Ban all the islamic channels from media of all the sects .
Ban all the mullaz who spread hatred in the name of religion.
Ban all the religious parties who does politics in the name of religion
Pakistan needs to be a secular state and take the religious points out of the constitution of Pakistan .
Pakistan should be a democratic state where religion has no interference in the state affairs .
These mullaz will take pakistan back to stone age and there will be no return back.
I am surprised when these idiots and some others criticise Taliban.For me there is no difference between ,qadri ,these mullaz and taliban . They all are different types of extremists who are ready to kill people in the name of religion.
Look at the state of Pakistan coz of these experiments . You can not even hold an international sports events in Pakistan coz of these idiots .
Pakistan is getting back awkward day by day compare to rest of the world.
IF people of Pakistan do not consider the above things then they need to get ready to see the dead bodies of their loved ones by religious extremists in the street of pakistan .