امریکا نے ٣٠٠ فوجیوں کو ویزے نہ ملنے پر امد&#1


MPA (400+ posts)

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Senator (1k+ posts)
Brown slave refused? amazing bravery by slaves of America. beggar nations and criminal inbreds will never get any respect from their white jewish masters. Revalution like Iran will save this country called MAJBOORISTAN.
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Siasat.pk - Blogger
my question is
do americans ever ask for visa if yes when
if not then why would they ask for it now


Councller (250+ posts)
The story has unfolded ... this whole issue was for those 6 or 7 American visas waiting in America's Pakistani consulate.

However, some other things are also confirmed. Just when US demanded "do more" in Waziristan, Gen. Kayani's statement came reading "Pakistan is ready to face all internal and external situations" which was kind of a shut-up call to Americans. Since then, I have seen one or other American official stating "Pakistan has the authority to decide when and where it should operate in tribal areas" ... some relief that is.

On the other side, US is heard increasing its presence in asian region for Iran and definitely they can't afford to f*ck with Pakistan like they have been doing all along. There are some changes happening briskly and I sense they will be visible very soon to general public. The credit goes to Gen. Kayani who is not letting government lay down before America that is why we hear Gillani saying that we will see if Gen. Kayani's tenure should be extended or not ... just a few months back Gillani was so chivalrous on the issue that he offered extension to Gen. Kayani by himself without it even being sought ...
