
  1. RiazHaq

    Harvard Genetics Study Destroys Myth of Hindu Racial Purity

    http://www.riazhaq.com/2013/08/harvard-genetics-study-finds-most.html "To keep up the purity of the Race and its culture, Germany shocked the world by her purging the country of the Semitic races -- the Jews. Race pride at its highest has been manifested here. Germany has also shown how...
  2. sarmad

    The race is on for Libya's oil, with Britain and France both staking a claim | The Guardian UK (Now

    The race is on for Libya's oil, with Britain and France both staking a claimRebel leaders dismiss suggestions that firm promises have been made, but supportive countries look set to benefit Alain Jupp said it would be 'fair and logical' for France's companies to benefit. Photograph: Jean-Pierre...
  3. hans

    UK...Civil disorder, also known as civil unrest or civil strife..... watch this

    Do you know why MQM fight ? Do you know Why Baluchistan scream for freedom? Do you know Why Sindhi are a set of unhappy people? Watch how UK face the same problem..it might give you a FAT clue!
  4. L

    Police video: Motorcycles race up the Sea-to-Sky

    BC, Canada. A police helicopter doing routine patrol over the Sea-to-Sky Highway ended up spotting and catching nearly a dozen high-speed motorcyclists Thursday evening. In the span of just an hour, Air 2 tracked 12 speeding motorbikes in three separate packs. After directing officers to the...
  5. biomat

    Plan to reduce human race to controllable range.. Nwo
