فضل الرحمان کے تھائی لینڈ جانے کا مقصد کیا تھا؟کیامولانا سرکاری خرچ پر گئے؟


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
قائد موترم چولانا فضل رامائن لعنت حرکات عالیہ چہرے پر نحوست سجائے ہوئے حیوانی زلفوں کے ساتھ عوام کے پیسے سے بنے تھک والے جہاز سے جب تھائی لینڈ اترے تو وہاں پہ ایسے شیطانی اثرات پڑے جس سے وہ ملک بھی کرپشن، بے ایمانی، منافقت اور لونڈے بازی کی نحوست میں جکڑنا شروع ہو گیا ہے۔


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Why did Diesel go to Thailand?.Malaysia has beautiful islands,Turkey has very scenic areas and Pakistan has many beautiful locations so why go to a country which has a reputation for sex tourism.I have never been to Thailand but I heard about Bangkok from my British and American work colleagues.This is many years ago when I worked for an American company in Middle East.We had an excellent deal.We worked 6 1/2 days a week for 6 weeks and got 2 weeks vacation.Our tickets were paid by our company.I was married so I used to fly back to UK every six weeks.All of my British and American colleagues were single.Guess where they went for vacation after every six weeks? Bangkok and occasionally Manila too .I won’t go into details about their antics in Thailand,there encounters with lady boys(kotoi),she males and straight girls.Why was Diesel allowed to used Pakistan airforce plane?.Why couldn’t he fly on a civilian airline?.There are plenty of airlines which fly to Thailand.