Mission R&AW: Ex Indian Intelligence Officer's Book on RAW's Achievements in Pakistan


Senator (1k+ posts)

Are Pakistan's allegations against RAW mere conspiracy theories? Are all of Pakistan's problems today entirely of its own making? Is RAW just a dis-interested spectator of the grisly drama being played out in Pakistan?


Let's try and answer these questions by looking at the history of the Indian spy agency and its successes claimed by retired Indian intelligence officer RK Yadav in his 2014 book "Mission R&AW". Although the book cites some of RAW's actions in China (Tibet), Sikkim (annexation) and Sri Lanka (creation and support of LTTE), most of it is devoted to Indian agents' accomplishments in destabilizing and disintegrating Pakistan.

Yadav's Book:
Here are some of the key Pakistan-related excerpts from Yadav's book:

On Pakhtunistan Page 21:

" Wali Khan (son of Abul Ghaffar Khan) wanted moral, political and other support from Mrs. Indira Gandhi. R.N. Kao sent hs deputy Sankaran Nair to negotiate as the Indian representative. Since Pakistan embassy was keeping watch on the movements of Wali Khan, the rendezvous was shifted to Sweden where Nair and another R&AW man of Indian mission I.S. Hassanwalia met Wali Khan. Subsequently all sorts of support was given to Wali Khan by the Indian Government till 1977 when Indira Gandhi lost election".

On Agartala Conspiracy Page 197:

"In view of the disclosures of S.K. Nair, it is evidently true that Mujib was implicated in the Agartala Conspiracy case at the instance of Pakistan Government. However, it is also true that other accused in this case were certainly agents of Intelligence Bureau (IB) in India"

On Fokker Hijacking in Srinagar Page 227:

There was an agent of R&AW-Hashim Qureshi in Srinagar.......R&AW persuaded Hashim Qureshi to work for them.....After the plan was given final shape, on January 30, 1971, Hashim Qureshi along with another operative Ashraf Qureshi, his relative, was allowed to hijack a Fokker Friendship plane ***** of Indian Airlines with 26 passengers on board, to take the plane to Lahore airport. R&AW allowed him to carry a grenade and a toy pistol inside the plane.

Pakisani authorities at Lahore airport allowed the plane to land when they were informed that it had been hijacked by National Liberation Front activist militants of Pakistan Occupied Kashmir. All India Radio soon made broadcast of this hijacking and the whole world was informed that the Pakistan Government was behind this hijacking...The incident overtly gave India the right opportunity which was planned by R.N. Kao, to cancel the flights of Pakistan over its territory which hampered the plans of Yahya Khan to send its troops by air to curb the political movement of Mujib in East Pakistan.

On Mukti Bahini Page 231:

Since the Indian Army was not prepared and well-equipped for an immediate army action at that point (March 1971), it was planned to raise and train a guerrilla outfit of the Bengali refugees of East Pakistan by R&AW which would harass the Pakistan Army till the Indian Army would be ready for the final assault to the liberation of East Pakistan. She (Indira Gandhi) then asked R.N. Kao, Chief of R&AW, to prepare all possible grounds for the army for its final assault when the clearance from General Maneckshaw was received for its readiness for the war.

On 3 RAW created Forces (Mujeeb Bahini, Special Frontier Force (SFF) and Kader Bahini Page 242:

"..He (Kader Siddiqui aka Tiger Siddiqui) was the main operative of R&AW in the most vital areas of strategic operation around Dacca... Kader Bahini played havoc with the communication system of the army (Pakistani), ambushed enemy columns, blew up supply and ammunition dumps and assaulted a number of enemy convoys.....all these three guerrilla outfits created by R&AW with the help of BSF and the (Indian) army proved a vital force .. "

Obviously, the author is silent on India's current activities against Pakistan, particularly its covert war being waged from Afghanistan through its agents who have infiltrated Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA).

Ajit Doval Speech:
For clues as to what Indian spooks are up to now, let's watch the video of a 2013 speech by Ajit Doval delivered before he was appointed by Indian Prime Minister Modi as his National Security Advisor (NSA). Here are a few snippets from Doval's lecture at Sastra University in Tamil Nadu:

"How do we tackle Pakistan? .. You make it difficult for them (Pakistan) to manage their internal security... Pakistan's vulnerability is many many times higher than India's....Taliban have beheaded 23 of their (Pakistani) soldiers...funding can be countered by giving more funds...more than one-and-a-half times the funding they have available and they'll be yours..the Taliban are mercenaries...go for more of a covert thing"

Pakistan's Narrative:

Is India responsible for all that is wrong with Pakistan today? Obviously not; however, its spies are promoting and exploiting the ethnic, regional, religious and sectarian fault lines that exist in Pakistan. RAW is instigating and thriving on the chaos gripping the Islamic Republic.

Pakistan's response to its problems of growing violence has to be comprehensive; it needs to deal with both internal and external causes.

It has to develop and promote a powerful counter narrative to appeal to misguided young men who are drawn to the militants making references to the Quran and the Hadith as part of their call to violence. The counter narrative has to explain the basics; it has to be based on the Quranic verses proclaiming Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) as Rehmat ul lil Alameen (Blessing to the worlds); it has to explain Misaq e Madina, the constitution of the first real Islamic State established by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in Madina.

"This is a document from Muhammad the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace), governing relations between the Believers i.e. Muslims of Quraysh and Yathrib and those who followed them and worked hard with them. They form one nation -- Ummah."
It clearly says that all citizens of "Yathrib" (ancient name of Madina), regardless of their tribe or religion, are part of one nation--"Ummah". So the word "Ummah" here does not exclude non-Muslims.

Further into the "Misaq" document, it says: "No Jew will be wronged for being a Jew. The enemies of the Jews who follow us will not be helped. If anyone attacks anyone who is a party to this Pact the other must come to his help."
The Misaq assures equal protection to all citizens of Madina, including non-Muslim tribes which agreed to it. The contents of Misaq-e-Madina, Islam's first constitution approved by Prophet Mohammad 1400 years ago, appear to have inspired Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah vision of Pakistan where people of all religions and nationalities live in harmony with equal rights and protections under the law.

Advice to India:
The best and most sane advice that can be offered India now is to think of the consequences of its actions in destabilizing its neighbor; particularly the fact that it s a large nuclear-armed country with a population approaching 200 million. India may find some short-term satisfaction by inflicting huge damage to its neighbor. But what if it leads to Pakistan becoming a REALLY failed state triggering a massive refugee problem along India's long border?

What if the India-funded groups like TTP and BLA actually succeed in defeating the Pakistani military? What would that do to India? What if it triggers an unintended devastating nuclear war? I hope saner minds will prevail in New Delhi to prevent a major human catastrophe in South Asia.

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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
After reading this I think RAW has been underrated in the world and that has worked for them. Though they are our enemies but you have to admit they have used pakistans weaknesses to perfection so far. Anyone who thinks that RAW wasn't involved in sri lankan team bus attack is till living in a doodoo land. ISI has completely failed to tackle RAW so far.

Nauman Ghauri

Councller (250+ posts)
This book is also a part of 5th Gen War to psychologically bring Pakistani's en mass & specially the intelligence agencies under pressure, and our stupid countrymen lacking nationalism as well as national wisdom make it the easiest for RAW Media Cell.

Let me assure you of another thing, ISI has started turning the stones in real, and RAW will soon be done.
Give ISI a couple of years, and remember to vote someone sane!


I welcome RAW's media cell to spit venom, to counter which, there wouldn't be many Pakistanis... please! welcome!
Please never mention how Indian eunuch soldiers are still doing suicides in Indian Occupied J&K, Please come and defend your spineless army in Asaam! Come forward and tell the world that how afraid you are on Pak-China two-pronged warfare strategy, and you are running from pillar to post buying heaps of weapons to counter that. Come forward and tell about the colonels crying for weapons.

We will be done with TTP & BLA AND YOUR AFGHAN investments in 02 years
Then find a place except dialogues with Pakistan.
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Nauman Ghauri

Councller (250+ posts)
After reading this I think RAW has been underrated in the world and that has worked for them. Though they are our enemies but you have to admit they have used pakistans weaknesses to perfection so far. Anyone who thinks that RAW wasn't involved in sri lankan team bus attack is till living in a doodoo land. ISI has completely failed to tackle RAW so far.

Shame on you! and shame on your national pride!
I am simply astonished that how could one stoop that low to sing enemy's hymns.


MPA (400+ posts)
After reading this I think RAW has been underrated in the world and that has worked for them. Though they are our enemies but you have to admit they have used pakistans weaknesses to perfection so far. Anyone who thinks that RAW wasn't involved in sri lankan team bus attack is till living in a doodoo land. ISI has completely failed to tackle RAW so far.
We are always happy to read how good ISI is what its done for the nation and so on, In reality what its done is made politicians more corrupt and made things difficult for them to manage the country. These revelations are only a peak through the key hole, Want to know more then ask some one any where in Pakistan living right beside the indian border and you will get to hear a hell of lot more stories. Because they are the people who get to see what indian intelligence is up to first hand some time, in disguise of smuglers and so on.

Nauman Ghauri

Councller (250+ posts)
we are always happy to read how good isi is what its done for the nation and so on, in reality what its done is made politicians more corrupt and made things difficult for them to manage the country. These revelations are only a peak through the key hole, want to know more then ask some one any where in pakistan living right beside the indian border and you will get to hear a hell of lot more stories. Because they are the people who get to see what indian intelligence is up to first hand some time, in disguise of smuglers and so on.

isi also does the same but as everyone knows that only a fool or an enemy would appreciate enemy's efforts, discarding own intelligence agency's effort at the same time.

By the way, writing in a bigger font doesn't strengthen your argument in a convincing manner.


Minister (2k+ posts)
isi also does the same but as everyone knows that only a fool or an enemy would appreciate enemy's efforts, discarding own intelligence agency's effort at the same time.

By the way, writing in a bigger font doesn't strengthen your argument in a convincing manner.

Nauman, this is not praising enemy . this is some thing like assessing the power of enemy.

We love our country , our army, our ISI. but there is very simple example... A father or mother will alway love their weak son rather then their neighbour's strong or clever son.....
So now we need to understand that our ISI is not strong enough to fight against RAW, MOSSAD.

Nauman Ghauri

Councller (250+ posts)
Nauman, this is not praising enemy . this is some thing like assessing the power of enemy.

We love our country , our army, our ISI. but there is very simple example... A father or mother will alway love their weak son rather then their neighbour's strong or clever son.....
So now we need to understand that our ISI is not strong enough to fight against RAW, MOSSAD.

Brother! How can you say that?

How many of the things ISI foiled have come to the light ?
Intelligence is a very tricky game, what seems mightn't be true or might be a trap.

I have a bottom line, even if I start day dreaming about RAW being better than ISI, do you have any idea what consequences would it bring on the 5GW grounds if I accept them superior? (Although they never were, and never are). My acknowledgement of their superiority is their real win!
Look at Afghans, all they have is one RoTi, one cup of qehwa and their pride! their confidence! their refusal to submit!

And those tribals have brought 03 world powers to their knees.
We should give a read to Iqbal, we should understand what Shaheen is!


Councller (250+ posts)
Nauman, this is not praising enemy . this is some thing like assessing the power of enemy.

We love our country , our army, our ISI. but there is very simple example... A father or mother will alway love their weak son rather then their neighbour's strong or clever son.....
So now we need to understand that our ISI is not strong enough to fight against RAW, MOSSAD.

Please also state what we as a country need to do more to strenghen its prime intelligence agency, which is probably fighting the toughest battle of this field with minimal resources. Don't forget that it is least funded intelligence agency in the world.
And the incompetent, corrupt and spineless political elite only adds to the problems already faced by the agency.

I would say, in the given circumstances, It has not done bad at all.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Brother! How can you say that?

How many of the things ISI foiled have come to the light ?
Intelligence is a very tricky game, what seems mightn't be true or might be a trap.

I have a bottom line, even if I start day dreaming about RAW being better than ISI, do you have any idea what consequences would it bring on the 5GW grounds if I accept them superior? (Although they never were, and never are). My acknowledgement of their superiority is their real win!
Look at Afghans, all they have is one RoTi, one cup of qehwa and their pride! their confidence! their refusal to submit!

And those tribals have brought 03 world powers to their knees.
We should give a read to Iqbal, we should understand what Shaheen is!

Well my point is to see the ultimate power of any agency through the end result.... Karachi Airport, manawa police head quarter, kamra, Peshawar School, mehran air base, Karachi port and many more... what is this???? isnt it failure of our security agencies including ISI??? When ISI can not perform at their home ground then what they will do out side....??

ISI is not fighting against RAW only, there are many other agencies against Pakistan. Army need to strengthen all of our security agencies....
Well this is a good army thing not to accept your enemy superior but what is the end result? Half of the country is under threat and still we are saying our army and ISI is world best.


Minister (2k+ posts)

Please also state what we as a country need to do more to strenghen its prime intelligence agency, which is probably fighting the toughest battle of this field with minimal resources. Don't forget that it is least funded intelligence agency in the world.
And the incompetent, corrupt and spineless political elite only adds to the problems already faced by the agency.

I would say, in the given circumstances, It has not done bad at all.

Not only prime intelligence agency ... bcoz ISI cant perform alone. our FIA is corrupt. police is corrupt. When we are on war then why government is funding least on intelligence and spending all on lahore and Pindi. Our kids dont need laptop, they need secure future. they need their father the most instead of laptop.

One more thing we need to realize that we are producing the corrupt and incompetent politicians, bureaucrats.... Army is also from us...

Nauman Ghauri

Councller (250+ posts)
Well my point is to see the ultimate power of any agency through the end result.... Karachi Airport, manawa police head quarter, kamra, Peshawar School, mehran air base, Karachi port and many more... what is this???? isnt it failure of our security agencies including ISI??? When ISI can not perform at their home ground then what they will do out side....??

ISI is not fighting against RAW only, there are many other agencies against Pakistan. Army need to strengthen all of our security agencies....
Well this is a good army thing not to accept your enemy superior but what is the end result? Half of the country is under threat and still we are saying our army and ISI is world best.

Lolz.... Oh bhai, I am getting an impression from your post that endians would just walk through Pakistan to Afghanistan.
That is not the case at all. Yes! Endians have gained well but only on 5GW, and in the biggest field i.e. Media.

Our Journalists are on sale, why do these b@stards not understand that they are slicing their own people through their stupidity full of arrogance and superiority complex.

Anyway, it was nice talking to you. hope to stay in touch.


Councller (250+ posts)
Not only prime intelligence agency ... bcoz ISI cant perform alone. our FIA is corrupt. police is corrupt. When we are on war then why government is funding least on intelligence and spending all on lahore and Pindi. Our kids dont need laptop, they need secure future. they need their father the most instead of laptop.

One more thing we need to realize that we are producing the corrupt and incompetent politicians, bureaucrats.... Army is also from us...

MI, IB and ISI cannot be compared with civilian agencies like FIA and police.

The problems lies in these lower level departments. Because of being used as a tool by the corrupt leaders of our country, these civilian agencies are corrupt and incompetent to their core as well. Don't forget that their incompetence costs the intelligence agencies really high. They have much more work to do and get no help from below.
One more thing is, their achievemnts are never publicized, so they might have done much more good than only failures. Infact you never know, they might have caught a suicide bomber near me or you and saved mine or your life and you would never know it all your life.

The only solution is a sane and honest leadership, which can rectify the problems of civialian agencies. What we can do is to convince people to select some good people or help and support them at least.



Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Shame on you! and shame on your national pride!
I am simply astonished that how could one stoop that low to sing enemy's hymns.

They are our enemies and they are doing the best they can to harm us and they are excellent at it. What are we doing to tackle them? Pride couldnt save our country in 1971 and we lost the war , RAW won against ISI. The so called world top agency ISI has been failing for decades now.


Senator (1k+ posts)
From Foreign Policy:

Reports of dissatisfaction and disagreement over an intelligence deal that Afghanistan signed with neighboring Pakistan have surfaced (RFE/RL, Pajhwok). It was reported on Monday that the spy agencies of the two countries would share intelligence on militant groups near the border, according to a Memo of Understanding that was signed. According to an anonymous government official who spoke to RFE/RL, Chief Executive Office Abdullah Abdullah opposes the document, which allows cooperation between the two country's intelligence agencies, and considers the deal "unacceptable." Another Afghan official told Pajhwok Afghan News that a deal had never been signed, contrary to all other reports. Najibullah Manali, the media and culture advisor at the National Security Council, told Pajhwok that Afghan President Ghani would consult parliament and civil society groups over the proposed agreement, which is still in draft form, according to him.


Senator (1k+ posts)
R K Yadav left the Research & Analysis Wing (R&AW) in 1989 with the reputation of being one of the toughest spies in the outfit. As a Class I officer recruited in 1973, Yadav served on the China desk and various other postings in Rajasthan and Punjab. Sources say he was close to R&AW founder-director R N Kao and his successor K Sankaran Nair.

Although little is known about the functioning of R&AW, Yadav in his upcoming tell-all book ‘Mission R&AW’ has given explicit details, including vanished R&AW spies and the external Intelligence agency’s role during the 1975 Emergency.

Vanished Spies

Although the CIA was found directly involved in compromising two R&AW officers Rabinder Singh and K V Unnikrishnan, Yadav claims that at least eight other R&AW officers managed to clandestinely migrate and settle in foreign countries like the US and Canada with the help of their spy agencies. Sikander Lal Malik, personal secretary to Kao for 17 years, managed to get two years’ extension after completing his mandatory tenure in New York.

Malik got a green card with the help of US officials, and resigned from the R&AW. Yadav says Malik settled in the US permanently in 1976 and he could have been debriefed enough to have extensive damage to Indian Intelligence.

Another senior field officer Ashok Sathe was recruited by the CIA while posted at the Indian Mission at Ulan Bator in Mongolia. Sathe was covering China operations and was later transferred to Khorramshahr, Iran.

While serving there, Sathe was caught embezzling secret funds and was recalled. He set fire to his office, destroying all the secret documents before departure and subsequently retired from R&AW in 1977.

“Soon after retirement, it was discovered that Sathe had a green card. He settled in California,” Yadav claims in his book.

Rabinder Singh

There has been much speculation over the fate of Rabinder Singh, the R&AW agent who was spying for the CIA, when he disappeared before he was apprehended for spying for the US.

He was a joint secretary in R&AW at the time. Singh flew to America from Kathmandu along with his wife on May 7, 2004 using a fake identity in the name of Mr and Mrs Rajpal Prasad Sharma.

The R&AW unit at Kathmandu did nothing despite clear intelligence on Singh’s escape plans. The R&AW even managed to get copies of their visas and embarkation cards.

These documents reveal that the CIA on April 7, 2004, issued US passport number 017384251 to Singh. His wife Parminder Kaur was also given a US passport on the same day in the name of Deepa Kumar Sharma. Both boarded Austrian Air flight number 5032 on May 7, 2004, from Kathmandu. Singh was assisted by CIA operative David M Vacala.



Senator (1k+ posts)
12 tales: The spies who came back from Pakistan and those who didn't--IBN LIve

Ramraj, Gubakhsh Ram, Ram Prakash, Om Prakash, Vinod Sawhny, Suram Singh, Balwir Singh, Devut, Sunil, Daniel, Tilak Raj, Surinder Pal,

Spies - the forgotten warriors of the covert wars. They cross borders to help governments seek vital information and also to carry out secret operations. Though not remotely as glamourous a profession as cinema would like us to believe, their story takes on darker hues if they happen to be caught in enemy terriorry. Many don't return and those who do, find themselves shunned and unrecognised by the very people who recruited them.
At Delhi's Jantar Mantar, a group under the banner of the Jammu Ex-Sleuths Association, are sitting in protest. They consist of those who call themselves ex-spies, family members of those still in Pakistani captivity and of those who died in Pakistani jails.

Their demands do not appear to be much, but they haven't been met in all these years. Rehabilitation, compensation and perhaps a little recognition is all that they ask for.
Here are a dozen stories, as told to us, of the spies who came back and those who didn't.

After working for an intelligence agency for 18 years accompanying spies as a guide, Ramraj says he was sent to Pakistan as a spy on September 18, 2004 but was caught the very next day. After two years in captivity, Ramraj was finally sentenced to jail in Pakistan for six years. Upon returning to India after almost eight years in February 2004, he tried to reach out to the officials who had sent him as a spy, but Ramraj says they refused to recognise him.

After completing a year of training, he was sent to Pakistan in 1988. His job was to garner information about the arms and ammunitions used by the Pakistan military. With the job done, he was returning to India after two years but was caught on the border. He was taken to Sialkot's Gora jail for interrogation and was confined there for around two-and-a-half years. The documents he had collected were also seized and he was sentenced to 14 years in prison. He was released from jail in 2006.
Ram Prakash
Trained as a photographer for almost a year before he was sent by an intelligence agency to Pakistan in 1994. While returning back to India on June 13, 1997, he was arrested and was interrogated in Sialkot's Gora jail for a year and kept under detention before a court imprisoned him for 10 years in 1998. 59-year-old Ram boasts that he had crossed the border roughly 75 times in three years before he was finally caught. He was sent back to India on July 7, 2008.

Kamal Kumar, son of Om Prakash
Kamal Kumar says his father Om Prakash had gone to Pakistan in 1998. His family came to know about this from a letter that his father sent from Pakistani captivity. Om Prakash would send his family letters regularly, but his last letter arrived on July 14, 2012. For over a year Kamal has no clue whether his father is alive or not.



Senator (1k+ posts)
While a political ado is being witnessed in Pakistan on the suspected change of the Pak-China Economic Corridor route, Chinese authorities have cautioned local authorities of a possible terror attack aimed at making the project a failure.

According to them, insurgents in Balochistan have prompted security fears for the 3,000-kilometre-long route in the province, a senior security official told The Express Tribune on Friday.

He said in addition to the insurgents, many foreign hostile intelligence agencies could also extend their support to the militants to sabotage some key projects particularly on the eastern alignment — Gwadar to Quetta — where work has already started.

Read: China-Pakistan Economic Corridor: Lines of development – not lines of divide

“The Chinese have sounded a note of ‘caution’ soon after reports suggested foreign agencies’ support to militants,” said the official, who attended an important meeting discussing key issues relating to Gwadar Port and Economic Corridor at the Ministry of Defence this week.

He further said, “Research and Analysis Wing (RAW), with other hostile agencies, is at the frontline to sabotage this project – that is what Chinese intelligence agencies shared with us.”

He added that the meeting also discussed concerns the Chinese authorities reminded Pakistan’s military and civilian government about an attack on state-run installations in Gwadar district last month, which were conveyed last month.

Security measures

Meanwhile, a special security division consisting of more than 8, 000 military personnel (nine army battalions) has been trained and will guard key projects linked from Hyderabad to Karachi and Gwadar through N-10 East Bay Expressway along the coastal line, officials overseeing the security of this route said.

They further said that an estimated 9, 000 security personnel – comprising Rangers, Levies, police, scouts – making up six wings will assist the military to guard more than 15,000 Chinese workers on this route.

Moreover, a major-general-rank officer will command the entire unit. Apart from guarding the economic corridor, an estimated 8,000 security officials have already been deployed for more than 8,112 Chinese workers executing 210 projects in Pakistan.

Gwadar Airport

An official of the Ministry of Interior revealed that the security layer around the Gwadar International Airport — a project costing $230 million to start this month — has been doubled following recent threats.

A similar case of security is with China-Pakistan Friendship Hospital and Pak-China Technical and Vocational Institute falling under the jurisdiction of Balochistan, he added.

Security will have to be strengthened further as around 7, 000 additional Chinese workers are expected to join the already engaged teams to execute multi-billion projects around the route connecting Kashgar with Pakistan at Kunjarab – a point from where China wants to link to Gwadar port in the Arabian Sea.

Commenting on the complex situation, former caretaker interior minister Malik Habib said the reported presence of foreign elements in Balochistan poses a big challenge for law enforcement agencies to provide security to Chinese workers.

“The economic corridor is strategically very important — many hostile agencies have started backing Baloch militants,” he said.

According to Director Pakistan Institute of Strategic Studies Amir Rana, “China’s main worry seems to be the overall security of the corridor in the near future.”

Substantiating his point, Rana said threats such as tribal feuds, militants in Diamer, Baloch insurgents, political issues, nationalist and separatists groups link directly to the corridor security.
