Why Shireen Mazari left PTI and Politics


MPA (400+ posts)
I have sympathy with Shereen Mazari being a woman and a mother of a daughter.
She must be allowed to return in PTI as soon as situation normalizes.
She is a teacher of teachers and is the best of the minds Pakistan / PTI can have.

Filthy $ Generals are looting us with both hands.
They are using our wepaons to subdue us.
They destroy our land to get their land, they destroy our bussiness to flourish their bussinesses, they after retirement take our jobs, they for their enjoyment rape our women.
They terrorise us in pakistan like terrorists do.

Yeh jo Gunda gardi has is ke peechey in haramzadon ki wardi ha.
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Minister (2k+ posts)
Drown and die; those who do such atrocities, those who support such atrocities, and those who make fun of such atrocities are now cursed. Wait for the punishment of Allah. Only the eternal kingdom belongs to God alone. Allah has drowned the great pharaohs. You guys are nothing. The one who threatens to make videos of his own people's sisters and daughters will be the owner of a vile and bastard thought: God's refuge.

Choudhry ji

Senator (1k+ posts)
BANGALI People are 100% right ....now we should realise that what did our filthy army did with Bangla Deshi women in 1970


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
ویسے ایمان مزاری کی ننگی تصویریں لی کیسی گئی ہیں؟
بہت دفعہ ایسا ہوتا ہے، کہ کچھ بد بخت اپنی پرائیویٹ وڈیو اپنے، یا اپنے دوست کےسیل فون میں ریکارڈ کر لیتے ہیں،، جنہیں لمبڑ-1 والے اسرائیلی سوفٹ وئیر کے ذریعے "ھیک" کر لیتے ہیں، اور اپنے مقصد کا ڈیٹا اپنے پاس محفوظ کر لیتے ہیں،،جنہیں یہ جرائم پیشہ ایجنسی ایسے مواقع پر بلیک میلنگ کے لئے استعمال کرتے رہتے ہیں


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
What makes me really really mad is this man is still part of PPP. He is openly giving press conferences. Strangely, none of his party members have either denied him, confronted him to stop lying. Neither they have stood by him.
In other words the hypocrites are maintaining criminal silence. So are all the Pakistani journalists. In any other country, there would have been outrage, but it is Pakistan, the land of the Baigharats.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Everone has private life. If the news is true, Might her phone get hacked by Lumber one

These munafiq ISI criminals will no doubt have filmed people undressing in the bedrrom or having a shower and using it to blackmail them. The average citizens privacy has been breached by shaitaan Generals cronies in the so called Islamic republic. What a joke.
