
  1. Amna Rizvi

    Who is the bigger terrorist?

    I said in a post that both Taliban and America are terrorists on which, an employe of the state department questioned it saying it is wrong put America and Taliban on the same sentence. I agree. Because America is a BIGGER terrorist! Help create Taliban Killed more people ALL over the world...
  2. L

    US military develops 'bigger bang' explosive material

    Conventional missiles rely on kinetic energy, but the new ones will also use chemical energy The US Office of Naval Research says that it has successfully tested a new type of explosive material that can dramatically increase weapons' impacts. Missiles made from the high density substance can...
  3. IndiaGuy

    Pakistan have Bigger Heart said by a Normal Indian

  4. QaiserMirza

    Florida Pastor Bigger Threat to US Security Than Bradley Manning

    Florida Pastor Bigger Threat to US Security Than Bradley Manning US Army Private Bradley Manning was arrested, tortured and put in solitary confinement based on the absurd allegation that he is a threat to American national security. His alleged crime is that he handed over classified...
