I used to ask people not to call PTI by this word. Seems like all went in vain.Munafiqeen ki jamat
Badkirdar aur takay takay per biknay walay
haan ab raaj kare ga munafiqon munafiqat, Maudodi America ko galian dete dete American mein bete ko parhaya aur waheen ja kar maut huwi in NY, Qazi Hussain Ahmed America ke khilaf rallies nikali aur aulad ko parhaya America main....jamaat-e-munafiq
اور میں بھی یورپ میں ہی پڑھ رہا ہوں
فرمان رسالت مآب ص علم حاصل کرو چاہے اس کے لئے چین ہی کیوں نہ جانا پڑے
لیکن یہ اصول کب سے آگیا کہ امریکہ سے پڑھنے والے امریکہ پر تنقید نہیں کر سکتے
امریکہ سے نمک ہلالی کا بہت خیال ہے آپ کو ، مگر اپنے رب اور اپنے دین سے نہیں
Can anyone tell me in reality how much NA seats MMA(Molvi Munafiq Alliance)will get from Panjab to form the Fed gov and bring thiers Islam in Pakistan..if not form the Fed Gov then can become opposition leader in National Assemble...if they don't achieve these two basic goals..then it's means they making fool to thiers voters as they don't dare to speak the truth in front of thiers voters after being in condition of Wazu?
Last time MMA took nearly 60 seats in NA, this time in sha ALLAH 80+ to form federal govt and KP balochistan.
Then brace yourself for a big disappointment.Last time MMA took nearly 60 seats in NA, this time in sha ALLAH 80+ to form federal govt and KP balochistan.
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