نے پیپلزپارٹی اور ن لیگ کو ٹاسک دے دیا RAW

First Strike

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Indian RAW has given a task to PPP and PMLN to destabilize Pakistan.

The way Pakistan's Armed forces and Imran Khan's government responded to Balakot strikes and shot down two Indian gighter jets; that has caused fear in the higher ranks of Indian establishment and anti-Pakistan elements. Since then RAW designed a plan to destabilize Pakistan and Imran Khan's government. For that purpose PTM is included in the opposition parties alliance. Even though the killer of Naqeebullah Mehsood (Rao Anwar) was the puppet of Asif Zardari, PTM is supporting PPP and PMLN to create chaos in Pakistan on behalf of RAW and NDS.

Pakistan's economic condition is bad because of massive corruption of Asif Zardari and Nawaz Sharif. Imran Khan is trying his best to improve the economy. When the disease is old and danger then doctors perform a major surgery. After surgery patients feel pain but get healthy after sometime. Insha'Allah Pakistan's economy will improve and stabilize. People of Pakistan should aware of vicious nexus between RAW, NDS, PPP, PTM, JUIF and PMLN. These parties are enemies of Pakistan.
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Indian RAW has given a task to PPP and PMLN to destabilize Pakistan.

The way Pakistan's Armed forces and Imran Khan's government responded to Balakot strikes and shot down two Indian gighter jets; that has caused fear in the higher ranks of Indian establishment and anti-Pakistan elements. Since then RAW designed a plan to destabilize Pakistan and Imran Khan's government. For that purpose PTM is included in the opposition parties alliance. Even though the killer of Naqeebullah Mehsood (Rao Anwar) was the puppet of Asif Zardari, PTM is supporting PPP and PMLN to create chaos in Pakistan on behalf of RAW and NDS.

Pakistan's economic condition is bad because of massive corruption of Asif Zardari and Nawaz Sharif. Imran Khan is trying his best to improve the economy. When the disease is old and danger then doctors perform a major surgery. After surgery patients feel pain but get healthy after sometime. Insha'Allah Pakistan's economy will improve and stabilize. People of Pakistan should aware of vicious nexus between RAW, NDS, PPP, PTM, JUIF and PMLN. These parties are enemies of Pakistan.
Pakistanis will terminate these TWO PLMN & PPP terrorist out post of RAW in Pakistan.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
پاک فوج ان باتوں سے اندھی ہے

ورنہ ہمارے ملک یہ حال نہ ہوتا

فوج کو سیاستدانوں کے ساتھ بستر پر سونے دو


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Brother just wait and see. These traitors are history now and will have extremely miserable ending.

So Pak Army will not give NRO, like it has already given to Shahbaz Shareef. Which world are you living in. We want justice not bullshit which Pakistan Army has been given us since 1971 (break Pakistan), 1988 (bring back Bhutto), 1990 (create Nawaz Shareef), 2008 (bring back Nawaz and Benazir Bhutto), 2013 (rig elections to give Nawaz Shareef power).

I can tell u 100% sure that Pakistan Army will always be sincere to these criminals bcz we ordinary Pakistani's are filthy dogs to them.

First Strike

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
So Pak Army will not give NRO, like it has already given to Shahbaz Shareef. Which world are you living in. We want justice not bullshit which Pakistan Army has been given us since 1971 (break Pakistan), 1988 (bring back Bhutto), 1990 (create Nawaz Shareef), 2008 (bring back Nawaz and Benazir Bhutto), 2013 (rig elections to give Nawaz Shareef power).

I can tell u 100% sure that Pakistan Army will always be sincere to these criminals bcz we ordinary Pakistani's are filthy dogs to them.

Hope for the best


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
India must be broken, should be in states, Mudi is winning again, thats good he will be destabilize the country from inside, making fights among Muslims/Hindus/Sikhs


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)


Minister (2k+ posts)
Indian RAW has given a task to PPP and PMLN to destabilize Pakistan.

The way Pakistan's Armed forces and Imran Khan's government responded to Balakot strikes and shot down two Indian gighter jets; that has caused fear in the higher ranks of Indian establishment and anti-Pakistan elements. Since then RAW designed a plan to destabilize Pakistan and Imran Khan's government. For that purpose PTM is included in the opposition parties alliance. Even though the killer of Naqeebullah Mehsood (Rao Anwar) was the puppet of Asif Zardari, PTM is supporting PPP and PMLN to create chaos in Pakistan on behalf of RAW and NDS.

Pakistan's economic condition is bad because of massive corruption of Asif Zardari and Nawaz Sharif. Imran Khan is trying his best to improve the economy. When the disease is old and danger then doctors perform a major surgery. After surgery patients feel pain but get healthy after sometime. Insha'Allah Pakistan's economy will improve and stabilize. People of Pakistan should aware of vicious nexus between RAW, NDS, PPP, PTM, JUIF and PMLN. These parties are enemies of Pakistan.
Both parties tried to finish the isi political wing and seems like it working otherway around. They have been in a situation where exposing themselves so peoples can see their true evil face. They are national security risk and putting peoples and Army in great risk by obeying their foreign lords.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Hope is for LOOSERS. Honesty is the ONLY Hope. From history we can not trust the Army will work for Pakistani's.

They are honest only form Politicians not Pakistanis.
This guy is on NGO's payroll, helping fifth generation war aginst our country epoplea and Army. History can only see thise have eyes and ears. Last 20 years we have been saved from evil foces by the grace of Allah an after that our beloved Armed forces.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
This guy is on NGO's payroll, helping fifth generation war aginst our country epoplea and Army. History can only see thise have eyes and ears. Last 20 years we have been saved from evil foces by the grace of Allah an after that our beloved Armed forces.

Which NGO? U Indian

Pakistani's have been made stupid too many times.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Which NGO? U Indian

Pakistani's have been made stupid too many times.
Dont tell me your origin. We know when peoples speaks.
Dont worry about Pakistani's. Just do what you've been paid for. You're making halal money with haram way. Stop talking aginst Pakistni forces. Talk about CIA and us forces those are funding you aginst us.


Minister (2k+ posts)
لعنت تیری انگریزی پر
Haha....... Allah ki rehmat ho aap par.
Sahi wlai angrazi bhi likh daite. Mr. Shakespeare.
Jub such sunny ki tappar na ho tu banda apni oqat par ah jata hy.
Apki badzubani aur bad ikhalqi ka pora forum gawah hy. Lagta hy ghar walay bi apki laaambi zaban se tang hain.
