Coke (Coca-Cola) CEO Comes Clean


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
What is the host complaining about ?
Coke does give an option to drink Diet Coke or Coke zero if you don't want 54 spoons of sugar.
I mean if you are buying a coke and you have a choices of Coke, Coke zero and Diet Coke then one doesn't have to be Einstein to guess that the coke will have lots pf sugar that is why Coca-Cola had to make Diet coke and Coke zero.
Who is forcing you to drink Coke when there is Coke Zero and Diet Coke ?
In fact, there can be just as much sugar in a fruit juice as there is in a sugary drink like Coke.
don't believe me , take a look at this link
(see under fruit juice)
I don't like to drink sugar and very happy to drink Coke Zero.

Also Mr.The choice, you post usually religious videos here (Mostly about Dajjal Jins, and against the ,modern technology).

I have a question for you.

Most of the Molana love to eat Mithaee in a mosque.
I bet one piece of Gulam Jaman has more calories then one can of coke.
Also when you buy a packet of Jalaibee , look for the contents and ingredients and sugar contents. I don't think you will find any information.

Why selling Jalaibee without disclosing what is inside is not bad but coke is which gives you a choice of Diet as well ?

You should also criticise the Mithai wala of Pakistan who is selling sugary Mithai without disclosing its ingredients. By the way there is no, diet Burfee, or diet Gulab Jaman :)

It is obvious you only hate the west.
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