Solution of all problems lies in wrapping up corrupt democratic system!

Muhammad Tauseef A. Bajwa

Senator (1k+ posts)
We are all victims of un democratic deep rooted system & sick institutions who had their personal vested interests and had no "Aims & ambitions" to change this corrupt system in their ever increasing lust for power, greed & individual benefits. We can only proclaim but had no immediate plans of delivering. Beaurocracy, Politicians, members of civil society, Army & Beauracatic establishments, media, judiciary etc. all had same Big Stature but had no intension's whatsoever to help common Men / Citizens. All MEN in the hall of Fame had no moral or characteristic strength to convince their "Masters" with an impetus when facing these monsters. Nothing can be accomplished without an 'Eyeball to Eyeball" contact. No sane individual is under the shadow and knows fully well WHO our real Masters are and what evil designs they had for our Motherland.

Owners of TV Channels are always looking for projection, vested interests and are eager to be among them WHO are otherwise known as "Power brokers". Men of Intellect in print & electronic media had to tow their policy and endeavors for their own sustainable positions. Nothing is totally wrong or bad but, social & moral ethics had their own limits and are not 'flexible'. We Pakistanis are running short of TIME? Most popular & well known personnel are among 5th columnists and are detrimental in creating Hype to distress common men to the extent that they stood up against their own government machinery to destroy State Organs to destabilize Pakistan.

Above all, educated & well groomed individuals had a right to choose their representatives in Islam & society, in principle. Western "Democracy" is either "Democrats OR Republicans". Equality for Horses & Donkeys! What will happen of societies where criminals & saints are equal while choosing Members of Parliament and by the way, WHO you feel are in excess? They had a single option to scream and kept on claiming that Parliament is Sovereign and Supreme but did our politicians and political parties ever thought that credibility of parliamentarians is most controversial, in itself. Its pertinent to state that those elected to this August Parliament are not the true representatives of people whom they claim to represent as majority (above 50%) is either below age, resides overseas or refrains from casting their vote on various grounds and candidates who stood for public representation are all known as corrupt, inefficient, radicals, illiterate and mafia infested in their respective consistencies. They got elected to parliament on tickets of mainstream political parties and can use wealth and fire power during elections. Members of the parliament & Senate had proven TIME and time again they are not capable to make laws for smooth governance as their majority is un-educated to Read & Write mandatory language in Parliament i.e. English. Above 85% of them lacks any knowledgeable information about Budget and other matters / subjects which come under discussion in Parliamentary sessions. Senior citizens with vision & courage had no saying in Pakistan.

Feudalism is always dependant for its powerful emergence in Parliament by perpetuating
Poverty, ignorance and denial of basic civil, educational & health facilities to common men
in their constituencies for claiming representatives of these down trodden masses, who
are otherwise in their clutches for fulfillment of their basis social and human needs or better say, survival alone!

As regards mother of all crises the shortfall of Electricity in Pakistan it is intestinally made an alarming crises for mollified reasonings other wise Thar Coal Reserves in Sind can meet our electricity requirements for 40 years without any single Second of load Shedding. and if the whole reserves are utilized, then it could easily be imagined how much energy could be generated.

Our Politicians and policy makers had put a halt to this project especially when all funding to it was to be borne by China, alone. These reserves estimated at 850 trillion cubic feet (TCF) of gas, about 30 times higher than Pakistans proven gas reserves of 28 TCF. Dr Murtaza Mughal president of Pakistan Economy Watch in a statement said that these reserves of coal worth USD 25 trillion can not only cater the electricity requirements of the country for next 100 years but also save almost four billion dollars in staggering oil import bill. without any single Second of load Shedding. and if the whole reserves are utilized, then it could easily be imagined how much energy could be generated.

The coal power generation would cost Pakistan PKR 5.67 per unit while power generated by Independent Power Projects cost PKR 9.27. It Requires Just Initial 420 Billion Rupees Initial Investment, whereas Pakistan receives annually 1220 Billion from Tax Only. Chinese and other companies had not only carried out surveys and feasibilities of this project but also offered 100 percent investment in last 7 to 8 years but the Petroleum Gang always discouraged them in a very systematic way. But Petroleum lobby is very strong in Pakistan and they are against any other means of power generation except for the imported oil. This lobby is major beneficiary of the increasing oil bill that is estimated above 15 billion dollar this year. Even Government was then planning to Sell all these reserve to a company on a very low price. When Pervez Musharraf was president he gave green signal to embark upon the initiation of work on exploiting energy potential of these coal reserves of Thar under a modern strategy. Atomic scientist Dr. Samar Mubarak Mund equally endorses it. He can be approached on above study and its potentials.

PPPs farce performance can be judged by this single point when incumbent government and its Minister for Water & Power advocates strongly for buying Rental Power Plants and all cronies are towing the same line.

Apparent and immediate end to all engrossed problems lie in wrapping up the so called Democratic parliamentary set-up in Pakistan and an imposition of EBDO (Electoral Body Disqualification Ordinance) will further be a real blessing for the citizens of Pakistan as it can bar all political parties from functioning for an at least ten or fifteen consecutive years to ensure much needed industrial growth and economic stability with removal of Mafia infested pressure on civil and basic rights of an individual in our much acclaimed Islamic society!

Rana Tahir Mahmood

Senator (1k+ posts)
I have reviewed the article and facts and problem with Pakistan dilemma is narrated impressively but in last para the proposed solution is already experimented in our country and has no proper result but on the contrary created such a mess in Pakistani Government Machinery that now a days Politicians, Bureaucrats, Generals of Armed Forces and judiciary (with the exception of present CJ M. Iftikhar Ch.) are unified by making intra family relations and their interests are now common, even Martial Law will be imposed or politician will promulgate democracy process. Therefore imposition of EBDO will not create any improvement in the system as one corrupt lot will be removed and other corrupt lot of their brothers, sisters, wives, cousins and fathers will grasp the country. In addition, we have already seen islamic forces characters during the past as they are not sincere to the public as Maulavies are always following their master voice and populating the mosques as their vision is minutely limited.

So in such situation, no one can produce any positive result for the general public of the country because they are all protecting their interest and do not care about the common man. Therefore, all general public has to stand up to safeguard their interest and wake up from hibernation and act with strong will power to fight for their benefits. A common man can understand the problems of a common man not all the selfish elite class.

sarbakaf - Blogger
Well any system made by corrupt men will be corrupt , either existing system or a new one .
We need to produce individuals who have morals and passion to serve other people...
what we are producing is our lords who make us slave .........

its not the system which produces corrupt individuals , its the individuals who make a system corrupt.


Councller (250+ posts)
Well any system made by corrupt men will be corrupt , either existing system or a new one .
We need to produce individuals who have morals and passion to serve other people...
what we are producing is our lords who make us slave .........

its not the system which produces corrupt individuals , its the individuals who make a system corrupt.

absolutely spot on. This very parliamentary system has been followed by UK for years now but the difference is they are following their system to the letter... they abide by law even if it is a PM ... no PM from UK has ever seek political asylum after his term. Not even a chancellor has been brought in UK through deals brokered sitting outside of UK ...

It is not the system ... it is about bringing occupation to an end in political foyers.

In USA ... a two term president can't run for office and there has never been deals among parties to deform their constitution to give an exception to someone who wishes to usurp the office a third time.

No the solution lies in ending the electoral system once and for all. Since 70% population won't vote why bother practicing democracy in any form. Gotta change the faces ... and since people of Pakistan are not trying to help themselves Allah SWT won't help also. So it seems maybe a disaster could disrupt our dream ..... yeh jo hum zaroori kaam se so rahe hain.


Minister (2k+ posts)
The PPP was voted into power for a term of 5 years and they have the right to complete it. The only way to have a change in government is for the leader of the opposition to ask the prime minister to get a vote of No confidence. This is a coalition governemtn which is in power solely becoz of the support of PML-N. If they withdraw their support, PPP is not likely to have enough seats even with theri ANP & MQM allies. Stop talking/dreaming about revolutions and army take overs. I do beelive howeever that we shoudl adopt the french system of electoral politics where each candidate is supposed to get over 50% of the vote otherwise there is second round with a run off election among the candidates who polled the top two candidates in each consituency.


MPA (400+ posts)
OK, and then do what?
We had about 50/50 share of army and political governments in our country. Both of them are worse then each other, so what is the solution then? who is there to take over?

Muhammad Tauseef A. Bajwa

Senator (1k+ posts)
I have reviewed the article and facts and problem with Pakistan dilemma is narrated impressively but in last para the proposed solution is already experimented in our country and has no proper result but on the contrary created such a mess in Pakistani Government Machinery that now a days Politicians, Bureaucrats, Generals of Armed Forces and judiciary (with the exception of present CJ M. Iftikhar Ch.) are unified by making intra family relations and their interests are now common, even Martial Law will be imposed or politician will promulgate democracy process. Therefore imposition of EBDO will not create any improvement in the system as one corrupt lot will be removed and other corrupt lot of their brothers, sisters, wives, cousins and fathers will grasp the country. In addition, we have already seen islamic forces characters during the past as they are not sincere to the public as Maulavies are always following their master voice and populating the mosques as their vision is minutely limited.

So in such situation, no one can produce any positive result for the general public of the country because they are all protecting their interest and do not care about the common man. Therefore, all general public has to stand up to safeguard their interest and wake up from hibernation and act with strong will power to fight for their benefits. A common man can understand the problems of a common man not all the selfish elite class.

Dearest, all sincere, selfless and impartial men of intellect share the same collective apprehension about the present state of affairs in our beloved country. One must retreat to the beginnings of this country and the exhortation of its founder and maker, Mohammad Ali Jinnah, that the first and paramount duty of any government is the imposition and maintenance of law and order in lieu of his given motto Unity, Faith & Discipline. Todays Pakistan has little relevance to Jinnahs One State of equal citizens and none at all that emerged with passage of time. What Mohammad Ali Jinnah did not envisage then was deterioration of the judiciary of his country, which was firm and steadfast during the short time he had. Without an independent and responsible judiciary law and order is a far cry. EBDO ((Electoral Body Disqualification Ordinance) was a blessing for the citizens of East & West Pakistan as it bared all political parties from functioning for ten (10) consecutive years and during this period industrial growth and economic stability was at its peek in Pakistans history by and large. EBDO was imposed by Field Marshal Ayub Khan in late 50s and its tenure expired before 1970. Moreover, it was Presidential form of government then. In the entire history of 62 years EBDO was promulgated only once and that too about 50 years earlier. Present Pakistan (then West Pakistan) was ONE Unit and no provincial assemblys set-up existed, to accelerate loot and plunder and the need to reconciliation among any province or political parties for smooth functioning of state organs. Collective population was nearly the same as that of present Pakistan but a cabinet of less than a dozen Federal Ministers was sufficient to run the affairs of state with tranquility and harmony. Corrupt politicians were removed from the scenario and nation was moving towards stabilization. Unity among masses remained till removal of Ayub Khans rule and the war of 1965 was a symbol of our collective strength. Foreign Minister in Ayub Khan Cabinet Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto turned tables on Ayub Khan and rose boggy of hidden agenda in Shimla Accord after leaving Ayub Khans Cabinet and on forming his own Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP). After lapse of EBDO Bhutto and Mujeeb-ur-Rehman, new generation of Politicians swept general elections of 1970 in their respective regions. Social & moral ills ushered in ruling elite even before the murder of Liaquat Ali Khan. The mighty Pakistan Army when in power has been either unable or unwilling to impose a system where law and order prevails with the sole exception of a brief period in the early Ayub Khan years when a far smaller army than we now have, less politicized and radical, did manage to bring in, a semblance of order and apply the law as it should be applied.


Muhammad Tauseef A. Bajwa

Senator (1k+ posts)
Dearest, all sincere, selfless and impartial men of intellect share the same collective apprehension about the present state of affairs in our beloved country. One must retreat to the beginnings of this country and the exhortation of its founder and maker, Mohammad Ali Jinnah, that the first and paramount duty of any government is the imposition and maintenance of law and order in lieu of his given motto Unity, Faith & Discipline. Todays Pakistan has little relevance to Jinnahs One State of equal citizens and none at all that emerged with passage of time. What Mohammad Ali Jinnah did not envisage then was deterioration of the judiciary of his country, which was firm and steadfast during the short time he had. Without an independent and responsible judiciary law and order is a far cry. EBDO ((Electoral Body Disqualification Ordinance) was a blessing for the citizens of East & West Pakistan as it bared all political parties from functioning for ten (10) consecutive years and during this period industrial growth and economic stability was at its peek in Pakistans history by and large. EBDO was imposed by Field Marshal Ayub Khan in late 50s and its tenure expired before 1970. Moreover, it was Presidential form of government then. In the entire history of 62 years EBDO was promulgated only once and that too about 50 years earlier. Present Pakistan (then West Pakistan) was ONE Unit and no provincial assemblys set-up existed, to accelerate loot and plunder and the need to reconciliation among any province or political parties for smooth functioning of state organs. Collective population was nearly the same as that of present Pakistan but a cabinet of less than a dozen Federal Ministers was sufficient to run the affairs of state with tranquility and harmony. Corrupt politicians were removed from the scenario and nation was moving towards stabilization. Unity among masses remained till removal of Ayub Khans rule and the war of 1965 was a symbol of our collective strength. Foreign Minister in Ayub Khan Cabinet Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto turned tables on Ayub Khan and rose boggy of hidden agenda in Shimla Accord after leaving Ayub Khans Cabinet and on forming his own Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP). After lapse of EBDO Bhutto and Mujeeb-ur-Rehman, new generation of Politicians swept general elections of 1970 in their respective regions. Social & moral ills ushered in ruling elite even before the murder of Liaquat Ali Khan. The mighty Pakistan Army when in power has been either unable or unwilling to impose a system where law and order prevails with the sole exception of a brief period in the early Ayub Khan years when a far smaller army than we now have, less politicized and radical, did manage to bring in, a semblance of order and apply the law as it should be applied.



Councller (250+ posts)
Dearest, all sincere, selfless and impartial men of intellect share the same collective apprehension about the present state of affairs in our beloved country. [/FONT][/B]One must retreat to the beginnings of this country and the exhortation of its founder and maker, Mohammad Ali Jinnah, that the first and paramount duty of any government is the imposition and maintenance of law and order in lieu of his given motto “Unity, Faith & Discipline”. Today’s Pakistan has little relevance to Jinnah’s “One State” of equal citizens and none at all that emerged with passage of time. What Mohammad Ali Jinnah did not envisage then was deterioration of the judiciary of his country, which was firm and steadfast during the short time he had.

I am sorry Bajwa saab ... but I have read about all these events very differently ... by "one state" Mr. Jinnah did not meant that zones be not divided on administrative basis ... and Mr. Jinnah RA could not have envisaged or foreseen any deterioration because we did not had had any constitution back then. In fact, it was probably after 9 years in 1956 that we had our Constitution to evaluate as to what institute had had the upper hand and what institution should be dominated for any group of people's own benefits.

Without an independent and responsible judiciary law and order is a far cry.

Remember we were a new country ... less populated, destroyed on many places ... almost deserted .... population was congested in centralized areas only. And there was not much time behind us that any system could have produced any destitutes or outlaws.
EBDO ((Electoral Body Disqualification Ordinance) was a blessing for the citizens of East & West Pakistan as it bared all political parties from functioning for ten (10) consecutive years and during this period industrial growth and economic stability was at its peek in Pakistan’s history by and large. EBDO was imposed by Field Marshal Ayub Khan in late 50’s and its tenure expired before 1970. Moreover, it was “Presidential” form of government then. In the entire history of 62 years EBDO was promulgated only once and that too about 50 years earlier.

Seriously you are not advocating what Ayub Khan did to then Governor General and that EBDO law was only to prolong his rule ... same old same old. And sorry to contradict again ... it was definitely not a presidential form of government ... he did surrected a Qatil league ... appointed Kh. Nazim ud Din, Qudrat Ullah Shahab, Mushtaq Gurmani (?????) in his cabinet. Q U Shahab opted out of his cabinet and went on to Kashmir as Minister of Kashmir Issues who was later called back and appointed as Advisor to President. If any one started the rite of cowardice in our ruling elite ... it was Ayub Khan ... who upon the slightest notion from UN ceased fire and even agreed to return Manavadar, Juna Gardh, Khem Karn, Gurdaspur and Ferozpur Headworks ... while he had clear instruction from Supreme High Command to not to pull hands from offensive and only stop at Delhi's red fort.

Present Pakistan (then West Pakistan) was ONE Unit and no provincial assembly’s set-up existed, to accelerate loot and plunder and the need to reconciliation among any province or political parties for smooth functioning of state organs. Collective population was nearly the same as that of present Pakistan but a cabinet of less than a dozen Federal Ministers was sufficient to run the affairs of state with tranquility and harmony.

No Sir, provinces have been there all along ... they have had their own leaders ... their own representatives. It was in that era that government did not planned ahead of the time ... for the upcoming necessities and needs of growing population ... that all successors have been trying to push under the carpet the pending workload of the previous government.
Corrupt politicians were removed from the scenario and nation was moving towards stabilization.

I am sorry I differ with you on this too. This was the high time when all corrupt politicians were alloted ministries as their own properties ... even people like Mushtaq Gurmani, who has been serving in Mirpur Radio Kashmir at that time ... were called back to succeed the governor of Bengal. I will say Ayub Khan wrote the prelude to disaster in 1971.

Unity among masses remained till removal of Ayub Khan’s rule and the war of 1965 was a symbol of our collective strength.
Dear sir, with all due respect and appreciating your sense of patriotism .... I must remind you that Pakistani nation has always shown great vigor, valor and grandeur in terms of solidarity, unity and faith. The exposure of unity you are talking about was result of 65 war ... in MuzaffarGarh earthquake calamity, nation re-united again, in Facebook event the whole Ummah all over the globe showed solidarity ... in fact, the agitation still going on. I don't think one can put his finger over any fraction in Pakistani nation at least. We are the people who demonstrate even over an atrocity in Palestine and Iraq. In 1992, I have seen people selling and buying posters of Saddam Hussein, naming their new-borns after Saddam ... it is only that we are in dire need of a true leader.

Foreign Minister in Ayub Khan Cabinet “Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto” turned tables on Ayub Khan and rose boggy of hidden agenda in “Shimla Accord” after leaving Ayub Khan’s Cabinet and on forming his own “Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP). After lapse of EBDO Bhutto and Mujeeb-ur-Rehman, new generation of Politicians swept general elections of 1970 in their respective regions.
Dear Sir, it was definitely not Z A Bhutto who engineered 71 fiasco ... it was Ayub Khan's negligence in administering that far-flung area ... he appointed people there in charge who looted Bengal and suppressed the locals ... giving room to intruders to manipulate general opinion to their own benefit. I would definitely prefer someone like Bhutto who could dare the whole congregation of UN by calling Indian supremacy abhorent and valuating Chinese friendship over someone like Ayub Khan who would surrender confiscated areas for nothing. I would surely prefer some one like Bhutto who would feel the need and start Atomic Program over someone like Ayub Khan who would just be happy by staying in power and finally give in to someone as corrupt as Yahya Khan.

Social & moral ills ushered in ruling elite even before the murder of Liaquat Ali Khan.

I will say it was ruling elite itself who brought all moral and social ills with them from india ... they were used to British Raj's conspiracies against poor ... they kept practicing it ... only after partition they had to do without British.

The mighty Pakistan Army when in power has been either unable or unwilling to impose a system where law and order prevails with the sole exception of a brief period in the early Ayub Khan years when a far smaller army than we now have, less politicized and radical, did manage to bring in, a semblance of order and apply the law as it should be applied.

Dear sir, You are forgetting Zia Ul Haq's era ... who hanged a policeman and his accomplice in Mianwali Jail because an offender was murdered in his custody during interrogation and I don't think those eleven years can ever be duplicated. Zia Ul Haq did an achievement when he brought Mohd. Khan Jonejo as PM ... and did the worst when he ousted him. Yet I will say Zia's was the era who I can recall much much better than Ayub Khan's ... but sadly as I have already said before ... like all military dictators Zia was also touchy about his presidency ... had he been a true dictator to the core ... Pakistan would have been a superpower today.

Muhammad Tauseef A. Bajwa

Senator (1k+ posts)
The PPP was voted into power for a term of 5 years and they have the right to complete it. The only way to have a change in government is for the leader of the opposition to ask the prime minister to get a vote of No confidence. This is a coalition governemtn which is in power solely becoz of the support of PML-N. If they withdraw their support, PPP is not likely to have enough seats even with theri ANP & MQM allies. Stop talking/dreaming about revolutions and army take overs. I do beelive howeever that we shoudl adopt the french system of electoral politics where each candidate is supposed to get over 50% of the vote otherwise there is second round with a run off election among the candidates who polled the top two candidates in each consituency.

Unity among masses remained till removal of Ayub Khans rule and the war of 1965 was a symbol of our collective strength. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto (Foreign Minister in Ayub Khans Cabinet) turned tables on Ayub Khan and rose boggy of hidden agenda in Shimla Accord after leaving Ayub Khans Cabinet and on forming his own Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP). After lapse of EBDO Bhutto and Mujeeb-ur-Rehman, both swept general elections of 1970 in their respective regions.

After dismemberment of ONE Unit in 1970 and on ousting Ayub Khan by then Army Chief, General Yahya Khan. The 1965 war, the East Pakistan disaster, the wild years of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto during which the constitution was constantly violated, and the nightmare years of Ziaul Haq from which this country has never recovered ensured that law and order would not figure on the lists of priorities, nor would the judiciary be given a chance to recover and reform. Till his death Bhutto never disclosed mystery of hidden agenda in Shimla Agreement taken place in Moscow (USSR) after ceasefire of 1965 Indo-Pak war. Thereafter, Bhuttos legacy started and destroyed social, moral, merit and economical fiber of civil and military infra structure in dismembered Pakistan whereas internationally Wisdom is neither inheritance nor a legacy. With an exception of 1970 general election did an average citizen ever believed that all "Referendums" and "Election" results were genuine, and "The Election Commission of Pakistan" was ever independent? Present crises and NRO is fruit of our collective greed, hunger and lust for power.


Muhammad Tauseef A. Bajwa

Senator (1k+ posts)
After dismemberment of ONE Unit in 1970 and on ousting Ayub Khan by then Army Chief, General Yahya Khan. The 1965 war, the East Pakistan disaster, the wild years of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto during which the constitution was constantly violated, and the nightmare years of Ziaul Haq from which this country has never recovered ensured that law and order would not figure on the lists of priorities, nor would the judiciary be given a chance to recover and reform.

Muhammad Tauseef A. Bajwa

Senator (1k+ posts)
Thank you all

Dear All
Read your views & comments. Thanks for providing valuable informations. No human is 100% correct & authentic. My view point is impartial and I write as per my limited knowledge. I am not a Journalist, Scholar, Educationist, Politically motivated, Radical, Sectarian; Authoritative OR inspired by any individual except our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and believes in Supremacy of ALLAH (SWT) alone. I just contributed what I learned during my life span of almost 58 years and serving at noticeable positions abroad at Senior Management Positions for almost Two (2) decades having close interactions with Jews, Muslims, Christens, Hindus & Buddhists with out a Hard Core approach. Im no body to dictate or able to guide some one. Forgive me, if I accidentally offended some one by writing an article to the best of my knowledge & belief during my un-employment in spare time. Capabilities & Experience is secondary. Last but not least, only remember that, Great thing a little Lamp can do which the big Sun fails, is that it gives Light at night. So, no one is Superior by size but by purpose! Never judge any one shortly because Every Saint has a past & every Sinner has a future.
