
  1. M Ali Khan

    The Dutch Elections and the Looming Crisis

    Geert Wilders, the nationalist candidate for prime minister of the Netherlands, lost the election on March 15. This has brought comfort to those who opposed him and his views on immigration and immigrants. It is odd that they should be comforted. Ten years ago, it would have been difficult to...
  2. J

    Canadian Immigration:: Humiliation For Fake Anti MQM Propaganda. کینڈین امیگرشن کے لئے ایم کیو ا&#1 In Pakistan there is a fashion of blaming MQM for everything, people who never visited Karachi blame MQM for every crime that occurred in Karachi without proofs because of...
  3. C

    Dutch MP calls for Canada immigration ban on Muslims

    Wilders, leader of the Party for Freedom, said that Canada is in danger of a "hostel takeover and being Islamicised", should Canada immigration not shut its doors to migrants from the Islamic Middle East nations. "What happened in Europe will also happen here. We should wake up to the fact...
