Muhammad Tauseef A. Bajwa
Senator (1k+ posts)
We are all victims of un democratic deep rooted system & sick institutions who had their personal vested interests and had no "Aims & ambitions" to change this corrupt system in their ever increasing lust for power, greed & individual benefits. We can only proclaim but had no immediate plans of delivering. Beaurocracy, Politicians, members of civil society, Army & Beauracatic establishments, media, judiciary etc. all had same Big Stature but had no intension's whatsoever to help common Men / Citizens. All MEN in the hall of Fame had no moral or characteristic strength to convince their "Masters" with an impetus when facing these monsters. Nothing can be accomplished without an 'Eyeball to Eyeball" contact. No sane individual is under the shadow and knows fully well WHO our real Masters are and what evil designs they had for our Motherland.
Owners of TV Channels are always looking for projection, vested interests and are eager to be among them WHO are otherwise known as "Power brokers". Men of Intellect in print & electronic media had to tow their policy and endeavors for their own sustainable positions. Nothing is totally wrong or bad but, social & moral ethics had their own limits and are not 'flexible'. We Pakistanis are running short of TIME? Most popular & well known personnel are among 5th columnists and are detrimental in creating Hype to distress common men to the extent that they stood up against their own government machinery to destroy State Organs to destabilize Pakistan.
Above all, educated & well groomed individuals had a right to choose their representatives in Islam & society, in principle. Western "Democracy" is either "Democrats OR Republicans". Equality for Horses & Donkeys! What will happen of societies where criminals & saints are equal while choosing Members of Parliament and by the way, WHO you feel are in excess? They had a single option to scream and kept on claiming that Parliament is Sovereign and Supreme but did our politicians and political parties ever thought that credibility of parliamentarians is most controversial, in itself. Its pertinent to state that those elected to this August Parliament are not the true representatives of people whom they claim to represent as majority (above 50%) is either below age, resides overseas or refrains from casting their vote on various grounds and candidates who stood for public representation are all known as corrupt, inefficient, radicals, illiterate and mafia infested in their respective consistencies. They got elected to parliament on tickets of mainstream political parties and can use wealth and fire power during elections. Members of the parliament & Senate had proven TIME and time again they are not capable to make laws for smooth governance as their majority is un-educated to Read & Write mandatory language in Parliament i.e. English. Above 85% of them lacks any knowledgeable information about Budget and other matters / subjects which come under discussion in Parliamentary sessions. Senior citizens with vision & courage had no saying in Pakistan.
Feudalism is always dependant for its powerful emergence in Parliament by perpetuating
Poverty, ignorance and denial of basic civil, educational & health facilities to common men
in their constituencies for claiming representatives of these down trodden masses, who
are otherwise in their clutches for fulfillment of their basis social and human needs or better say, survival alone!
As regards mother of all crises the shortfall of Electricity in Pakistan it is intestinally made an alarming crises for mollified reasonings other wise Thar Coal Reserves in Sind can meet our electricity requirements for 40 years without any single Second of load Shedding. and if the whole reserves are utilized, then it could easily be imagined how much energy could be generated.
Our Politicians and policy makers had put a halt to this project especially when all funding to it was to be borne by China, alone. These reserves estimated at 850 trillion cubic feet (TCF) of gas, about 30 times higher than Pakistans proven gas reserves of 28 TCF. Dr Murtaza Mughal president of Pakistan Economy Watch in a statement said that these reserves of coal worth USD 25 trillion can not only cater the electricity requirements of the country for next 100 years but also save almost four billion dollars in staggering oil import bill. without any single Second of load Shedding. and if the whole reserves are utilized, then it could easily be imagined how much energy could be generated.
The coal power generation would cost Pakistan PKR 5.67 per unit while power generated by Independent Power Projects cost PKR 9.27. It Requires Just Initial 420 Billion Rupees Initial Investment, whereas Pakistan receives annually 1220 Billion from Tax Only. Chinese and other companies had not only carried out surveys and feasibilities of this project but also offered 100 percent investment in last 7 to 8 years but the Petroleum Gang always discouraged them in a very systematic way. But Petroleum lobby is very strong in Pakistan and they are against any other means of power generation except for the imported oil. This lobby is major beneficiary of the increasing oil bill that is estimated above 15 billion dollar this year. Even Government was then planning to Sell all these reserve to a company on a very low price. When Pervez Musharraf was president he gave green signal to embark upon the initiation of work on exploiting energy potential of these coal reserves of Thar under a modern strategy. Atomic scientist Dr. Samar Mubarak Mund equally endorses it. He can be approached on above study and its potentials.
PPPs farce performance can be judged by this single point when incumbent government and its Minister for Water & Power advocates strongly for buying Rental Power Plants and all cronies are towing the same line.
Apparent and immediate end to all engrossed problems lie in wrapping up the so called Democratic parliamentary set-up in Pakistan and an imposition of EBDO (Electoral Body Disqualification Ordinance) will further be a real blessing for the citizens of Pakistan as it can bar all political parties from functioning for an at least ten or fifteen consecutive years to ensure much needed industrial growth and economic stability with removal of Mafia infested pressure on civil and basic rights of an individual in our much acclaimed Islamic society!
Owners of TV Channels are always looking for projection, vested interests and are eager to be among them WHO are otherwise known as "Power brokers". Men of Intellect in print & electronic media had to tow their policy and endeavors for their own sustainable positions. Nothing is totally wrong or bad but, social & moral ethics had their own limits and are not 'flexible'. We Pakistanis are running short of TIME? Most popular & well known personnel are among 5th columnists and are detrimental in creating Hype to distress common men to the extent that they stood up against their own government machinery to destroy State Organs to destabilize Pakistan.
Above all, educated & well groomed individuals had a right to choose their representatives in Islam & society, in principle. Western "Democracy" is either "Democrats OR Republicans". Equality for Horses & Donkeys! What will happen of societies where criminals & saints are equal while choosing Members of Parliament and by the way, WHO you feel are in excess? They had a single option to scream and kept on claiming that Parliament is Sovereign and Supreme but did our politicians and political parties ever thought that credibility of parliamentarians is most controversial, in itself. Its pertinent to state that those elected to this August Parliament are not the true representatives of people whom they claim to represent as majority (above 50%) is either below age, resides overseas or refrains from casting their vote on various grounds and candidates who stood for public representation are all known as corrupt, inefficient, radicals, illiterate and mafia infested in their respective consistencies. They got elected to parliament on tickets of mainstream political parties and can use wealth and fire power during elections. Members of the parliament & Senate had proven TIME and time again they are not capable to make laws for smooth governance as their majority is un-educated to Read & Write mandatory language in Parliament i.e. English. Above 85% of them lacks any knowledgeable information about Budget and other matters / subjects which come under discussion in Parliamentary sessions. Senior citizens with vision & courage had no saying in Pakistan.
Feudalism is always dependant for its powerful emergence in Parliament by perpetuating
Poverty, ignorance and denial of basic civil, educational & health facilities to common men
in their constituencies for claiming representatives of these down trodden masses, who
are otherwise in their clutches for fulfillment of their basis social and human needs or better say, survival alone!
As regards mother of all crises the shortfall of Electricity in Pakistan it is intestinally made an alarming crises for mollified reasonings other wise Thar Coal Reserves in Sind can meet our electricity requirements for 40 years without any single Second of load Shedding. and if the whole reserves are utilized, then it could easily be imagined how much energy could be generated.
Our Politicians and policy makers had put a halt to this project especially when all funding to it was to be borne by China, alone. These reserves estimated at 850 trillion cubic feet (TCF) of gas, about 30 times higher than Pakistans proven gas reserves of 28 TCF. Dr Murtaza Mughal president of Pakistan Economy Watch in a statement said that these reserves of coal worth USD 25 trillion can not only cater the electricity requirements of the country for next 100 years but also save almost four billion dollars in staggering oil import bill. without any single Second of load Shedding. and if the whole reserves are utilized, then it could easily be imagined how much energy could be generated.
The coal power generation would cost Pakistan PKR 5.67 per unit while power generated by Independent Power Projects cost PKR 9.27. It Requires Just Initial 420 Billion Rupees Initial Investment, whereas Pakistan receives annually 1220 Billion from Tax Only. Chinese and other companies had not only carried out surveys and feasibilities of this project but also offered 100 percent investment in last 7 to 8 years but the Petroleum Gang always discouraged them in a very systematic way. But Petroleum lobby is very strong in Pakistan and they are against any other means of power generation except for the imported oil. This lobby is major beneficiary of the increasing oil bill that is estimated above 15 billion dollar this year. Even Government was then planning to Sell all these reserve to a company on a very low price. When Pervez Musharraf was president he gave green signal to embark upon the initiation of work on exploiting energy potential of these coal reserves of Thar under a modern strategy. Atomic scientist Dr. Samar Mubarak Mund equally endorses it. He can be approached on above study and its potentials.
PPPs farce performance can be judged by this single point when incumbent government and its Minister for Water & Power advocates strongly for buying Rental Power Plants and all cronies are towing the same line.
Apparent and immediate end to all engrossed problems lie in wrapping up the so called Democratic parliamentary set-up in Pakistan and an imposition of EBDO (Electoral Body Disqualification Ordinance) will further be a real blessing for the citizens of Pakistan as it can bar all political parties from functioning for an at least ten or fifteen consecutive years to ensure much needed industrial growth and economic stability with removal of Mafia infested pressure on civil and basic rights of an individual in our much acclaimed Islamic society!