
  1. crankthskunk

    PPP Leadership was Against Nuclear Explosions - WikiLeaks

    LEAKS: BB was not in favor of ATOMIC TEST: LOC AS PB It seems BB was against nuclear testing and even wanted to accept control line as permanent border. In other words she wanted to accept indias superiority in the area, and in return wanted to accept the current border as permanent and give...
  2. hans

    Request Provide Documented Proof founding Pakistani leader were in favor of Khilafat-e-Rashida Model

    For a few years there has been an ever expanding feeling that Pakistan Founding leaders were in favor of Khilafat-e-Rashida Model of Governance. Now my Request would be if those highly educated well learned people who have knowledge on this issue ....with out any Hate, Taunts, Mud Slinging and...
  3. simple_and_peacefull

    Pakistans regional ties rise as US loses favor

    http://rt.com/news/us-pakistan-shanghai-organization/ Published: 15 June, 2011, 13:46 Pakistan is seeking full membership of the Shanghai Co-operation Organization (SCO) amid the fracturing of its relationship with the US. Americas friendship with this key Muslim ally has been at a low ebb...
  4. 84471k

    You can't contest election in so-called Azad Kashmir if you Are not in favor of accession with Pakis

  5. Rana Tahir Mahmood

    PML(Q) Favor Division of Punjab but not Sindh province and joining PPP in Gov.

  6. U

    Jews funding Imran Khan and he returns the favor

    Imran being funded by jews and he helps them back This happened in 2010, Imran Khan has thrown himself full-time into the election campaign of Conservative Jewish candidate Zac Goldsmith, the younger brother of his ex-wife Jemima Khan. One should not forget that Mr. Zac is a Jewish conservative...
