Zardari and Co Play and Our Stupid Janta


Bismillah Irrahman arraheem ... malik e yom ud din and ahd e nassiraat ul mustakeem ... i start with the name of allah who is the master of day of judgment may allah put us to the right path ...

my dear brothers and sisters we need to understand the play which zardari and party playing with pakistani people.

many people know that when they had that peace deal in swat no one was happy with that deal (Americans and American agents)
zardari didnt sign that peace deal ... todate it s not signed ... and now they had to cancel that peace deal so they needed some reason so there were few incidents happened in the past few weeks which will strengthen the american and zardari s agenda. few incidents
the bomb blast which happened in mosque ... so many inocent people died. the taliban didnt do it bcaz they dont do this kind of activity in mosques and if they do it they will loose the people's simpthy which they have lost now now thing why would they do such an act?
then the blast in that soofi mazaar and then there are so many incidents in sequence.
taliban saying most of these incients are done by the govt and isi and other people who were against the peace deal to get the simpithy of people to start the war against taliban perticularly in swat vally.
and this new video of girl floging ... we are so westerenized that we can not think of anything. are minds and heart has been sealed ... we just say what we have been told to say .. we have forget that before we are pakistanis we are muslim too. and there are few things which makes us muslim and what are those things
1. toheed .. saying that there is no god to be worshiped but Allah
this is the first thing which makes us muslim we say that there is only one god Allah but in real do we really worship him?
(if we dont beleave in toheed then we are not muslim and the biggest sin is that associating partners with allah. and keep this thing in mind that allah can forgive any sin but the sin of shirk he will never forgive)

the shirayah is the law given by Allah ... we claim that we are muslim and we say that ok Allah we love you we can not follow your law we will follow zardaris and american's law ..... but we love you Allah yeah ? we should be shamefull and how do we claim that we are muslims when we are affraid of Allah s law ... what are we affraid of ? or are we affraid of punishments? bcaz we can not stop making crime so give us lightest punishment. we are a great nation and before that proub muslims. acctually no we are not proud muslim we are ashamed now a days to be muslims are we?

and this girl floging video was played after 8 months or may be more then this incident happened. y ? to fulful the agenda.
now there are two incidents but i think this video is abt that girl who left her husband and then she lived with her father in law for 3 years. there was war going on thats why they had to give her punishment so they gave both the man and the women less then 35 lashes.
now people saying this punishment is hard and who gave em the right to do so ... bcaz they need some witness and bla bla they are so stupid and zardarised that they dont understand this thing that if u admit ur sin you dont need 4 witnesses. 4 witnesses is only when u dont admit ur sin so in this cast both girl and that man admited there sin that they had relationship or whatever ... and the punishment for this is stone till death... and in this case the girl is lucky that she didnt get the capital punishment...
we still have time to understand the politics and plays ... we still have time to repent ... we still have time to correct ourselves.
may Allah protect all of us ... and guide us and put us on siraat e mustakeem which is the right and streight path.