
  1. T

    Women Infertility Cure With 2 Quranic Fruits

  2. M

    Peer-o-Phobia - The Disease and its Cure's From the Ahle Sunnah wal Jamah

    Unfortunately a lot of misguidance has been spread around the concept of Peers and Murshid's and that disease has destroyed the hearts of many muslims recently. In this article we clear all concepts and talk about the Genuine Practice and how its roots rest in the Quran and Sunnah ! :):) AN...
  3. haqiqat

    PENTAGON BRIEFING FUNVAX - A New Vaccine to cure you of Religious Belief!!! (omg)(omg)(omg) :13::13::13: :(:(:(
  4. Aaj Ki Khabar

    Aaj Ki Khabar - 19th April 2011 - Ahsan Iqbal - The Cure for Poverty is Only Foriegn Aid??

  5. simple_and_peacefull

    Pir practice: A haircut and a cure for cancer on the side

    Published: March 13, 2011 Local barber turns pir for treating terminal diseases by cutting patients after giving them a haircut. KHANEWAL: A local barber turned pir has gained fame for treating terminal diseases like cancer and hepatitis by cutting patients with a blade after giving them a...