Liberals, seculars, presstitutes, "..rights activist" and western pawns must be going crazy about this..


Senator (1k+ posts)
The hatred for IK has so exposed these vested interests who push their antipakistan agenda under the guise of various of fake "human rights" and "democracy" advocates that they are not only silent but openly cheering and promoting this.

Everyone should remind them the next time they try to push their western agendas when their masters order them to do so.
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Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Aloha Molana!.....Strong as A Loha!...Ab is mein kia ?
Most of these retards don't even know what Aloha means.?


Minister (2k+ posts)


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Arif Hameed Bhatti once reported that Molana Diesel is very khuchra molvi.
First he opened a cloth shop and stocked it with geru/yellow color of Lutha...Then he ordered all his followers to wear a shalwar qameez of that lutha.....and made millions. ?

Vulcan Vendetta

MPA (400+ posts)
Is it just a co-incidence that when IK is talking about indian extremism,calling RSS as goons , pointing out their stick n sword yielding mobs in uniforms. Fazlu comes out to neutralize all that?
When we are pointing out hindu stick yielding mobs fazlu gives their media a bearded stick yielding mob
When we point out uniformed RSS, fazlu gives them uniformed ansar ul islam, a name banned by all
When we point out extremism hindu in india fazlu draws their attention to extremism moving towards Islamabad
When we want all to focus on Kashmir , fazlu is determined to bring focus to his hard liner madrassas

Just a co-incidence that every single thing Pakistan has been trying to do for months is being neutralized in one protest? Point by point? I dont think so.
This effing butt hole is sponsored to sabotage whatever narrative Pakistan was trying to build


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
سر تا پہ جلابی رنگت میں ملبوس ملعونہ کے حواری خواری اور زبان پر نعرہ صوفیانہ ؟
لگتا ہے ملعونہ کو دست شدید لگے هوئے ہیں جو یوں جلابی بہاروں سے قبل از وقت محظوظ ہو رہے ہیں