Watch a fierce battle between zaid hamid and secular liberals


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Zaid Hamid makes his bread and butter by conspiracy theories. Who can take such a man seriously? The man's a crackpot. But in this country even crackpots have a following. (clap)


Senator (1k+ posts)
raza bhgat,asma qadyani,sehi,imtyaz tareeky ka nishan,[h=2]Must Watch SAFMA-- wake up pakistan[/h]

Nawaz Sharif at SAFMA (

Imtiaz Alam

Ayaz Ameer addressing SAFMA Seminar

Maulana Fazal ur Rehman at SAFMA

Khurshid Mahmood Kasuri


PM - Syed Yousaf Raza Gillani



Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
mashallah these fake secular liberal beyghairats together wih there fake democracy is now crumbling as they have FAILED to address any issue. An Islamic Shariah based system is the need of the hour (bigsmile)


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
You are not allowed to pass comments on patriots. Please stay on course to your Hajj in the temple :lol:

Zaid Hamid makes his bread and butter by conspiracy theories. Who can take such a man seriously? The man's a crackpot. But in this country even crackpots have a following. (clap)


Minister (2k+ posts)
about the chief justice it was only Faisal Raza Abidi who used to say these things But now Zaid Hamid is saying the same about Judicial system!

i always say abidi was true but unfortunately his reputation of being zardari dog make him bad and no one listen to him!


Senator (1k+ posts)
we love u sir ZAID HAMID, who is this raza rumi ***** ka puttar, kisi hindu ki saat, check his DNA, there must be hindu behind this chawal.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
How can you guys take a man with a high pitch voice and fast talker who talks about conspiracy after conspiracy? This man throws 5 Islamic terminologies in his conspiracy lectures and all of a sudden he has the seal of approval from the Prophet(saw) himself? MashAllah.

People like him in the US are called Crackheads. The Pakistani Terry Jones. I wouldn't be caught dead taking this guy's side. You all can stick with him like glue if you so desire.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Lurker, are you out of your mind ?? (bigsmile)..Is he inviting you to listen to him ??..why are you worried ??..He maybe whatever whats important for you is that you focus on what you believe.:)

OK ..because in the US people who talk like you are called "hallucinators" [hilar][hilar][hilar]..Oh and one more thing buddy, dead men dont take sides.:lol::lol:

How can you guys take a man with a high pitch voice and fast talker who talks about conspiracy after conspiracy? This man throws 5 Islamic terminologies in his conspiracy lectures and all of a sudden he has the seal of approval from the Prophet(saw) himself? MashAllah.

People like him in the US are called Crackheads. The Pakistani Terry Jones. I wouldn't be caught dead taking this guy's side. You all can stick with him like glue if you so desire.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Both have valid points. We did mess up in 1971 as the other guy says, that does not make him a liberal secularist just because he disagree's with Zaid. This is the time to unite not divide ourselves further on the basis of previous errors.


Senator (1k+ posts)
we love u sir ZAID HAMID, who is this raza rumi ***** ka puttar, kisi hindu ki saat, check his DNA, there must be hindu behind this chawal.

zaid hamid ka dna kaun check karega , ? balke pure pakistan ka dna check kar lo hindu dna jaroor nikal ayega 400 saal pahle ka , kaid e azam ke great grands were hindu including shair e mashrik iqbaals pardadas were hindu .


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I think if you do a genealogy check on Pakistanis you will find mostly all of them have roots from the vedic period of India. A few will turn up as Persians. Even fewer with Arab genes. If you ever goto Pakistan, you will find in some families they have this big family tree thing going on. And lo and behold almost all of them will claim they are descended from some Sahabi from Arabia. lol. As if that lineage gives them some special status in all of humanity. Choti choti khushiyan hoti hain Pakistanis ki. Since we are NOT a prosperous nation with no Law and Order, we fall back on Conspiracies and Religion. That's why our mind thinks in this backward ways. Our present is a nightmare so we look to the past. But there is no past before Pakistan, unless you ditch Pakistan and look at All Muslims. It's a sign of depression that you have to look at Past glories and wish for them again.

In a nutshell, I think the Pakistani is suffering from Paranoia, Borderline schizophrenia, hopelessness and severe depression. And you know what the solution to all this mess is? It's not Ghazwa-e-hind. It's not a Khilafat. It's not a messiah. It's rather very simple. The pursuit of Happiness. Prosperity.
