
  1. T

    Shah Ast Hussain (RA) - Muharram Kalam By Junaid Jamshed

  2. M Ali Khan

    Gilgit Baltistan showing the TRUE spirit of Muharram

    Healing scars: In G-B, Muharram blurs sectarian differences By Shabbir Mir Published: November 24, 2012 The mourning procession passes through the heart of Gilgit. PHOTO: EXPRESS GILGIT: The religious harmony apparent at a Muharram procession in Gilgit on Friday suggests the scars left...
  3. biomat

    Islamophobia or truth?? Funny how media shows Muharram Jaloos as Terrorist activity.

  4. dukelondon

    The Impact of the Day of Ashura on the Muslim Ummah‏ - MUST!!!

    Imam Hussains (AS) uprising was certainly a great one, with unlimited impact and without divergent objectives. It was not confined purely to taking power, though political power was of extreme importance in the view of Imam Hussain (AS), for positively changing the social conditions and...
