram income; Markhor steal tax money and Haram khor takes bhatta.
Both kidnap Pakistanis to make part time income.
Both groups provide rental services and love $$ alot.
Both are hated alot and are aliens to Pakistanis, lost respect and honor in the eyes of civilised people.
Both groups kills their fellow Pakistanis: one kill in the name of nationalism and other in the name of islam.
Both have undone the idealogy of Pakistan; made life hell for common pakistanis to live peacefully like good muslims in this land of pure.
Both occupy and grab illegal lands in Pakistan...made pakistan an occupied Pakistan.
Both are Wrong Numbers and are Dogs of hell.
May Allah curse them and saves us Pakistanis from the false savior of nation and false savior of islam...Amin