Maulana Fazal Ur Rehman on Maulana Tariq Jameel Supporting Imran Khan on Riasat-e-Madina concept


Senator (1k+ posts)
Fazlur rahman is a hypocrite and tariq jameel lost his credibility as well... everyone is waiting for tariq jameel to wake up and tell us whtehr this is riasat e medina which he was favoring.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
اس دلے نے کھبی ریاست مدینہ بات نہیں کی۔۔۔اگر کی ہے تو خباثت و کمینہ بن کے اپنے پیٹ کی کی ہے۔۔۔

Shazi ji

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
What kind of a cunning planted question and what kind of holier then thou answer???? .....
It was valid and logical question,,, much venerated saleem safi !!!!
But Fazloo could not even reply or wanted to reply as is evident ,,, in fact he wanted to avoid the continuation of the same


Senator (1k+ posts)
I pity on these two. No party is interested to take fuzloo on board and no one wants to hear his opinion but there is this biased & jealous yellow journalist who gave him airtime. Get a life !!


Senator (1k+ posts)
How rude when he is calling himself, "I AM A Man" to talk or pass verdict on such matters of character and riasat-e-Medina unlike Moulana Tariq Jameel.