عمران خان کہتا تھا کہ مہنگائی کا تعلق حکمرانوں کی کرپشن سے ہے، عمر چیمہ


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Simple answer, has IK's wealth increased? If yes.... hang him upside down. Back in the day of your overlords it was the frenzy of corruption, loot and what not. You want to talk about real truck ki batti? That'd be the subsidies provided by them to try and offset for their corruption and incompetence....
This is not a gov which is in the position to dish out free candies to everyone. It's busy demining the landscape after the locusts you call your lords, PPPMLN left...
A bigger damage to Pakistan, more than their corruption is they produced weasels like this abomination who don't have the capacity to think beyond their insatiable stomachs.....
Its doesn't matter if IK's wealth has increased or not. The real question is if the wealth of the people of Pakistan has increased or not in last 3 years. If the poverty live decreased or not and if the inflationary price hike stayed within reach of common people. What one will do with an incompetent honest ?
Let next government find out what was going on during last 5 years. Stay tune and enjoy.
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Prime Minister (20k+ posts)


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
He fired Hafeez and trusted Shaukat Tarin who is master of fake account in Silk bank and have 4 of shore companies.

He fired Hafeez because was Hafeez said that we cannot have fast pace growth and Imran Khan fired because he wanted to win election based on car sales growth. He opened all imports for luxury items, which hafeez banned, did 669% of increase import of cars in Just 3 months, which is more than entire last FY so that they can show numbers of growth. However, problem become when rupee devalued due to 4 billion CAD in just 3 months and all fiscal imbalances were out places and there no stopping of rupee devaluation.



Conclusion, If Imran Khan agreed to IMF than we would have been in a better place and less inflation. Now IMF is giving Pakistan more hard condition and telling redo entire budget because it is all based on import and custom duty collection.
And these are the reasons you hate your one time Idol? By the way its good to have an idol in life.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
This was all consumption led. Shaukat Tarin him self said in USA that all Taxes are based on Import that is why is IMF not agreeing with us. 80% taxes are collected from imports in this 3 months. The entire budget requires 80% tax collection from custom duties.

PTI did more 1 billion dollar of Cars imports ,which was less than previous entire FY.

3) Lost 2 billion dollar from reserves due to CAD in just 4 weeks

4) Made fiscal balance out place.

5) Cause market to crash 6000 points

6) Lost FDI due to unstable currency.

7) Government update is more higher than 2018 now

8) CDS risk level is equal to 2019 now

This happened due to delay in IMF program, which is now putting us to more hard condition than March 2021 Hafeez wanted to.

If we had agreed to IMF condition than our inflation would have stand still at 8% and now it will go beyond 12%. and in winter will be more than 13%.


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
گٹر چیمہ کا خاندانی نام کیا گٹر ہے یا وہ لوگ گٹر صاف کرنے کا دھندہ کرتے تھے یا والدہ نے گٹر صاف کرنے والے سے شادی کی تھی کیا ؟ یا اسکا حقیقی باپ جو اسکی پیدائش کا زمہ دار ہے گٹر ٹھیک کرنے اسکے گھر آیا اور کسی اور گٹر میں واردات ڈال گیا تھا کیا ؟ کیوں کہ جس طرح یہ گٹر چیمہ گٹر کے نام سے مشہور ہوا انٹر نیشنل اسکو گٹر چیمہ کی مشہوری ملی کوئی اس کو گٹر کی پیداوار کہتا ہے او کوئی گٹر چیمہ کہتا ہے تو وجہ تو کوئی ہے


Minister (2k+ posts)
What happened to the budget?
Will be changed in Nov due to 80% of tax collection depends on import. IMF says either do what your budget says that Shaukat Tarin put 600 billion rupee tax on Petrol levy, which has to be more than 30 rupee or 40 rupees ,which is now only 5.62 rupee or put additional tax of 600 billion rupee. Entire budget was miscalculated and was based on 80% import tax collection. One reference to this is.



MPA (400+ posts)
This was all consumption led. Shaukat Tarin him self said in USA that all Taxes are based on Import that is why is IMF not agreeing with us. 80% taxes are collected from imports in this 3 months. The entire budget requires 80% tax collection from custom duties.

PTI did more 1 billion dollar of Cars imports ,which was less than previous entire FY.

3) Lost 2 billion dollar from reserves due to CAD in just 4 weeks

4) Made fiscal balance out place.

5) Cause market to crash 6000 points

6) Lost FDI due to unstable currency.

7) Government update is more higher than 2018 now

8) CDS risk level is equal to 2019 now

This happened due to delay in IMF program, which is now putting us to more hard condition than March 2021 Hafeez wanted to.

If we had agreed to IMF condition than our inflation would have stand still at 8% and now it will go beyond 12%. and in winter will be more than 13%.
Again misleading deliberately even when being fully aware of it and have been told before as well. All is not because of car imports, just a fraction due to it. Its mainly due to rising international prices. Yet you deliberately continue to mislead.

Data released by the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics showed that the import of petroleum products went up by 93.21pc in value and 10.86pc in quantity.

Just 11 percent increase in quantity has resulted in 93% increase in petroleum import bill, that's only possible due to rising prices.

Import of palm oil grew by 53.91pc in value in July-Sept FY22 to $891.15m from $579.008m over the corresponding months of last year. In quantity, a 14.80pc negative growth was recorded in import of palm oil during the same period.

54% increase in palm oil bill even when we imported 15% less than corresponding previous months. That is again due to rising prices.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Again misleading deliberately even when being fully aware of it and have been told before as well. All is not because of car imports, just a fraction due to it. Its mainly due to rising international prices. Yet you deliberately continue to mislead.

Data released by the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics showed that the import of petroleum products went up by 93.21pc in value and 10.86pc in quantity.

Just 11 percent increase in quantity has resulted in 93% increase in petroleum import bill, that's only possible due to rising prices.

Import of palm oil grew by 53.91pc in value in July-Sept FY22 to $891.15m from $579.008m over the corresponding months of last year. In quantity, a 14.80pc negative growth was recorded in import of palm oil during the same period.

54% increase in palm oil bill even when we imported 15% less than corresponding previous months. That is again due to rising prices.

Wake up Pak

Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Will be changed in Nov due to 80% of tax collection depends on import. IMF says either do what your budget says that Shaukat Tarin put 600 billion rupee tax on Petrol levy, which has to be more than 30 rupee or 40 rupees ,which is now only 5.62 rupee or put additional tax of 600 billion rupee. Entire budget was miscalculated and was based on 80% import tax collection. One reference to this is.

Keep on dreaming


Minister (2k+ posts)
Twitter boy get the real facts
He said this in Pakistan embassy. IMF doing a validation if Pakistan agree on there own budget that they put 600 billion rupee on PDL than ok if not than Pakistan has to come with 600 billion rupee tax plan that is why there was delay ,which will start again on Monday.


MPA (400+ posts)
And how much is that 669% increase? Its not 1 billion as you stated previously. Its worth 266 million up from 35 million from corresponding 3 months of last year (which was by the way height of pandemic).

We have paid 312 million more for palm oil import in same period even when we have imported 15% less plam oil in same period.

So surely its not mainly due to car imports but due to rising prices internationally.