Britains High Class Are Flocking to Islam


Senator (1k+ posts)
Britains High Class Are Flocking to Islam
Authentic research has shown that over 14000 Brits have converted to Islam after having lost hope in the style of life the West is offering.

Amongst the converts there exists many famous personalities which is a great booster for the Muslims who have become a prey to accusations of terrorism and are living in fear in the words of Muslim leaders.

The Muslim Council has appointed the former health ministers son Ahmed Dobson as chairman of their new committee which is striving to explain the reality of Islam to the whites living in the United Kingdom.

Yahya Britt (Jonathan Britt) the former BBC director has researched thoroughly the data of Christians converting to Islam and concluded that the total number of new Muslims in Britain was 14200. In his statement of conversion to Islam last week, Britt stressed the point that Britain also needed a leader to bring whites more easily into Islam, just as Malcom X had done for the blacks of America and to make Islam a more national religion rather than the strange one it is at present. Furthermore, he explained how Islams balanced system, strong beliefs and spirituality gave him that hearts contentment.

Herbet Scotts great grand daughter, Emma Clark has also accepted Islam as a way of life, a former designer for the gardens of the Prince of Wales is now involved in designing a mosques garden. She stated to the press a few days ago that I accepted Islam after detesting the doubt standards of Western values and to lee from the filth that surrounds it. Her great grandfather who was the prime minister of Britain in 1908-1916 led his people to the lines of victory in the First World War.

Most new converts have been greatly influenced by Charles Eastons book, Islam and the Destiny of Man. He states that Ive received thousands of letters informing me that we have lost hope in todays Christianity which is following the whims and desires of people and are searching for such a religion which does not have this.

The earl of Yarbrough who is the owner of over 28000acres of land in Lincolnshire told the press, I have changed my name to Abdul Mateen and would only like to say that Study Islam and you shall see its beauty.

Her Majesty has given full permission for Muslim staff working in Buckingham Palace to take time off to perform their Friday prayers.

The above were examples of people who were directly connected to the kingdom, whose grandparents were the bearers of knighthoods and lordships, who used to sit in the houses of Parliament, wealthy people, from a nation who has never been ruled. But what happened to these peoples progeny? There was no slavery or force on them to make them accept Islam; it was solely the unexplainable hearts contentment we found which compelled us.

After all this I see not the reasons of my shyness, my regret, my inferiority complex that is stopping me from even performing my Jumuah Salaat amidst my colleagues at work only because of the fear of what will people say and that my business may lose important profits, yet the kingdom headquarters, Buckingham Palace, has such facilities

[ extracted from the monthly Al-Furqan. Written by Nicholas Hellan, Christopher Morgan and Maqbool Jaan


Senator (1k+ posts)
contra said:
Bad times ahead for Britain... :( :oops:

Contra bhai, Believe me, the problem is NOT with Islam. The problem is with extremists who are using Islam for their evil doings. Islam is a peaceful and good religion. If you are against Islam because of the evil doing of Muslims, please change your mind. Although the evil doers use Islam as a justification for their evil acts, its not really Islam that they are following. They are totally misinterpreting Islam, just like Greek Wilders is. If Islam really advocated hatred and terrorism, Dont you think every Muslim would hate others and become a terrorist. Out of a billion Muslims, how many are terrorists? Tell me honestly. You are living in India. You must be having friends/knowing people who are Muslims. Are all of them terrorists? Do they hate you? I'm a Muslim. You have posted so many articles against Islam/Muslims. However, have I offended you even once? Please dont misunderstand Islam. You might say that the Quran has some verses that seem to be provoking or inciting hatred against Non-Muslim as portrayed by Greek Wilders but what you dont know brother is that Mr. Wilders has put those verses totally out of context. The Quran is a book that was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) over a long period of time and every single verse is reference to context/to the happening of a particular event/incident. Now it makes no sense in putting all those verses out of context and then claiming that Islam advocates hatred. Thats simply very unjust.
Please tell me what you think is bad about Islam and I'll try to answer all your questions by quoting the Quran directly. Trust me, there are many things being followed by some Muslims which have nothing to do with Islam.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Poor pali your knowledge and your pathetic thinking, I feel pitty for you. Go and educate yourself and it will answer all your questions

taul - Blogger
pali420 said:
It could be the whole world, and if that becomes a reality then we should forget about the computers, ipods, cell phones and other technologies, they cant even repair them let alone any advancement. only thing available in market will be do it yourself suicide bomber kits with manual, poorly written in arabic. ha ha ha ha ha.

--I see you getting mad as hell seeing all West coming to terms with the Truth and people like you can simple stand and moan about it :D :D

--Why go to such lengths to get yourself labeled as "Hate mongers" and instigate a chaos in a peaceful society by hurting sentiments of billions of Muslims,that goes on to show "hypocrisy" as well as "Intolerance" of the very country that tries to project freedom loving but not yet understanding it's application in practical :ugeek:


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
But when some one of ur community kill innocent men, women and children, no good muslim seems to denounce it, I have never seen muslims in streets making noise against the killers. why is this silent support for the criminals.


you have a point, but only for those who are clueless about muslim communities inside Pakistan, Algeria and other hotbeds of extremism.

you have NO IDEA how many muslim leaders have succumbed to extremists BECAUSE THEY WERE OPPOSED to the fundos. In just one incident in Karachi a few years ago, almost all the top-brass of a moderate sunni religious outfit was wiped out. the killing of religious leaders in pakistan is a regular news, and MOST of those leaders happen to be anti-taliban! you have no clue about the sacrifices the COMMON pakistanis have offered (civilians, police and army alike) for the MISTAKES OF THEIR LEADERS LIKE ZIA who introduced extremism here in the first place!

as for the lynching mobs, its not that different from other backward societies like Bihar (caste-based lynching) or Gujarat (hindu-muslim or hindu-christian violence). The last I checked, many such cases remain pending in Indian courts to-date. As for confronting the savages, as I said earlier, Pakistani moderates have an almost enviable track record..


pali420 said:
Mr. Taul

6 Million Muslims convert to Christianity - Al-Jazeerah !

16,000 muslims convert to Christianity everyday.

Missionaries Tactics

taul - Blogger
@ pali

--Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world despite all the figures as the people who revert and convert to Islam clearly outnumber people who unfortunately choose the dead end :)

--600,000 American Converts to Islam Yearly :D


---have a look at another account :)


Senator (1k+ posts)
pali420 said:
Mr. dukelondon

I have a question for you please answer.

when some one prints a cartoon (which is not big deal, no body gets harmed by it), all the muslims come to streets to denounce it, giving death threat to the person and to the country whom that person belongs. But when some one of ur community kill innocent men, women and children, no good muslim seems to denounce it, I have never seen muslims in streets making noise against the killers. why is this silent support for the criminals.

Mr. pali420,

When the cartoons were printed, some extremists and illiterate people took to streets in Asia and damaged public and private property, issued death threats and infact more than 60 of them were killed in those senseless wild protests. Many were wounded. Now, this is the height of illiteracy and you cant blame Islam for illiteracy. However, peaceful protests were held in civilized countries in Europe by Literate Muslims. Muslims have every right to protest if our beloved Prophet (PBUH) is defamed. Generally Muslims around the world protested in a sane humanly fashion by writing articles/posting videos condemning the cartoons and demanding to bring the person who has hurt a billion people to justice. (NOT TO KILL HIM but to make him apologize for what he had done). Some Muslim Governments also demanded the Dutch government to get the person who had hurt a billion Muslims around the world to apologize. Now, if Muslims had made cartoons of Hindu or Christian or Jew religious figures defaming them, then the Hindus/Christians/Jews etc would have every right to protest peacefully and ask for an apology.

The people who are born in Muslim families but kill innocent men, women and children and use Islam to justify it are NOT Muslims. The Holy Quran has used the word "Shayateen" (devils) for people who commit such cruel and brutal acts and such people will rot in Hell. Islam has no room for terrorist activities. Most people dont speak out against them because they are afraid for their own lives and NOT because they support the terrorism. Brother Bhitai has given you real examples of how true Muslim religious leaders who spoke against the terrorists were killed. People dont take to the streets because they are afraid of suicide bombers.

Terrorists have no religion and Islam condemns all forms of terrorism.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Dear PALI420, good to have you on our forum. First in PAKISTAN, the nick u have choosen (420) has v bad meaning, please correct it so that i can reply your posts, no offense dear.. Jaza-k-ALLAH .


Minister (2k+ posts)
Dear Dukelondon brother
Assalam-o-alaikum. Jaza-k-ALLAH & thanks for posting... I thought i should share this with all of you.. ... he_uk.html
Sharia Law Already in the UK

Earlier this year the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, created controversy when he suggested that Britains Muslim community should be able to use Islamic Sharia law to mediate in family and marriage issues.

The Archbishop argued that British law, to remain relevant, must be responsive to the desires of the community it serves, and that there should be a space for religion, whether Christian or Muslim, in our public life.

He was roundly criticized by both conservatives and liberals, as the debate, shrill at times, touched off wider fears among Britons about the scale of immigration to the UK from Islamic countries, and elsewhere, and the perceived inability of the Muslim community to assimilate.

Right-wingers argued that the Archbishop was pandering to extreme elements of the Muslim community, and that the introduction of Sharia law, synonymous in the west with more brutal aspects of its penal code, represented the first steps toward a separate legal system in the UK for Muslims.

Liberals were caught in a classic bind eager to support diversity and the rights of immigrants, but worried that the introduction of Sharia, or any religious system, would erode the secular fabric of society.

In fact, the only group not to weigh strongly in the debate, were British Muslims themselves. As Adif Madim, of the UKs Islamic Sharia Council explained to me many of Britains 2.6 million Muslims already live according to Sharia principles. This is not something unusual, said Madim, Its like saying Christians want to live under Christian moral guidelines. When people get married, or divorced, or at funerals, they want an Islamic ceremony.

Ninety-five percent of the cases the Islamic Sharia council, the oldest such advisory group in the UK, deals with are matrimonial disputes.

I can understand why people have a strong reaction to the idea of Sharia law, given how its portrayed in the media, said Madim, But they need to focus on reality.

Currently, while Muslims can marry and divorce under Islamic law, they are also required to have a civil registry for their marriage to be recognized under British law, said Madim (many of the cases he deals with involve Muslim women who were married in abroad by Islamic law and are now seeking a divorce in the UK).

The Archbishops proposals would allow Islamic weddings and divorces, among other issues, to be legally binding under English law.

I think everyone understands that in a non-Muslim country like England we cannot expect to live under full Sharia, so we need to reach a compromise. What that compromise is is something we are still working towards, and allowing Islamic law in personal matters is a good start, said Madim.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Dear all Assalam-o-alaikum
I would like to share this story with you guys, about false accusation & reports made in Media & newspapers about Islam & Muslims, but alhumdulillah, our brothers & sisters are defending themselves to counter it. Also thanks to all those nonmuslims cousins who are helping us in this regard.
Many of you may recall back in January the Sun Newspaper ran a piece with the Article "Terror Target List" with a picture of Alan Sugar on the front page with claims that Alan Sugar along with other well known Jews in the UK were part of a "Hitlist", which in fact was just a call for a peaceful protest to write letters to highlight the issue which was going on in Gaza around that time. Immediately released a "Press Statement" highlighting this issue and made an Official complaint to the Press Complaints Commission who decided to investigate this story.

The Entire story published in the Sun was based on a poster by the name of abuislam who with a series of posts tried to provoke other users into making this peaceful protest into a violent protest
Later on during the day an Unknown blogger by the name of Tim Ireland who runs the website uncovered a trail of evidence left by abuislam pointing to evidence to suggest that this user was Glen Jenvey that same person who went to the news agency which led the Sun newspaper to publish this story blindly.
Few weeks later Alan Sugar decided to take legal action himself against the Sun Newspaper
Another month down the line Tim Ireland was sent an audio interview featuring Glen Jenvey in which Jenvey confessed to using the alias Richard Tims which also turned out to be an alias used by abuislam on Ummah Forum.
Once this was discovered attacks were then made towards Tim Ireland who was being smeared as a Paedophile on various Eastern European Forums and Blogs which turned out to be Jenvey himself posing as a daily mail reporter

Then another twist to this story in July 2009 Jenvey announced that he is retiring and converted to Islam and announced his Shahadah with the last straw being Jenvey confessing that he fabricated the story on BBC Radio 5 Live on the Donald McIntyre Show and making a personal and public apology to which we accept and have moved on to his life as a New Muslim

With so many twists and turns in this story you seriously cannot make any of this up!

Ummah have received a personal written apology from the Sun Newspaper passed on through the Press Complaints commission and hope to publish it very soon in the Newspaper and will be published on the PCC Website shortly, I cannot release the exact wording until it is published in the public domain

However I cannot forget to mention and give a very big special thanks to Tim Ireland from who uncovered this story and his sheer brilliance investigative skills that contributed to this story being made big in the public and Richard Bartholomew who picked up bits and pieces blogging on other things related to the story! Without the help of these 2 none of this would have been uncovered so owe them big time! Do visit their blog they tend to blog on interesting and dubious stories well worth a read and recommended! Full of Thrills and Spills!
Also very special thanks to Press Complaints Commission for taking this case on and for their valuable assistance and advice into getting this story public, BBC Radio 5 for doing a piece on this and the Guardian Newspaper for being fair and balanced and covering what went on!

I feel we have achieved something here at gaining an apology from the Sun Newspaper and uncovering stories like this which make Muslim look like bad! This is how the media works lies and fabrication and scandal The final credits and applause goes to Tim Ireland and Richard Bartholomew! - Although they did not get much credit for it in the public - but they sure wont be forgotten here at Ummah!


Minister (2k+ posts)
digitalzygot said:
Poor pali your knowledge and your pathetic thinking, I feel pitty for you. Go and educate yourself and it will answer all your questions
thank you. i think pali does not know about muslim scientists of the past

foqia khan

MPA (400+ posts)
you have posted a short clip of this interview .Here is the original article , translated from Arabic from Al-Jezeerah's web site.I have edited some last portion of this article coz it was very lengthy and that portion was not related to the conversion figures but you can hear those missing things in the third fake video u have posted bcoz the person in that video is not talking about his experience of conversion but giving the detail given in the interview on Al-Jazeerah.I have highlighted the main points. Plz read and then make your point for further discussion .
the other video you have posted is also fake ,bcoz Iran also has christain community , all women there, have to wear scarf but not restricted in their personal n religious life. we equally respect Jesus(pbuh) as we respect Prophet Mohammad(pbuh) ,so if someone say that he/she respect Jesus(pbuh)or seen jesus (pbuh)in dream, that doesn't prove that the person has become christain .christains have no reason or logics to prove christainity except through dreams.
and plz next time don't rush to post anything which makes no sense.thanks

6 Million Muslims convert to Christianity - Al-Jazeerah !

Ahmed Katani Maher Abdallah

Maher Abdallah:
Dear viewers, peace of Allah be upon you, greetings and welcome to a new episode of the program Islamic Law and Life.

Our topic this evening will be Christianization in the Dark Continent ... Africa. For after Islam was the religion of the majority, the great majority of that continent, the number of Muslims now is no greater than a third of the population. This is taking into consideration, of course, that a large portion of this group are Arab Muslims. No doubt that the missions of evangelization and Christianization played a great role in this demographic shift of Muslims in the continent.

To discuss this topic, it is my pleasure to introduce today a man who is an expert on the issue of evangelization and Christianization in Africa, even though he will concentrate on the issue of Christianization first and foremost?. Sheikh Ahmad Al Katani; the president of The Companions Lighthouse for the Science of Islamic Law in Libya, which is an institution specializing in graduating imams and Islamic preachers.

Sheikh Ahmad, welcome to you on the program.

Ahmad Al Katani:
Greeting to you.

Maher Abdallah:
If we start by inquiring about your strict stance against the Christian missions in Africa, don?t the followers of every religion have the right to seek new converts, exactly as you train and graduate young Muslims to propagate Islam?

Ahmad Al Katani:
I seek refuge in Allah the Seer, the Knower, from the stoned devil. In the name of Allah the Merciful the Beneficent. Thanks to Allah the One, the Only, the Permanent One, who did not give birth nor was born, to whom no one was equal. I bear witness that there is no God but Allah who has no partners, and I bear witness that our master Muhammed ? Allah?s prayers and peace be upon him - is his messenger and seal of prophets; Allah prayers be upon him and his brothers the prophets and messengers and their families.

The question that you pose is a result of not comprehending the difference between the concept of Christianization and the concept of evangelism.

The concept of evangelism: is inviting the non-Christians to the Christian or Nazarene religion, and this is the right of every Christian and the right of every believer to call others to his faith. However, we are talking about a different matter; which is Christianization. Christianization means the following: preparing plans, and executing these plans and evolving these plans to change Muslims into Christians by taking advantage of the ignorance and poverty (of the people) and whatever necessitates from similar circumstances.

So, we are faced with the issue of taking advantage of circumstances, taking advantage of humanitarian needs, taking advantage of the lack of education for example, that these people (missionaries) use to take Muslims out of their religion.

Maher Abdallah:
Fine. This is a big and dangerous phrase. Taking advantage of poverty, of ignorance, of lack of education, of some need is something that a Muslim can also be accused of. So if you don?t back up what you say with examples, with references, your words remain in the air without much weight to them.

Ahmad Al Katani:
The reality is that these words say a lot less than they should. As we said in the beginning, everyone has the right to invite others to his religion; this is what is known as evangelism (or proselytizing). As for Christianization, no one has the right to take Muslims out of their religion, and you asked for references and the references are too numerous.

Islam used to represent, as you previously mentioned, Africa?s main religion and there were 30 African languages that used to be written in Arabic script. The number of Muslims in Africa has diminished to 316 million, half of whom are Arabs in North Africa. So in the section of Africa that we are talking about, the non Arab section, the number of Muslims does not exceed 150 million people. When we realize that the entire population of Africa is one billion people, we see that the number of Muslims has diminished greatly from what it was in the beginning of the last century. On the other hand, the number of Catholics has increased from one million in 1902 to 329 million 882 thousand (329,882,000). Let us round off that number to 330 million in the year 2000.

As to how that happened, well there are now 1.5 million churches whose congregations account for 46 million people. In every hour, 667 Muslims convert to Christianity. Everyday, 16,000 Muslims convert to Christianity. Ever year, 6 million Muslims convert to Christianity. These numbers are very large indeed ?..

Maher Abdallah (interrupting):
Hold on! Let me clarify. Do we have 6 million converting from Islam to Christianity or converting from Islam and other religions?

Ahmad Al Katani:
Great (question)! The other religions are not placed on the list of Christianization; rather they are placed on the list of evangelization. The other religion in Africa is paganism; so it?s Islam, Christianity or paganism. There isn?t something similar to Asia for example where you have Buddhism or Zoroastrianism. In Africa it is just these three, so if you talk about Christianization then it targets the only other heavenly religion which is Islam. As for paganism, those people worship animals and planets and the like.

Maher Abdallah:
So 6 million Muslims a year convert?

Ahmad Al Katani:
Every year ?.. In the African nations this century a tragedy happened. Take for example what happened in Ethiopia. Ethiopia is an Arab nation and I am not saying a muslim nation. If any student looks up the word Habasha (Ethiopia) in the book Ocean Dictionary written by Al-Fairuz Abady, he will find that the word Habashat means ?people of different tribes? and this is what happened. Ethiopia was a place where Arabs from different tribes would go to live for a while. We all know that Islam entered Ethiopia before Islam entered the city of Medina. We all know that AL-Najashy (the ruler of Ethiopia) was a Muslim. It is mentioned by Al-Darkatny in his biography of the prophet ? Allah?s prayer and peace be upon him ? that during the month of Rajab in the 9th year of the Hijra (Muslim calendar) that the prophet said to his companions: ?Rise up and pray on your brother Al-Najashy.? From that year on the practice of praying on the absent was established. Therefore from the time of the prophet ? Allah?s prayer and peace be upon him ? Islam entered Ethiopia. So what has happened to Ethiopia?

What happened is that in the days of Emperor Hela Silasi who used to force Muslims to bow to the Christian, and if he refused then he was whipped 45 lashes and jailed between 2 and 5 years. In the year 1948, a massacre occurred at the hands of the Amharic tribes; the Amharic being Christians and collaborators, who continued to slaughter Muslims for 7 months and perform the most horrific acts imaginable. For example they deprived them from the most basic human rights, to the point that they mutilated the male Muslim?s reproductive organs so that no more Muslim children would be born. Ethiopia was rewarded after all these horrific acts; rewarded by being made the head quarters of the African Unity League.

Let us move to another location in Africa, let it be Nigeria. Nigeria is known by Muslims by the name of the Land of Takror. Nigeria was founded at the beginning of the last century by the British, and many Islamic sources mention it?s name as the Land of Tekror. There is even a letter by the reciter Suyuti, who died in the year 911 Hijri, where the title is: Opening the blessed request and relating the hidden openly to the questions of the people of Takror. So there was an established relationship, and they used to send questions to the scholars of Islam, so this letter (of questions) was sent from one of the sheikh scholars of Nigeria that was called Takror to the Muslim scholar AL Suyuti in Egypt and he in turn responded and the contents of this letter are published and printed and is found in the book ?The collection Islamic decrees?.

Nigeria?s population is 120 million people, 70% of whom are Muslim. In the 1960?s a British missionary came and declared that he will Christianize North Nigeria, the majority of whom are Muslim. As a result, Ahmad Banulo (from the leaders of the Msulims) was forced at the time to move him to Lagos the capital. As a result the butcher Arorese, that was present at the time, eliminated all the Muslim rulers and killed Ahmad Banulo, why? Because he merely dared to move this missionary who declared that he wishes to Christianize North Nigeria.

In another country, Zanzibar, is an Arabic African nation and I am not saying Muslim. Zanzibar was always connected to the Sultanate of Oman (in the Persian Gulf). Concerning Zanzibar, there was a priest by the name Julius Niriry, president of Tanzania, who annihilated 20,000 Muslims (male and female) with a military force lead by a chicken thief. This thief was imprisoned for being accused of stealing chickens; he was released and asked to command the military brigade that annihilated 20,000 Muslims.

Maher Abdallah:
My dear viewers welcome back to this episode where we are speaking about the topic of Christianization in the African continent and we are speaking with the Sheikh who is observing and following this issue, as each hour Islam loses just under 700 Muslims who join the Christian religion which leads us to the number of 6 million Muslims every year.

Our sir, you mentioned that there are advantages being taken of necessities: poverty, ignorance; what you mentioned then are waves of elimination, waves of religious eradication, and there is no need to call is racial eradication?.. However, let us go back to the topic necessity and exploitation. This may have all been in the past; the military expeditions that you spoke of were all in the beginning or middle of the last century, but what is happening today in regards to exploiting necessities?

Ahmad Al Katani:
What I wanted to say is that these military expeditions and wars paved the way for what we are seeing today; converting 6 million Muslims every year did not happen from nothing, but was a result of what I mentioned earlier.

As for the topic of necessity exploitation, then a nation like Somalia, whose population is 9.5 million people, are all Muslim without exception. There are no Christians or pagans. And if you did find any then they are an insignificant number that are not even on official statistics. A Belgian missionary by the name of Sabeh came to Somalia and purchased 30,000 Muslim youth, he took advantage of their parents poverty, and we all know the terrible situation that Somalia is going through now and what it went through a few years ago. This is taking advantage of a humanitarian need that any human can go through.

Maher Abdallah:
Fine! Another picture of taking advantage, this was in consideration of Somalia?s state during war; in the case of a tragedy such as poverty where people were forced to do so due to the circumstances in the area. But what about other regions, how are they doing?

Ahmad Al Katani:
Yes. In Zaire there are now half a million muslim refugees, only Muslims are subjugated to severe missions of Christianization. I am sorry to say something and I am not the first to make this point; it has been said before: the bounty of humanitarian aid that is delivered goes to the Christians, and now because of this opportunity the muslims are Christianized in Zaire.There are half a million Muslims targeted for christianiztion on a daily basis. There is a horrific absence of muslim effort in the field. There is no Arabic or muslim (missionary) presence in Africa, except on a token level, nothing productive.

I say all this to show the missionary waves that are directed at all the countries of the Islamic world in all languages. So what have we offered in response to this information. I take this opportunity brother Maher to invite all benevolent organizations to work with the goal of spreading Islam. This does not mean establishing a few embarrassing websites on the internet, but to print pamphlets in all languages, for examples, and send them to all organizations and teaching institutions around the world and prepare muslim missionaries who are prepared to spread the message of Islam around the world.

Finally brother Maher, I heard at one point that you intended to re-broadcast the program "Islamic Law and Life" that was to be translated and until now we haven?t noticed that this project has seen the light of day. I insist that it is an obligation for all satellite channels to air Islamic programs in foreign languages so that Islam can reach every spot on earth. Thank you and Allah reward you.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Jaza-k-ALLAH. Thanks for soo much efforts , may ALLAH reward you for this. Point to get from this that how to counter this christianism (forced & planned conversion).. What about SWAT, AFGHANISTAN, IRAQ etc, they are trying same tectics in these places. But good sign from this, is that in their own heart new wave of islam has started. Praise to ALLAH..