I think Shah Mahmood Quoreshi should expel from PTI he is not good for PTI as he is Status Quo and Traditional Politician of Multan who are shelf made Mureed and cheating people. He damaged PTI's govt by creating enmity for JKT and Aleem Khan due to that PTI suffered a lot.
I think Imran khan should think his successor also like Qasim Suri , Ali Mahmood Khan and give them party position as Nayib Chairman PTI and should prepare a permanent thinking in case of any emergency party should remain Existence.
if after Imran khan SHQ joins as Chairman who will accept this Namnihad Jagirdar Mureed as Chairman consequently party will end.
I think Imran khan should think his successor also like Qasim Suri , Ali Mahmood Khan and give them party position as Nayib Chairman PTI and should prepare a permanent thinking in case of any emergency party should remain Existence.
if after Imran khan SHQ joins as Chairman who will accept this Namnihad Jagirdar Mureed as Chairman consequently party will end.