
  1. Munawarkhan

    What does it mean when ECP suspends lawmakers?

    There was a recent news where ECP suspended 336 lawmakers "ECP suspends membership of 336 lawmakers over non-disclosure of assets" Source Now my sincere question is what does it mean when a member is suspended?? I have attached a few links below started from the current one and then the ones...
  2. SaadKnight

    A Conspiracy to Declare Qadiyaniat Another Sect of Islam

  3. maldiaal

    PTI's First 100 Days PLAN - PTI would withdraw from the US led WOT & instead declare war on corrupti

    Well guys our LION has finally roared to make our nation prosperous and dignified. May ALLAH swt help us all................
  4. FaisalLatif

    Palestine to Declare Statehood in September: A Development as Important as the Arab Revolutions

    The Israeli government is so frightened by the prospect of a Palestinian declaration of statehood that it is considering withdrawing its troops from the West Bank Israel is resorting to last-ditch efforts to prevent a Palestinian statehood declaration. Author: MJ Rosenberg It...
