You can also call one umma.
What is happening in Syria is not Jihad, USA is using Al-Qaida and Taliban, to fight the Shia.
Khanhairpur Attention Khan Haripur : Examples of one Ummah Fighting Pakistan army and Doyou support them or are you with Pakistan army?
Fighter from Russia Fighting against Pakistan Army
Fighter from Tunisia fighting Against Pakistan Army
A fighter from Uzbekistan fighting Against pak Army
Arab and Pakistani Paktun Fighters against pakistan Army
History Always Repeat
all of the above are terrorist period or paid mercenaries(bigsmile)
One Wahabi ummah .. supported by Saudi funds.
Sir jeeee come and stay in Pakistan... living in UK and speaking about Ummah is like eating cheese cake every day.. Have some shame when you try to post some thing that has got nothing to do with Islam and every thing to do with killing.
What I see are killers been rented out by Saudi king.
Ahaan so if they fight in Libya and Syria then they are mujahids but when they strike your own country i.e Pakistan they become terrorist!
You are xposed Mr..You are a person with Double Standards like this Khan haripor
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