This low-life creature will most probably escape gallows on the pretext of mental illness. He is a very rich man. Remember what happened to Kashmala and her family when they crushed four poor people under their V8.
I don’t believe in ‘barkain’ uttered by Fawad Ch or IGP Islamabad. The thing that matters the most is investigation report ( aka Challan) submitted in trial court and then the prosecution. After that falls the blame on hearing judge. In our justice system, most cases are marred by investigation and/or prosecution. Investigators ( which is Police) leave loopholes ( either due to incompetency or due to taking bribe, or due to pressure from some powerful quarters) in the challan submitted in trial court. Then comes prosecution. Prosecutors ( government attorneys) then do poor job either due to complicity or poor capacity. Finally, some judges are compromised too.
Most successful trials in Pakistan ( and in any 3rd world country) happen against poor criminals where all three components of justice system ( Investigation, Prosecution, and Jury) work honestly and efficiently.
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