This is what you call one Ummah


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

[h=5]Islam frees you from the shackles of nationalism.The Mujahideen that liberated Minnig airport yesterday in ‪#‎Syria‬. This is what you call one Ummah[/h]
Khanhairpur Attention Khan Haripur : Examples of one Ummah Fighting Pakistan army and Doyou support them or are you with Pakistan army?

Fighter from Russia Fighting against Pakistan Army

Fighter from Tunisia fighting Against Pakistan Army


A fighter from Uzbekistan fighting Against pak Army


Arab and Pakistani Paktun Fighters against pakistan Army

Dual Faces ( Munafiqana attitude of Khanharipur ) : He supports foreign fighters in Syria and calls them one Ummah but he doesnt support Taliban and their foreign Muslim Ummah supporters against pakistan Army. He is all exposed!
What is happening in Syria is not Jihad, USA is using Al-Qaida and Taliban, to fight the Shia.

This Khan guy is strange and weird. He is very interested in supporing jihad in other countries but not in his own country Pakistan. Isnt this interesting? This guy is a munafiq!
Source :

The al Qaeda-linked Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan has recently released a videotape that celebrates the deaths of foreign fighters in its ranks from Europe, Central Asia, and North Africa, and also highlights attacks against the Pakistani military in the tribal agency of South Waziristan.

Produced in December 2010 by Jundallah Studios, a jihadist media outlet that has published propaganda tapes from the IMU in the past, the videotape, titled "Good News From Pakistan," was released on a jihadist forum on Jan. 17. A copy of the videotape was published by Asia Times.

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Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
these are not holy warriors, more like highest paid mercenaries, residue of jobless afghan/soviet eras paid soldiers, Anybody can pay them,no matter muslims, non muslims to get the job done and thats how it works and for them cause does not matter, it can be very humanitarion, islamic holy or non-islamic non-humanitarion as REAL ISLAMIC WARRIORS in days of sahabae kurram you know how they behave with muslims and non muslims and for starters read hazrat ali, sultan salahuddin, Mohd bin qasim. This is group foto of a brutal A team working for the highest bidder(omg)


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Khanhairpur Attention Khan Haripur : Examples of one Ummah Fighting Pakistan army and Doyou support them or are you with Pakistan army?

Fighter from Russia Fighting against Pakistan Army

Fighter from Tunisia fighting Against Pakistan Army


A fighter from Uzbekistan fighting Against pak Army


Arab and Pakistani Paktun Fighters against pakistan Army


all of the above are terrorist period or paid mercenaries(bigsmile)


One Wahabi ummah .. supported by Saudi funds.

Sir jeeee come and stay in Pakistan... living in UK and speaking about Ummah is like eating cheese cake every day.. Have some shame when you try to post some thing that has got nothing to do with Islam and every thing to do with killing.

What I see are killers been rented out by Saudi king.
all of the above are terrorist period or paid mercenaries(bigsmile)

Ahaan so if they fight in Libya and Syria then they are mujahids but when they strike your own country i.e Pakistan they become terrorist!

You are xposed Mr..You are a person with Double Standards like this Khan haripor


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
why these a holes dont(omg) travel back to their respective countries and do some welfare work that is badly needed
One Wahabi ummah .. supported by Saudi funds.

Sir jeeee come and stay in Pakistan... living in UK and speaking about Ummah is like eating cheese cake every day.. Have some shame when you try to post some thing that has got nothing to do with Islam and every thing to do with killing.

What I see are killers been rented out by Saudi king.

This khanharipur guy is out of control. All of his posts are supporting rebels in Syria etc etc but strange enough he does not like similar rebels in Pakistan.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Ahaan so if they fight in Libya and Syria then they are mujahids but when they strike your own country i.e Pakistan they become terrorist!

You are xposed Mr..You are a person with Double Standards like this Khan haripor

chaloe thanks sub koe expose kurroe paranoid zealots, all are mercenaries terrororist I said can you read again ALLL
