
  1. S

    Indian media channel crying after seeing Hafiz saed's picture on A new year cal-lender .

    Indian media channel crying after seeing Hafiz saed's picture on A new year cal-lender .:( 971561289676084
  2. B

    Dawood Ibrahim Crippled and Dying of Gangrene in Pakistan.india ka aik aur bonga ilzam

    Dawood Ibrahim Crippled and Dying of Gangrene in Pakistan.india ka aik aur bonga ilzam
  3. fahid_asif

    Nusrat Javed goes to new Extreme - Calls Imran Khan, Pakistan's upcoming "Hitler"

    yar isay galyan na diya kro, blood pressure ka mareez ha, bal k gandi treen galyan diya kro ta k jaldi meray
  4. johny

    IK's Nawaz Phobia - Nawaz Shareef is even involved in worstening the situation in Balochistan
  5. C

    Budget Phobia

    (clap) (clap)
  6. haqiqat

    Islam Phobia Of The West: Historic Perspective

    Islam Phobia Of The West: Historic Perspective US and The West Play up Islam phobia To Create a Scare at Home so as attacks on Muslim Countries are justified By Brig Asif Haroon Raja Islam phobia is one of the overriding factors behind the policy of persecution and oppression of the...